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times were different...

Jun 3, 2013
How effective was this? Do you think it still works? Also, are there dangers as to the faculty/administration seeing it and getting wise?

It was effective enough for me to make a living at it. After several years, I knew where every bulletin board was at the University of Tulsa (including the dormitories), Tulsa Junior College, and Oral Roberts University. My fliers advertised typing, editing and resume services, but word got around that I could write as well so this part was word-of-mouth. I put my name and phone number at the bottom of the fliers vertically across the bottom of the page and cut them into slips so students could just take one of the slips (I tore off a few to make it look like other students had taken some already).

Interestingly, Oral Roberts University has pictures of all 12 apostles hung in their cafeteria, but Judas is the only one with facial hair (beards and mustaches are not allowed at ORU).
99essays@gmail. com  EssayChatJun 3, 2013
putting up a flyer on campus.

How effective was this? Do you think it still works? Also, are there dangers as to the faculty/administration seeing it and getting wise?

i did this a lot before the internet...

Jun 2, 2013
putting up a flyer on campus.


ecclesiastes 3 kjv

Jun 1, 2013
Is this the bad season for academic writing?


bad season!!!"!""

Jun 1, 2013
Is this the bad season for academic writing? The discussions and posts regarding 'need essay services' in our forum also completely gone down. How long this pior season will be there?
99essays@gmail. com  

of course

May 31, 2013
It's still not clear if you are working for a student, a company, or what. If you're talking about companies, this is called corporate writing. There are many writers who make their entire living on this kind of work. Clients of such writers could include not only public and private companies but also governments and nonprofits. Work could include various reports and proposals, marketing materials, press releases, newsletter articles, etc. It can be quite lucrative, but you have to put more energy into marketing yourself. It's not a matter of just signing up with a company online or putting up a flyer on campus.

country risk reports

May 31, 2013
Thanks for your replies ProfessorVerb and 99essays.

Recently one client has approached me to develop a Country Risk Report. I have developed it with the help of the sample provided by him. I just charged him $15 per page as it is an initial project. With your replies, it is clear that I charged bare minimum price.

I am trying to find more clients, who look out for similar reports, but I am really confused whether there are companies or people who look out for similar kinds of reports. So I just thought of asking - Is it really worth to spend time and expand the business in this particular field?

99essays@gmail. com  

for whom?

May 30, 2013
Typically, rates range from 3.5 cents to 10 cents per word.

This is the typical rate for academic work. But I can't tell what the original poster is really getting at. Writers who do governmental or corporate reports -- as in, for governments and corporations -- charge much higher than the rates of academic writers. The work has to be done to a professional standard, not a student standard, and it takes far longer. I'd charge more like $1 per word. If it was student work, I'd charge the normal rates as quoted by ProfessorVerb.

it depends...

May 30, 2013
What are the industry's standard rates for developing Country Risk Report (purely based on secondary research) of 10,000 words?

Typically, rates range from 3.5 cents to 10 cents per word.

need a suggestion

May 29, 2013
How easy for an academic writer, who writes essays, dissertations and term papers, to get into generation of Country Risk Reports or Industry Reports etc?

What are the industry's standard rates for developing Country Risk Report (purely based on secondary research) of 10,000 words?

Please suggest if anybody has the information.


dear google ...

May 29, 2013
Dear Google, could you sit next to me during my exams? Sincerely, every student.

just want to avoid any confusion...

May 29, 2013
I am not associated with either of the previous posters. I do not have a gmail account and the only two emails I use are both "at AOL dot com": One is "FreelanceWriter" and the other is "BestWriterNYC." Thank you.

Ivory Towers  

critical proof spam

May 27, 2013
Just saw this when I clicked on the latest link on Essay Chat.
This is so typical of the sort of self serving publicity that Critical Proof (Karen) pulls all the time. Go to to see how ruthless certain posters react to this sort of stunt. Enquiries pretending to be from unconnected potential clients are seen for what they are. I think everyone is allowed one mistake but dear old Karen who doesn't have much of a track record herself in the world of academia is just addicted to this type of self serving publicity. She was banned for a while on so make up your own mind. She is the desperate one!!

con artist

May 27, 2013

Hello Chrissy
The guy you are looking for is a CON artists/scammer
see this January thread

seriously, walking?

May 26, 2013
I however seek to walk and talk for the innocent lot of troubled students.

I didn't know we were charging walking now. But, maybe, just maybe you struck a vein of gold. Good luck with that

oh boy

May 26, 2013
Typically, there are five stages or phases in the industry lifecycle. Gort and Klepper (1982) originally identified these five stages. These five stages include early stage, innovation phase, shakeout or cost phase, maturity phase and finally decline phase.

with every line I read.............


May 26, 2013
this is what happens when you don't pay writers at al:l

You should post it on your blog or web site, and reindex the site, so that it can be accepted by Google. And yeah, there is a lot of crappy scammers out there.
were being sourced in places where countless number lives were lost due to blood money generated from the illegal mining and smuggling activities in those areas

by the way, not that i'm not sympathetic to your plight, but you might wanna spruce up your structure. this is horrible :)

are you sure...

May 26, 2013 have just delivered the paper that I had given them. The quality is amazing

Are you sure you aren't At least can you prove it? You'd praised before and knowing that they're the best, why did you go to the other companies knowing that they might not be amazing? Could you tell others why you think they're amazing?
NEWTON  JAMES  EssayChatMay 26, 2013
With several assignments to complete in a short period of time, I decided to engage various essay writing companies at the same time. have just delivered the paper that I had given them. The quality is amazing. I did not expect to get such a quality paper for an undergraduate course. I am waiting for other 3 companies to deliver theirs.


May 26, 2013
Anybody who has ever dealt with a customer with such a username and email ( advise
99Essays@gmail. com  EssayChatMay 26, 2013
When you grow up, get a job, have some kids and pay taxes, you may see things differently

99Essays@gmail. com  EssayChatMay 26, 2013
You are a sheep and think like a sheep.

You are naive and don't understand anything about business.

insults are free, help is not ...

May 25, 2013
You are a sheep and think like a sheep.

Better send money directly or go to OK to help personally.

In reality, I never thought I would get in a urination contest over asking people to help my fellow Oklahomans in time of need.

Your sophomoric suggestions indicate you have never experienced any real hardships in your life and have had everything handed to you by your parents. When you grow up, get a job, have some kids and pay taxes, you may see things differently, but based on your tone and attitude, I doubt it.
ron  EssayChatMay 25, 2013
But in the end, I'd rather they do well financially and get the job done at some level of competency, as opposed to running the cheapest possible operation.

You are a sheep and think like a sheep.
99Essays@gmail. com  

red cross

May 25, 2013
It is a myth that you should choose the charity with the lowest administrative expenses. Getting resources from donors to areas from need involves labor. Labor is not free, and when it is performed by highly skilled individuals, it is not cheap. Non-profit administration requires a particular skill set, and it has to be paid for.

You could drive or fly to Oklahoma and start tossing cash randomly into the air or throwing cans of soup into people's yards. You'd be performing "charity" at very low cost. (It still would not be free, because you'd have to pay for transportation to get there, and take a few days off work.) Personally, if I'm going to give my money to charity, I'd rather give it to people who know what they're doing and get paid appropriately, rather than hand it to some dude plans to sling soup cans.

Are the administrators of the Red Cross overpaid? Yes, probably. But in the end, I'd rather they do well financially and get the job done at some level of competency, as opposed to running the cheapest possible operation. I don't write the cheapest essays, and I don't expect other people to work for rock bottom prices, either.

i hope you never need their help...

May 25, 2013
By sending money to organizations like Red Cross, you are only feeding the parasites and the bloated system. You are NOT helping the victims.

I disagree. According to ross-chapter-sending-emergency-vehicle-to-oklahoma/: A total of 30 emergency vehicles from several Red Cross chapters are expected to make their way to the [Moore, OK] tornado zone.

I agree they could do better (couldn't we all?)
but Charity Navigator ( rates the Red Cross overall 59.64 out of 70 and gives them 3 stars (out of four); for Financial they give them 55.35 (out of 70) and 3 stars (out of four); for Accountability & Transparency the Red Cross gets 70.00 (out of 70) and 4 stars (out of four stars).

There are thousands of people without homes and hundreds injured, not to mention the dozens killed in this disaster. Please help in any way you see fit. Thank you.

learn the reality

May 25, 2013
but I sent the Red Cross ten bucks -- and so can you.

It is not my duty to EDUCATE you about the world YOU live in. Learn the reality first and then take action. Start here: lly-go-to-charity 9

Give yourself a CHANCE and drop Facebook crap for 10 minutes. Maybe some day you'll be able to educate others. By sending money to organizations like Red Cross, you are only feeding the parasites and the bloated system. You are NOT helping the victims.

charity begins at home ...

May 25, 2013
Better send money directly or go to OK to help personally.

How can you send money "directly"? I live in Oklahoma and I can't help these people (the area is cordoned off), but I sent the Red Cross ten bucks -- and so can you.
ron  EssayChatMay 24, 2013
Oklahoma Red Cross

Nice, but 70-80% of the donated money will be eaten by the parasites from Red Cross or other "non-profit" organization. Better send money directly or go to OK to help personally.

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