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freelenc  EssayChatDec 21, 2021
Thank you. I've been working as a writer for only two years and I'm not as experienced as you are. I get inquires from some potential customers, but they typically don't reply back or want stuff for almost free. How do you deal with students who want you to help them for free? They don't understand that it's my job and not a hobby.

re: how do you find clients (students)?

Dec 20, 2021
I am sure that you have seen the open forum area of this website right? The place where open discussions on various topics and concerns are discussed by students and writers alike? Well, you can start building your reputation there through active discussion participation. Most students look there first when seeking an independent writer. Be honest about who you are, where you are located, and what your true writing level is when you set up your profile. That will be a good start. Students value a writer's honesty above all else.

You can also inquire about becoming a featured writer so that the student's attention is called to it while they scan the thread. Normally, featured writers are reliable and easy to communicate with. Remember, the student's come to you, do not go to the students. Do not message them. That is against forum rules. Students consider writers more when they respond to PM's in a timely manner.

Also consider advertising yourself in the Essay Brand, Essay Directory, Writers, and Research Services sections. These can be a bit pricey though and may not be advisable if you have yet to build your positive reputation with the users of this forum. All things considered, setting yourself apart from the scams can be a costly undertaking but, it will be all worth it in the end.

how do you find clients (students)?

Dec 20, 2021
I'm a writer but have great difficulty finding customers. The market is saturated with scams from Ukraine, Pakistan, or India. How do you deal with that?

re: re: japan and australia remain closed to international students

Dec 20, 2021
Lucky are the students who enrolled as students in an Australian university then. Those who enrolled in Japan are out of luck. It appears that the country is going to continue to keep its borders closed well into next year. Japan will continue to be isolationist as their Covid - 19 Omicron spin-off cases continue to rise. This is an unexpected occurrence in a country whose citizens are known for wearing medical and reusable masks. It is already second nature for them to wear these face coverings, specially during the cold weather and yet, they saw a new spike in their cases. They are also one of the most highly vaccinated nations in the world. So this continued closure is really something that has most people scratching their heads in wonderment. I can only assume that their international student enrollment rate has suffered because of this. I sincerely doubt that locking foreigners out will be of much help when the virus is mostly spread through air droplets which, to my understanding, means the virus is airborne so the virus will cross the globe, regardless of how locked out strangers are from a country.

re: spring break

Dec 19, 2021
Most freelance writers have a diverse clientele so that we do not depend solely on the students for our regular income. We have diversified into copywriting, blogging, writing tutorials, speech writing, ghost writing, among others. So when the students go on their semestral and holiday breaks, we still have enough of an income to say that we are doing well financially. Since the academic year runs on a regular schedule, any writer who relies solely on the academic aspect for writing will find himself unemployed not only during Spring Break, but during every student vacation season. The work does tend to be less hectic when the students are on vacation since professional writing schedules are more flexible, and allows the writers some down time as well. I normally take a week-long break leading up to the time when the students are expected to go back to school. That way I am also refreshed when I handle their papers. The academic paper orders may not be sizeable during Spring break but, we can make up for it in other ways.

re: my point

Dec 19, 2021
There lies the problem of our academic writing community. It is almost impossible to differentiate between the legitimate writers and those who did not even complete a high school education in a third world country. These writers are often times employed by the dark players in the industry, who care only about stealing from the students more than anything else. There are also a few who, after learning about how to work the dark side of the business, strike out on their own, making the problem even worse. The defense of the legitimate and above board writers only comes when we prove ourselves to the clients. Most of whom have been burned at least once by the time they come to us for help, making it difficult for us to immediately win them over.

I agree that there are writers who misrepresent themselves and their skills. However, the students should be able to tell the difference between a legitimate and fake writer from the onset. Their grammar will be atrocious and they will make impossible promises regarding grades and sources. It will not hurt for them to do a little more investigating before hiring these writers. Their prices are usually a dead give away. They practically give away the papers they write because there is no quality whatsoever attached to their work.

spring break

Dec 19, 2021
I wonder how writers are getting so many jobs this break when the students go back to rest.

my point..

Dec 18, 2021
My point was that there are very good writers like yourself, but the majority should not be called "professional" because they don't have the ability to write above a certain level. Talk high-school. Still, sometimes they are "hired" to write graduate papers which ends up as a refund or chargeback.

re: cornell only accepted 10% of its early decision applicants

Dec 18, 2021
Actually, save for Princeton, almost all of the Ivy league universities reported an increase in their early decision applications for the upcoming semesters. So there is actually a huge chunk of college applicants who are interested in entering these universities, not just Cornell. Ivy league applicants know that they have to make the grade for early admission. They must qualify based on several reasons, not considering their SAT and nother national exam scores. The low admission rates for early admission does not reflect on the considerations of the university admissions process, nor the pandemic. It reflects only on the abilities of the student to meet the tuition fees requirement of the university.

Even the richest of parents these days have to consider whether it will be worth it or not to send their children to prestige universities. College has become even more expensive, and actually, more on the useless side, for most students coming of age. It is possible to become successful in the professional world without a college degree so parents and their students alike have been rethinking the college strategy in relation to employment. Rich kids can easily get on the job trainingat their parent's companies, less financially capable students can get vocational training to prepare for the workplace long before a college student even graduates.

The early admissions process has been affected by the changing educational system and workplace needs. College is necessary for the traditional families who do not see their kids as being successful without a mounted diploma over the mantle. The changing mindset is what actually affects the early admissions process.

re: essaychat

Dec 18, 2021
As a foreign student currently enjoying the benefits of a US scholarship, I can tell you that I for one, am not trying to take advantage of your educational system. Rather, I am trying to get the best education that I can get for my undergraduate career that I can get. Do I plan on overstaying my welcome in your country? No. Do I plan on working in your country after I graduate? I would like to if your government will let me.

Let's face it, an undergraduate degree, without a corresponding and impressive overseas work foundation does not truly impress the people in any profession upon the graduate's return. We need the work experience to get a leg up in the employment field. The problem, is that our visa requirements do not allow us to work after graduation. Unlike in other countries where converting the student visa to a work visa would be simple enough, the USA makes that almost impossible. Canada is more foreign student friendly and practically demands the foreign scholars pay back the tuition by allowing them to work in the country after graduation.

A student visa in America allows foreign students some priveleges, most likely because of the desire of the US government to foster diplomatic relationships with various countries. However, we get nothing beyond the education subsidy. We get the short end of the stick in a different way from the native students who end up stuck with student loans. Our education is basically incomplete because we do not get any work experience.

Make it simpler for us to get a work visa upon graduation and see how fast we contribute to the US economy and social development before we return to our home countries. Give us 2 years to hone our skills. What does your country have to lose? Your politicians are the ones causing the brain drain in your country. Do not blame the foreign scholars and students for the problems your leaders create.

re: essaychat

Dec 18, 2021
I take offense at this claim. "Academic Writers" of the legitimate kind do not shortchange their clients by rehashing old papers. We know the pitfalls of such actions. Mostly related to plagiarizing ourselves and using non-updated information in the papers. We assure our clients of only original and up to date reference materials. We cannot reuse old papers because each client's research needs tend to be different. No two papers, though dealing with the same topic, can be alike because the client requirements for the content will have differences. We focus on providing the client with the requirements of the paper. Nothing more, nothing less. These are the reasons why we cannot republish or plagiarize our work. We do not rely on old research, nor do we resell old papers. Do not get us mixed up with the third rate, third world, unprofessional writers or writing companies. That is like trying to compare day and night.

Academic writers need not be written in quotation marks by the way. There is nothing questionable about what we do. Our title says it all and we are proud of our job. We are proud to be helping students achieve their academic needs. Maybe you do not need our help, but trust me, there are thousands out there who deal with reputable academic writers, and they could not be more pleased with the papers we deliver to them.

re: essaychat

Dec 18, 2021
I know what you mean. The foreign scholars get the best of the US academic system, while we locals have to go into student loan debt to be able to afford going to decent schools. We are punished for wanting to study and contribute to our society, while the foreigners brain drain our system by abusing our kindness and never paying back. Not even by working for a year or two in the States before going home. That is a system that we all hope can be changed, but our senate does not seem to see this abuse of the educational system by foreign students (players?) as a problem
Seth  EssayChatDec 17, 2021
Regarding foreign students, I don't get it that US universities give them free tuition or scholarship but they come back to their country and the US has nothing in return. Only American students are forced to pay full tuition.
Seth  EssayChatDec 17, 2021
Problem with some writers is they plagiarize or re-use their content. Happens all the time, especially among the "academic" writers..

re: wanted

Dec 17, 2021
This is a stable, but low-paying job (

Seriously, nobody will want to work for you when you market the job offer this way. Nobody wants to work for a pittance. The work description sounds like it will be highly time consuming and prone to revision requests. It sounds like you are looking for academic writers rather than bloggers actually. Bloggers are paid by article rather than by word. They also prefer to be paid fairly rather than slave labor wages. I am not holding high hopes for your blog. I am sure it will not or did not last as long as you expected. Mostly because you will be hard pressed to find qualified writers with this time of monetary offer. Since you will not allow the writers to market their services, you removed the only avenue of interest that might make a writer accept such a bad financial offer. Next time, consider increasing your offer since the writers will be the backbone of your blog. No writers, no blog, no income for you. Get real and treat the writers fairly otherwise, you won't get far in this business.

re: japan and australia remain closed to international students

Dec 17, 2021
This just in, the online newspapers have just announced that Australia is going to be reopening their borders starting next year. That is just in a few days time. They will not have any mask mandate anymore and will appear to the applying the "learn to live with the virus" policy. It appears that they will finally be letting foreign students in to complete their studies. The process for entry was not mentioned in the report though. Hopefully, they will make it simpler for the students since there will be evidence of complete and booster vaccination presented to the authorities.

Let's face it, the education industry is one of the biggest moneymakers of any country. Specially when they are dealing with foreign and exchange students. Millions of income is lost in both the academic and tourism industry when the students are kept out of the country. It is quite possible that Australia was the first to feel the pinch when compared to Japan which is why, Australia blinked first in the isolationist game.

Whatever the reason, let us just celebrate the fact that we can finally get back on track with learning the way we envisioned when we first applied to study overseas.

cornell only accepted 10% of its early decision applicants

Dec 15, 2021
So, I just read that Cornell U has a lower rate of acceptance this semester for early decision and Questbridge applicants. I know that Cornell is very Ivy League and really limits the number of students per semester. I am wondering though, why they only decided to accept a total of 800 students for the upcoming semester. What gives? Is this low acceptance rate a sign of the more deteriorated US educational system? Is this something that can be blamed on the pandemic? Or has the intellect of students suffered because of the online learning atmosphere? What was the rate of declined or pulled out applications? For the pulled out applications, did the cost of tuition have anything to do with it? It appears that the big name universities are missing out on something in relation to their offerings. I tend to believe that less students applied to Cornell this year than ever before so they had less of a student applicant pool to choose from. Maybe they chose the best from the worst this year?

re: sat now becoming irrelevant

Dec 15, 2021
I also believe that the SAT's have lost their relevance when it comes to assessing college preparedness. Students tend to show their career interests early on and they have been pursuing these interests with gusto at an earlier and earlier age. I mean children at the age of 5 can start to familiarize themselves with coding and robotics already! A though that would have been unfathomable a couple of generations ago. Incoming college freshmen come into college far more prepared for their major courses than any time in the history of international education. These preparedness levels cannot be assessed by the SAT's but, can be seen through the grades and activities of the students instead. There is no relevance to SAT scores anymore. It is the pre-training activities that will determine the ability of a student to succeed in his chosen field of study. It is time to retire this ancient testing system, along with some other grade assessments that no longer have relevance in the 21st century.

re: "writers" - get back to earth

Dec 14, 2021
Of course EssayChat is a business. It was created to allow writers and informal area to get to know one another and, in the process, promote their business. Everything is done for a reason at this forum. Everything is done to help the writers and students who are part of this community. EssayChat is here to help everyone interact in a friendly, non-combative manner, totally different from the main forum where things tend to get out of hand sometimes.

Writers can interact with one another here and get to know each other. Network and swap clients when the chance presents itself. Writers benefit from this interaction since our business relies heavily on business contacts and project leads coming from other people. That is best done in this neutral setting.

Students can use the chat to assess if they will get along with the writers or, post job opportunities for the writers here. This is the best place for them to actually vet the writers they are considering since it presents a neutral setting where project considerations do not need to be indicated immediately.

I know that I am using EssayChat for free so I do not know why you would accuse them of making money off the chatroom. Well, maybe, they are making money from any advertising that is placed on this site and clicked on. Then again, isn't that why we get to use this chatroom for free? Someone else pays for the privelege.

re: japan and australia remain closed to international students

Dec 14, 2021
At least Canada has reopened to foreign students in a small way. They are not as isolationist as Australia and Japan it seems. The funny thing is, even with their isolationist stance, Covid seems to find a way into their countries anyway. So of what use are their strict lockdown policies right?

Meanwhile, the foreign students previously enrolled in their universities are forced to continue their studies remotely, losing out on the very reasons why these students opted to enroll in their countries universities in the first place. I guess for these countries, they do not mind losing out on the future enrollment fees since they still have the existing student fees to collect. Unfair to the student, but acceptable to the universities whose bottomline is still met anyway, income for their educational business.

It is going to be this way for these countries for the near future. I do not see any signs of them loosening their restrictions anytime soon, not until Covid stops evolving and it turns finally turns into the common cold or flu.

re: sat now becoming irrelevant

Dec 13, 2021
Since when did our future careers and learning passions rely on artificial intelligence or algorithm results?

I know what you mean. I so wanted to go to medical school after graduating from high school. I even took the STEM track to make sure that I would be well trained going into pre-med. Then the SAT came along and told me that I wasn't suited to a career in medicine. The MSAT said the same thing. My future ambition to become a doctor was cut off by my test scores, without consideration for my dedication to learning, my desire to succeed as a doctor, and my willingness to learn based on theoretical and practical models. I mean, sure, I struggled in my STEM related classes, but I never failed. I got a passing score in the SAT and MSAT but, it wasn't high enough to be considered a serious candidate for med school.

Scores, mathematical assumptions of my ability to learn and eventually do a job. Scores should only be applied to robots in automated jobs. it should not be applied to human beings who are capable of being taught and learning from their lessons and mistakes. I may not have had stellar grades, but, I bet I would have made a hell of a doctor because I was, and still am, very passionate about the medical field.

sat now becoming irrelevant?

Dec 11, 2021
I just read an article that said some of the major universities in the United States no longer use SAT scores or its equivalents as a major admission consideration for their incoming students. The belief that these universities have is that the scores do not reflect the actual practical and theoretical abilities of students to learn in an actual setting. I applaud the decision of these universities because, it is true that there are some students who do not perform well in a test setting, but manage to shine when given an actual setting situation.

Yes, the transcript of grades and relevant activities, in relation to their chosen major, should be given more weight when assessing their ability to succeed or fail in a course. A person truly interested in a subject will spend his early learning life pursuing that line of study, and he will know much about it. Who is the SAT then to judge if he is suited for his chosen major or not?

College is about pursuing a person's lifelong passion to learn right? So why not let us learn based on our actual skills, instead of what a computer believes our numbers say we should study? Since when did our future careers and learning passions rely on artificial intelligence or algorithm results?

re: hybrid learning burn out

Dec 10, 2021
As an educator who is currently having to deal with the repercussions of hybrid learning, I would have to say that I prefer the virtual classroom set up over the real time classroom lectures. I am now having a problem in enforcing classroom discipline among my students who are now problem students due to the 2 years virtual learning process. I am not the only one complaining about this. The incoming gradeschool students also pose a challenge to the teachers these days. All because the students cannot understand why they cannot act the same way in the classroom as they did in virtual class.

I actually had a student who was trying to find my off switch so that he could tune me out during the lesson. He thought there was a mute button on his desk that he could activate to shut out the lecture. Now I realize that I may have wasted my time during the virtual classes as the cameras may have been on, the students were there, but I was muted. What exactly did they learn? Parents were complaining that the students were not learning in virtual classes, but did they ever stop to consider what the kids were actually doing during class time? Those that actually listened and attended the classes properly have evidence of learning, within a virtual environment. If the student has a difficult time learning in the hybrid set up, it certainly is not the teacher's fault.

re: hybrid learning burn out

Dec 10, 2021
Personally, I prefer studying using the modular method, consulting with my teachers only when I need to. It is similar to a tutorial service that allows me to learn at my own pace. By having the peace and quiet of my home to read the lessons at, and having my parents with me for the most part, since both my parents still work from home these days, I have people to refer to when I have learning difficulties. I am amazed by how well my parents can help me get through my lessons when my other classmates have had their parents hire online tutors to help them out. The modules give me that breathing room to better understand the lessons and, by setting up one on one time with my teacher after submitting my completed modules, I find that the teacher can also concentrate on helping me learn my lessons better. In fact, my teachers have told my parents that I am one of the better students in my class these days. An impressive accomplishment on my part since I was always struggling to learn in the classroom / group learning set-up.

japan and australia remain closed to international students

Dec 9, 2021
So, in a knee jerk reaction to the Omicron virus, Japan once again shut its doors to international students, who have already paid their fees and everything else for the upcoming semester. Australia has done the same until at least next year. So, where does that leave us students who have gone through great lengths to prepare for our international studies? Whose parents have already gone into debt just to help us fulfill our academic dreams? Why can't the international schools reopen and allow their foreign students to attend? it isn't like the vaccines are not available. Covid - 19 testing is practically a part of daily life for most as well. There are way too many safety measures already in place to make sure Covid does not cross borders anymore. In fact, Omicron is an overhyped Cold virus at this point. With the endemic stage upon us, don't you think the international schools should relax their own student border policies as well?

re: to admin and all who may be concerned

Dec 8, 2021
But if a person has a proven track record, both on ES and EC, don't you think it is okay to apply a slightly different set of rules?

I do not believe that it is fair to ask for special treatment for certain users at this forum just because they have been long term members and users. That would be tantamount to saying they are above the law in this virtual space. The rules are set for a reason. We are all expected to follow these, regardless of status. If one violates the rules, then one must be made answerable for his actions. However, just like in the real world, actions in relation to punishments can be appealed regardless of status.

It is the appeals process that sets the new users apart from the longtime members. More leniency may be provided to the longstanding members who may overstep the bounds at certain times. That can be attributed to a sense of over familiarity with one another and overconfidence with the mods and admin staff. More chances to make up for their actions can be afforded to them because of the percentage of trust that has been placed in their identity. The same cannot be said for the new users. However, that does not mean that the misdeeds of the long term users should be ignored altogether. Rather, they should be made examples at all times, to show the newbies that nobody is above the law. Misstep and face consequences, regardless of who you think you are.

re: why american people dont think cooking as hobby

Dec 7, 2021
Actually, there is a growing segment of young people who look to cooking as their hobby in America these days. Since the country has a proliferation of fast food and fine dining restaurants, not to mention the every growing food delivery services, they do not really see any need to cook for themselves anymore. When they do cook, it becomes an event that is worthy of making it to youtube.

For most millenials, they find the act of cooking to be a fascinating way to spend their time. It is something of a learned skill these days and for some, they consider it a therapeutic act that helps them distress over the weekend or their days off. It is becoming an acceptable hobby across all genders these days because of the included money making aspect of the "hobby". Do it well enough and you can turn the hobby into a side hustle. It remains a relaxing hobby, while allowing the cook / home chef to make a little money on the side.

It is a win-win type of hobby. An excellent way to spend a day off. You get self satisfaction from cooking good food, that can be shared with friends (sometimes), and you learn a useful skill for future use. No way anybody can lose with this type of hobby.

re: simple question

Dec 6, 2021
Nobody will want to willingly live in Kenya if they are already living in an advanced country or, at least, a well to do third world country. Kenyans are born there, they did not have a choice. Poverty is what most of them are born into, which is why they tend to remain in the country. With little to no hopes for the future, since the criminal minds in their country have already killed their reputation internationally, it becomes difficult for them to get out of the squalor their live in. I would however, like to point out that the claim of this writer is prejudiced.

Not all Kenyans are criminals, just as not all African are slaves. I personally know of Kenyans who have done their best to complete college degrees and, have gone on to win international scholarships, futthering their academic careers and turning those successes into notable career paths for themselves both in Kenya and internationally. Sadly, there are not enough of them to outnumber their criminal counterparts yet. Hopefully, that will change for them over time and prejudiced statements like these will be a thing of the past.

re: studying overseas during a pandemic

Dec 5, 2021
Well, considering that countries that are normally open to having foreign students study in their country have shut down that avenue at least until next year, it would be better if we all look for schools locally to attend for university studies. I mean, it just makes more sense to stay in-country for at least 5 more years due to the unpredictable way the pandemic is going. The aim of students who study overseas is to get more attention for themselves, even if they do not really have the best grades. They rely on the prestige factor to get a job. While, any student who studies locally, focuses on his studies and creating a competitive edge for himself based on local hiring factors. There are prestige universities in every country that have a similar effect to an international education. Why not aim for those universities instead? If you can't afford to pay the tution, there are always scholarships and student loans that can help you out. Just make the grade. Which is the whole point of going to college right? Make the grade to get a good job after?

re: hybrid learning burn out

Dec 4, 2021
Hahaha! I thoguht this was something that only I was experiencing. I am glad to know that I am not alone. There was one time, during the opening week of classes when my parents and I got so confused, I was in front of my computer waiting for my virtual classroom to open, when everyone else in class was in-school, already attending physical classes. We got my schedules mixed up. Something that appears to be a regular occurence in this case. It got to the point where the students were sometimes intentionally misleading their parents about where the classes were to take place that, the teachers decided to text blast the parents the night before to let them know where the classes were going to be held the next day.

Did I find it confusing? Yes. Did I learn the lessons better in class or at home? I learned better at home. Why? I was able to access my internet for additional information and clarification while the teacher conducted her class My teacher actually thought I was one of the smartest kids in my class. Little did she know... I was able to focus better on the lesson because I could remove my classmates from the feed and enter a one on one mode with my teacher if their presence had a distracting effect on me. Personally, I would love to just keep studying from home, if I were allowed to do so.

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