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account creation

Jan 3, 2023
Anyone who can open a good writting account inbox me we do good businesses


re: ap classes or not?

Dec 31, 2022
AP classes are over rated. It is nothing but a source of bragging rights for the parents of the student.These careless birthers do noteven stop to consider the negative effects this added pressure puts on the already fragile mental and emotional state of their child. Our young lives should not be solely dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence for the benefit of our parents. I had a friend whose parents were highly disappointed that she did not qualify for AP classes when they thought it mattered. They almost ruined my friend's life and her future. They refused to fund her college studies because of it and her failure to get into the school they chose for her. Well my friend showed them.

Without the AP classes she got into the university of her choice, wasa consistent Deans Lister, graduated with job offers, and in now working under her own terms. She proved that there AP classes are not necessary when it comes to real college education and pursuing what she wants in life.

re: to take or not to take the sat and act tests

Dec 31, 2022
These assessment tests are only usable in instances when the student actually wants to proceed to a complicated college course in the STEM field. If he wants to attend medical school then go ahead and take the equivalent qualifying exam. I think it is called the MSAT right? If you want to take brain taxing college courses, then knock yourself out. Take the test. Either of them will do. Use it to figure out if you have what it takes to complete the course. Low scores? Rethink your choice of profession.

You also have to remember that more and more colleges and universities already consider there tests optional. If you know you cannot score well in either test, look to attend universities that do not ask for these results anymore. They know the scores do not necessarily reflect how well the student might do when studying the course anyway.

It is best for students to consider both options when deciding to take the test or not. It is a personal choice that nobody should mess with.

re: ai writing software: the solution to academic and independent writer hiring problems?

Dec 31, 2022
I have a confession to make. I am one of those students who requires academic writing help. Not because I am lazy or I am disinterested in the writing exercise. I hice writing help because I do not know how to write a good paper. I relied on my academic writing hired hand to make me look like I could actually put pen to paper and say something intelligent. So I am used to low grades for written assignments. I am also a pro at asking for revisions as my teacher requires.

Then a well meaning friend of mine heard of my problems with writing services and independent writers. He is the person whom I credit with my written homework grades while saving me a pretty penny in the process. He helped me sign up for an AI writing service. Using his instructions to direct the AI to write an essay for me, I started coming up with usable but redundant essays. I learned to improve the AI essays till it sounded like me. I used the system for a semester and had better grades than when I was paying somone to write for me.

Based on my experience I can definitely say that AI writing systems are truely the wave of the future. I would not be surprised if it took over from writing companies and freelance academic writers in few more years. It is an inevitable end result of tech improving the educational system wherever it can.

re: essays are an inefficient teaching tool?

Dec 30, 2022
Remember how the educational experts used to say that students learn differently? That they have either left or right hemisphere brain functions? Lefties are artistic and creative. They excel in the written and fine arts. While the righties are STEM oriented. These assumptions would then explain why essays do not really qualify as a good teaching tool. I for one support the belief that essays do not prove actual learning since the written homework can be outsourced by the student, regardless of active brain hemisphere. So why do teachers assign essay work then?

Teachers want to emphasize book or text based learning whenever possible. It is supposed to stimulate brain thinking and analytical skills. The problem is that students these days hate to read textbooks even if it is of the e-book kind. They will always opt to pay someone to do the serious work for them.

Thinking of essays along this line shows how ineffective it is as a teaching tool. It does not serve the purpose it was meant for. So why bother to push it as a teaching instrument then?

re: college admission invitation

Dec 30, 2022
I have been refused by my personal choice universities without being given any reason for it. Just that I can reapply next semester if my situation changes. I come from a family of only high school graduates. I want to be the first in my family to graduate from college. I want to change my future. Coming across the college invitation system revived my hopes when it seemed I had lost my chance.

I signed up with the system in the hopes of getting invited to attend a university in their network. Tuition would not be a problem for my first year since I saved up for it (that is another story). I just need to be enrolled so that I can pursue my dreams and ambitions. It is with great luck that I have received invitations from colleges and universities in the system. I am now selecting the school I will commit to. I am thanking them for this opportunity. I will become a college graduate with their help.

re: labor based grading

Dec 30, 2022
I do not agree with Labor Based Grading because it rewards laziness in class. Listen, no one classis more important than the other. All of these classes work hand in hand to create the consumate professional. Writing is a standard practice in any occupation. Even a car mechanic needs to know how to write a client service report. He only learns how to do that in his English classes.

Do not ever underestimate the importance of any minor classes. They have a professional use that students just do not realize yet. I think that the teachers and professors are just getting too lazy to do their jobs. This is their way of creating an academic loophole to make their jobs easier. Not to mention, it also makes them likeable to students who would otherwise dislike them because they are forced to take a class they do not like.

Labor Based Grading also sends the wrong message to the students. It tells them they can and should be rewarded for laziness. Such a practice does not prepare them for real world work.

labor based grading

Dec 28, 2022
I just read a post here about the emerging Labor Based Grading system and felt like it should have its own dedicated discussion thread. so here I am throwing my thoughts into the ring.

The system actually has great benefits for college students who are forced to take non-major related classes. students at that level of learning should not be wasting their time allending there minor classes. These days it is important to focus on your major subjects if you want to create the next big app, get noticed at job interviews or, if you want to work for Elon Musk.

The bottom like is this, LBG is applicable to non major related classes. Students are not interested in attending nor completing work in these courses.That is why they hire people to do the work and take remote exams for them. These are the classes that promote academic dishonesty as professors try to push the subject as important when it is irrelevant to the major of the learner. So why not make it easier to pass the course? Allow the students to do the least work, apply the most minimal effort to pass the course so that academic honesty can be upheld.

re: ai writing software vs. teachers

Dec 27, 2022
Teachers are not at a disadvantage at this point. In fact, it could be a useful teaching tool for ESL and Creative Writing instructors. Imagine if you will, a software that can create a model paper based on the thought process and writing style of the student. The paper produced will have imperfections that will need improvements. This is where the simplification of the teacher's job comes in. The student will have an idea of what his mistakes are and the teacher can easily explain why it happened and how or why the grammar mistake happened. Teaching becomes easier for us.

What we need is for the school board and relevant agents to back-off and allow the program to growin usage based on teacher supervision. Any tool that encourages the student to read and write cannot be bad. The writing AI is not the enemy here. Those enemies are still the writing mills and freelance academic writers. They do not help the students and help students to circumvent the learning process as teachers lecture/teach it.

re: essays are an inefficient teaching tool?

Dec 24, 2022
There may be some truth to this speculation but not only because of AI academic helpers. There is also a growing movement to grade students based upon Labor Based Grading. From what I can gather regarding this method, it seems to boil down toa contract between the professor and the student. Currently used by some Writing course professors, the idea is to take the pressure off from writing the perfect essay.

Passing the course becomes duty based which considers attendance, group work participation, being on time for classes, and actually turning in written homework. The last qualification will disregard errors in writing or other scoring requirements that normally send students to writing companies or independent writers. As long as the student completes the essay by making a student honestly write one, the lowest grade he will get in the class is a B. This makes the class stress free in most cases.

It also saves the student money since the paper need not be perfect or well written, just written by the student without paid help of any sort. While this grading system is still in its infancy, I do not doubt that it has the potential to quickly catch on among educators.

essays are an inefficient teaching tool?

Dec 22, 2022
It turns out that Elon Musk founded ChatGPT which is being touted as the academic writing tool of the future. It is capable of writing "model" essays for students to pattern their original writing on or, improve upon with their own writing via more relevant quotes or other information that would improve the content of the AI written text. Why did Elon decide to back this project? It appears that he is not impressed with how teachers rely on essay writing as a learning tool. He is convinced that it is not an accurate measurement of learning and should be done away with in favor of other learning methods.

I can understand why Elon would do this. He did say that it was a useless exercise since the students paid other other people to complete the paper for them. Thus defeating the purpose of the essay assignment. He is hellbent on proving that essay writing is not a sufficient measurement tool since an AI can write an academically acceptable essay and the teacher would accept it. He seems to be getting much closer to proving this argument than we think.

So what do you guys think? Would ChatGPT and its counterpart AI programs put academic writing companies and academic freelance writers out of business? That really seems to be a distinct possibility at the moment.
Blue Ivy  

re: ap classes or not?

Dec 19, 2022
AP classes are going the way of colleges, useless and a waste of time. There is too much emphasis on academic preparedness these days that boggles my mind. Why take these extra colleges that are supposed to prepare me for college, by allowing me to take creditable courses, only to find out in the end that the college or university I applied to will not accept these courses because they teach it differently? Talk about a redundant waste of time.

High school is enough of a pressure cooker without having to deal with higher level classes that may or may not actually help me in college as promised (when I eventually attend). Since there are also more practical options to a profession related education these days, you do not have to take these classes if you are not inclined to attend college. Do not do it just to please your parents. If it will not make you happy to attend these classes, then your parents will not be happy with your AP class(es) performance either.

Do what feels natural to you. If you feel AP is a path you want to take, then go for it. if not, then you do not lose anything. Always look out for and take care of yourself first.

re: ap classes or not?

Dec 17, 2022
AP classes are only for students who do not have problems with time management. They must also have a higher level of intellect that the regular high school student since he will be taking college credit courses, which means he needs to be studious as well. The main point here is that an AP student needs time management skills.

It is not impossible to enjoy high school even as one attends AP classes. These classes should not take up your whole life. Rather, these should prepare you for adult life as a college student. It is something to be enjoyed by a student who would think of these courses as a prerequisite for his actual college courses. Imagine how much easier your life will be in college when you have college credits to help you get ahead once you reach tertiary education. Most students who consider taking these classes often consider the study load in college as one of the main criterias for deciding to enroll. The more college credits they can have beforehand, the easier it will be for them to adjust to college life since he will have some extra time between classes, not having to take required courses anymore he already made the grade the year before. Isn't that worth considering?

re: ap classes or not?

Dec 15, 2022
I am on the fence about AP Classes. I do qualify for these classes and I know it is useful for college applications but, do I really need the added pressure ? My school days are full enough with schoolwork, projects, various academic activities and other co- curricular work that I barely have time to sleep at night. My weekends are dedicated to community work. All in an effort to get the best academic resume possible. It has gotten to the point where I need sleep aids to turn off my brain at night. Do I really need all the added pressure AP classes would put upon me? I do not think so.

My parents and I actually had a meeting about my taking AP when I was informed I qualified for it. I knew they were excited and happy for me but they never pressured me into the decision they wished I would make. They left it up to me. They did not want me to sacrifice my mental and physical health for any reason. Maybe you should consider these while considering attending AP classes?

re: ap classes or not?

Dec 13, 2022
I was more excited for my daughter to be taking AP classes when she qualified than she was. I have always believed that she must take every opportunity to shine if she wants to attend an Ivy league university. I told her not to worry about the tuition, I would help with that. She has taken every AP class that she can and she has increased her admission chances immensely.

Sure she can take it easy academically, but what purpose would that serve? I agree it is not an assurance of admission but an ambitious student, of which my daughter qualifies would never leave a stone unturned if it meant shoring up points to achieve her dream and ambition.

It does not hurt to beef up any student's qualifications when applying to college. AP students are already considered exemplary in some way. So why not use that benefit? Students have nothing to lose with taking AP classes. Most specially where scholarships are concerned.

re: ap classes or not?

Dec 11, 2022
Considering how students are even forgoing attending college these days, I do not see the need for any high school senior to attend AP classes. What exactly is its use? Does it guarantee instant admission into your first choice university? No. Your second choice? Nope. Your third? No way. So why bother?

Colleges and universities seem to give more weight to the community service and civic minded students. Those are the creds that look way better in the application form of the student. I could have attended AP classes this year but I thought I would not want to spend more time studying than I have to. I will let my grades speak for myself as an applicant. it doesn't matter if you have college level courses completed anyway. It will still be up to the university to accept those classes, or not. So, I will enjoy my senior year and make memories with my friends. I do not want to look back on my senior year and just remember how much time I spend trying to up my college cred, while my friends were actually enjoying senior year.

ap classes or not?

Dec 9, 2022
I have been thinking of taking AP classes to help me prepare for college. I plan to take classes relevant to my intended college major because I read somewhere that college admissions committees consider the AP courses as a part of the student's pre-college credentials. It gets the applicant extra consideration points. My parents are very supportive of this decision of mine because they believe it will also help me get scholarships, which we badly need if I am to attend college full-time.

My friends have a different opinion though. They believe I should enjoy the rest of my high school days without added stress like AP classes. They believe that I will stop enjoying my college life because I will be sacrificing all my time due to the demands of the AP studies. While they do make some good points, I feel like it does not really help me prepare for my future.

So I guess my questions are:
How important are AP classes to my college education?
Is it important that I take these classes?
Is it worth sacrificing the rest of my high school days?
Will it be worth it in the end?

to take or not to take the sat and sat tests

Dec 8, 2022
I have been looking into colleges and universities to apply to after I graduate next year. Most of these colleges and universities do not seem so keen on requiring SAT and ACT results as part of the admissions process anymore. These tests are now listed as optional when it comes to document submission / consideration. I take it to mean that "optional" means it could also help as an admission consideration depending upon how I feel about my score. What to do then? Do I take either test in the hopes that I will score well enough for it to prove my qualification for my chosen major? Or would my score in the test be a stumbling block instead? I feel like the test score submission could prove to be both an advantage and disadvantage for me. My GPA is median at best, which means the assessment scores would help me get into a university if I score well enough. However, a low score would mean a problem when it is considered with my other qualifications. How should I approach this then? Would it be safer for me to totally skip the test instead? At this point, I am not confident about either decision when it comes to my college application. I would appreciate a point in the right direction. Thanks guys.

re: ai academic writing will be the wave of the future

Dec 6, 2022
It not the wave of the future, the future is actually now. The way that AI has been successfully trained to write automatically based on specific keywords or information is amazing. The programs have gotten so intelligent that it can actually write a complete research paper based solely on information provided by the writer. Not only that, but the writing software has been been improved to proofread, edit, and revise content for the writer if it detects that presentation improvements can be made. It has taken the guesswork out of academic writing and also, lessened the student reliance on sketchy academic writer hiring.

That said, I will admit that I know my students are using the software and I continue to encourage them to do so albeit for a highly different reason. I ask them to use the AI produced paper as their inspiration to write their own version of the paper. That way they have an effective model paper to use as a reference for their actual work. It has been effective so far. There are marked improvements in the papers that my students have been submitting these days.

re: college admission invitation

Dec 5, 2022
From what I heard, the universities that send out these invitations are mostly the kind that have a small student enrollment count. They are the kind of schools that are slowly running out of money as a paid business, since that is what an educational institution is. It is first and foremost a business that needs to show its stockholders a positive income every year. Since most students may not have heard of these universities, sending direct admission, with no qualifiers helps the school meet its financial goal for the semester or the academic year.

They are mostly small campuses that are only slightly larger than a community college so there is a tight bond between their students. They also manage to better teach the classes since the student count is manageable per class. I would not discount the quality of education that they offer. Afterall, it is still the student who will need to study the lessons and learn from the text. Those who are natural achievers will excel in this academic space, even if it is not a high priced tuition school.

ai writing software vs. teachers

Dec 3, 2022
It did not take long for teachers to take notice of the AI written essays being submitted by their students this semester. They have noticed that most of the students are no longer hiring academic writers, which is a direct violation of the academic honor code, in favor of the AI writing software, which is still in a gray area of academic integrity. Now the teachers want the school board to determine the validity of an AI written essay. Does it pass as an original paper written by the student because he used a software to guide his writing? Or do they fail because most of the essay was written by a highly capable software instead? At this point, the teachers admit that cannot even tell the difference between an originally written student paper (not to be confused with a paid writer essay) and an AI developed, student edited essay. The one thing they admit is that the AI written software is far better presented and researched than the paid academic writer counterpart, which they can more easily detect through their own software or simple powers of observation and deduction. They are mostly torn about whether to give a passing or failing grade for the essay or research paper of the student. How do you think teachers should proceed at this point?

re: college admission invitation

Nov 29, 2022
I am not sure that I would be able to trust the quality of education in an educational institution that invited me to enroll at the university without taking my grades into consideration. They should at least ask me to write an essay for them explaining certain things. These universities cannot have much quality to their education since they will accept anybody willing to pay the tuition fee. That being their only qualification for admission. Which to me, means the school does not qualify at a serious place of learning. They are just about the student count and the money in the bank. These are probably slightly better than the party universities or, are party universities themselves where anyone will pass and get a certification for his course, as long as he pays the semestral fees. Maybe think twice before considering applying to these schools, colleges, and universities? I mean, it isn't just about receiving a diploma, it is about gaining theoretical knowledge that can actually help us once we enter the workforce. I am not confident that these schools can actually help me accomplish that aim.

re: ai academic writing will be the wave of the future

Nov 28, 2022
Students need to be encouraged to read and understand their lessons. This is a difficult thing to accomplish for any teacher, regardless of teaching level. These kids also hate to do homework. These are all the reasons they need to not touch on any writing assignment that we give them. If it requires serious study, then they will check out. Allowing them to play with their lessons, that is a different case. If we can make learning fun for them, then we will have won half the teaching battle.

By encouraging the student to use the writing apps, we allow them to have fun with the homework or class writing project. I have yet to see a student these days who can say NO to using an app. Writing apps make the work fun for them, without endangering their academic integrity. They do not pay anyone to write the paper for them, so they actually learn something by using the writing app. How? They still need to improve on the provided text, thus indirectly encouraing them to read, learn, and remember. A series of actions that paid writers will not encourage them to do since they are paid to complete the paper for the student, without the student having to read any learning material. They are paid to help the student cheat the learning system.

Would I pass a student paper that was completed by an AI? Yes, since I can identify the improvements the student would have made to the automated paper anyway. Would I pass a student who obviously paid someone to write his paper for him? No. I would fail him and bring him up on academic dishonesty charges with the proper school authorities instead. Which of the 2 options do you believe the student would opt for?

re: college admission invitation

Nov 27, 2022
I decided to apply to the universities connected to this program through their application portal. I will be the first to admit that I do not have the grades to get into college or universities that require both a GPA and SAT or ACT scores. Even though I tried my best to achieve a decent GPA and national test scores, I just fell short. I may not be college material according to some schools, but this invitation process allows me to at least get some sort of college consideration. I have my heart set on completing my college degree because I believe it will help me gain self confidence and give me an edge when I join the workforce. I always planned to work for myself anyway so I do not need to get a fancy degree from a fancy university. I just want to attend a university that will allow me to learn what I need to learn in order to succeed in life. Here's hoping I receive invitations from their affiliated institutions soon.

ai academic writing will be the wave of the future

Nov 26, 2022
As educators, it is our duty to help promote any learning tool that will help our students do better in class. There are emerging technologies, specific apps, in particular that can help them become better students. It is my belief that these AI writing softwares are one of the upcoming tools of the learning trade for the students. While we may not understand how well the technology can help them in the future at this point, it is important that we do not discount the help it is providing the students at present.

I would like to point out that as educators, one of the problems we encounter with our students is that they do not want to read the lessons. They refuse to take note of important information and they do not even try to memorize what they are reading. This is a problem that the AI writing asisstants help us with. Since the students need to feed in keywords and improve the content through proper citations, they are forced to at least jot down the information they want or need to add to the paper. They also find themselves rewriting some aspects of the presentation to better suit the discussion.

The fact that they are personally doing these things and developing their skills and potential as students means that the AI is actually helping the student. These are things they do not even think about when they hire a writer or writing services. So, between the two services, which one is actually an asset to the student and a proper teaching assistant to the educator? The AI gets my vote as Teaching Assistant of the Year if you ask me.

re: ai writing software: the solution to academic and independent writer hiring problems?

Nov 25, 2022
As an educator, I have to admit that I can still tell when the student uses an AI to complete his homework. I know that he only revised the work enough to pass for his own because there are still inconsistencies in the presented final product. Do I give the student a failing grade when I catch this? No. It is highly unfortunate that I cannot fail his work because he used an automated program to complete it. There are no traces of plagiarism, he did not use a ghost writer, the work passed all the requirements I provided. There is no way I can legally and academically fail him for using an AI program to do the work.

Just as it took the academic world decades to catch up with the essay mill industry, it may take another decade before we can figure out how to treat the AI situation. Is it really an academic violation when there was no human intervention involved? Is it a violation of the academic honesty oath if he did not pay someone to write the paper for him? Should the AI be treated in the same way we would a paid essay submission? This is a new gray area that academics will eventually have to deal with for the betterment of future education and learning processes.

re: universities lied about campus available student housing

Nov 24, 2022
Well at least Thanksgiving weekend is upon us and I am finally going home to my parents and back to my own bed. I have been suffering this whole semester from the overbooked rooms in the dorm at my school. I mean I should have expected as much when there were 3 beds per wall in the room and we had to reach the beds as if we were boarding an overnight train. But the fact that the space in the room was meant only for 3 students means that our things were never really secure in the room. Things were broken, "borrowed" without permission, or simply "misplaced" without anyone to blame or accuse. Those are part of the problems faced by students in overbooked in campus housing. It is not something that should be considered normal.

I plan to discuss my housing situation with my parents when I get home. I am hoping that they can help me put down a payment on an apartment I found not too far from the campus. It is in a secured building and I would have a studio apartment all to myself. The building itself is not new but at least I would have my own space and stop losing my things to "innocent" roommates. I have some money saved up and they would just have to help me out a little bit.

As for next semester, I fully plan to get an off campus space to live in. I am no longer going to believe in the publicity for on-campus housing. It costs me too much to keep replacing my things.

re: college admission invitation

Nov 23, 2022
I actually looked into this when I received word from my parents that we may not be able to afford the tuition for my target schools 1-3. I have the grades to get into these schools but of course, I have to look into how my parents can afford the tuition and if my own savings will be able to cover part of the expenses once I get there. Knowing the reality of finances these days, and the cost of living crisis that we are all affected by, I decided to lower my sights and see what schools might invite me to join them through this system. Though these are not high profile schools, they offer decent education and affordable prices, along with student aid. More than enough reasons for me to think about attending their schools based on currently existing financial constraints. My studies should not be a burden to my parents and I should not work more hours than I study either. So these invitation schools offer a good alternative to students who want to complete a college education but find it financially difficult to do so. I am pretty sure that I will be attending one of these schools next semester.

re: ai writing software: the solution to academic and independent writer hiring problems?

Nov 21, 2022
Believe it or not, the AI software is not limited to just writing academic and professional essays anymore. The students and working professionals who continously develop the apps have found a way to use it even for STEM related work. That means, the AI can now create complicated spreadsheets, solve mathematical conundrums, among others. Thereby lightening the workload for these students and officeworkers. The result? Less stress for the users, more rest time, and actual work polishing at the end. When the program spits out the paper, the user simply has to review the results, confirm the solutions and formulas used and viola ! The mathematical report or analysis is completed. All it took on the part of the student or worker was an hour or so to review, revise, and edit just to remove the mechanical voice of the presentation. Does it sound too good to be true? Yes, but it is a reality for everyone who has used the program. I mean, if cars can now mostly drive itself, automated math solutions should not be far behind.

re: college admission invitation

Nov 19, 2022
The invitations being sent out are all based on the low college enrollment rates since before the pandemic started. The colleges and universities sending these invitation are not suspect since they are using valid services to reach out to these students. These are all legitimate universities who are using third parties to reach out to students who have not considered their educational institutions. These third party companies include, but are not limited to Common Application, Concourse,, Sage Scholars, and the state of Minnesota.

There is a misunderstanding about how these invitations are sent out. According to the explanation from Business Insider, a registration process is still required. No private information is ever used without permission. The process is completed by an interested student through the following process:

"... a student registering on a website, providing some biographical information, and inputting one's GPA and academic interests, a process that can take as little as half an hour. Then, they wait, and if a school is interested, the student might be accepted without completing any additional application materials at all."

Since there are almost 300 legitimate colleges and universities that use various companies to reach out to these students, there is a high possibility that a student looking to attend college, without a particular preference could find himself receiving an admissions invitation from several universities. This will still give him the prerogative of choosing from the universities that accepted him based upon his own learning preferences, something he could have done with his dream universities, had he qualified to applied for them.

I hope this explanation helps to clarify the misconception that the universities illegally obtain student information and reach out to them in a form of data privacy breach. Nothing of the sort is happening in this system of college enrollment.

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