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  • - from college essays to advanced dissertations, all-inclusive custom research. (USA / UK / Australia)
  • - graduate-level academic paper writing, research, online learning, and cousework. (USA / UK / Australia)

Charlotte Academic  

undergraduate and graduate assignments (best quality) - charlotte academic freelancer

Feb 6, 2019
 Offered USA  USA  
How many times have you found yourself with a million papers to write in 24 hours, all while battling the flu? Have you ever been handed a project from a professor and had literally no idea what you were supposed to do? How about those online discussion posts and responses that seem to slip through every crack in your life?

academicfreelancercharlotte@gmail - Freelance WriterIf you've ever experienced anything like these scenarios, you've come to the right place. My name is Charlotte, and I can help. I've been a professional academic writer for over 15 years, working in a variety of capacities (both for others and in business for myself), and taking on some of the most advanced projects around. Over time, I've developed somewhat of a specialty in online classes, although I can handle anything from a PPT about cooperative learning to a dissertation on the effects of cooperative learning on autistic elementary school children.

I know that the other freelancers out there are proclaiming how brilliant they are, so I won't do that. I'll just tell you the truth about myself. I was born in the US, in Pennsylvania, to native English speaking parents. I've obtained three advanced degrees (in English, psychology, and business), and am old enough to have worked in a variety of "real-world" jobs that have augmented my studies.

Just as important as any degree or career is my freelance academic writing history. As I said, I've been a writer for over 15 years. For the last seven of these years, I've worked exclusively at the graduate and post-graduate levels -- and I've been a very successful one. While I can't promise an A in everything, I can promise excellent work written to your instructions, every single time.

Please get in touch if you need help with anything involving the written word. I'm happy to produce a small writing sample so you can see my work. I'm also happy to speak with you on the phone so that you can be assured I'm a native English speaker, and happy to proceed in small increments, at least at first, so that you know I'm not here to cheat you. Do yourself a favor, and see how I can be of service to you.

Lindsey Miller  

topic proposal and bibliography

Jan 30, 2019
Hi, I am looking for someone who can help with a religion class. I would need a proposal and a bibliography Please email me for more information #email_below#

Lindsey Miller  

proposal & bib

Jan 30, 2019
Hi, I have a topic proposal and a bibliography that is for a religion course. Please email if I can get by tonight?

Thank #email_below#

Patrick Githinji  

evolution of medical interventions and treatment of malaria

Jan 23, 2019
I need a 30 pages research on the evolution of medical interventions and treatment of Malaria in subsaharan Africa, it is for postgraduate Tropical Medicine at University in UK ,

Contact me


risk management paper for nursing

Dec 11, 2018
More details (native English speaker only) -


writers urgently needed.

Nov 26, 2018
We are a small essay mill company currently hiring writers. Tons of work available!

Email for more details.

best of luck

Oct 9, 2018
Hope you have a wonderful, peaceful, and most importantly sickness free retirement. It was a pleasure knowing you and working alongside you! All the best

best of luck to you, pv

Oct 6, 2018
Hope you have a long and fulfilling retirement.

time for reflection

Oct 6, 2018
Over the past several years, I've learned that many of my buddies in Vietnam have either claimed their own lives or have otherwise died prematurely due to the exigencies and adverse effects of combat military service in a stupid war.. In the past, I used this forum to recruit academic writing assignments because this was the only way I could earn an honest living with my service-connected disabilities, but I'm about to retire so I don't care anymore. I do want to say, though, that I was 6 years old before the last Civil War veteran died, and you'll probably witness the last Korean and Vietnam veterans' deaths in the near future (mine included). Don't worry. The U.S. military has your back. Please just remember if you ever visit Arlington to remain standing and please keep your mouths shut for God's sake. Show some respect. Thanks.


writezillas and affiliate account

Oct 4, 2018
Hey, I am looking for a writezillas or its affiliates account. Get back to me via
David Cooke  

i need academic writing accounts

Sep 18, 2018
Am looking to buy any good academic writing account.


simpletense, writerbay, edusson, ultius, essayshark

Sep 10, 2018
I am looking to buy the following accounts Simpletense, Writerbay, Edusson, Ultius, Essayshark. Get back to me via my email.


beware of /

Sep 8, 2018
African fraudsters posing as an "american" writer.
Budhesh Chopra  

engineering experts needed

Sep 5, 2018
Looking for professional subject matter experts in the field of Engineering. There is a wide range of subjects on which regular orders are available. Some of the areas are indicated as under:

✔Fluid Dynamics
✔Structural & Architectural Project Design (Buildings)
✔Construction Engineering and Project Management
✔Geotechnical Engineering
✔Thermal Engineering
✔Traffic Engineering
✔Marine Engineering
✔Traffic Engineering
✔Soil Engineering
✔Mechanical Engineering (ANSYS/SOLIDWORKS/CAD/AUTOCAD/3D Modeling/Reverse Engineering)
✔Steel Design
✔Building Constructions Administration (Costing Evaluation)

Proficient Experts would be required to complete university-level projects/Dissertations/Academic Reports/Thesis/Research Proposals and Assessments tasks as provided in the assignment brief.

Each work will have a fixed deadline (mostly 48-72 hours) and budget which averages $180 - $300 for each task.

A few sample questions of the tasks can be seen from the link as under:

If you think you or someone you know might be interested in this unique opportunity, please email - #email_below#

budhesh.chopra@ gmail  

sap experts

Aug 24, 2018
I have 2 Orders for SAP Experts. Please connect with me urgently.


mba writer for hire (multiple subjects and all writing levels)

Aug 23, 2018
 Offered USA  USA  
I have an MBA from Johns Hopkins and a Masters in marketing from University of Phoenix. I love all things business from the entry and start up stages to taking an established business to the next level. Minor courses in English and writing helped hone my skills for creating stellar business plans and marketing materials, all of which were an asset when helping companies launch their business or introduce a new product. I love business, but I tired of the corporate rat race and now I write full time.

truewriter4life@gmail - MBA WriterWhen I received my MBA, I knew there were parts of the traditional MBA that were lacking, and marketing is only a small part of what I had learned. To grow my consulting business, I enrolled in online classes to learn all I could about marketing one's business and taking it to the top. The outcome of dual Masters degrees has been remarkable.

Today, I provide consulting on the side, but much of my focus is helping students excel in their studies. I've always loved reading and writing so being an academic writer, to me, is a perk of something I already enjoy. Like having your cake and eating it too!

I love the craft of writing academic papers from the research stage to putting it together to formatting. I am a stickler for proper citation and formatting and believe that the best academic writers should be familiar (if not very experienced) in all types of academic citation formats.

One trait I process is the ability to tackle the same subject on many different levels, each with a unique voice. This is especially helpful as an academic writer as I can cover the same topics for different students, each with a different style, tone, and perspective.

In terms of the types of writing projects I take on, I literally work on most any and everything. However, my favorite areas of interest business, international studies, women's studies, literature, psychology, and sociology. I cover far more than those, but that gives prospective clients an idea of what I enjoy most.

As a writer with more than 20 years' experience, I understand the importance of communication and meeting deadlines. I am a native English-speaking writer. I can write in British English, but it's not my "favourite." I'm just kidding. I don't mind it either way. It's quite interesting to learn how the English language is spoken and spelled in different regions in the world.

Lastly, why do I enjoy being a freelance academic writer? I love seeing clients succeed in their studies. I have walked some difficult roads and have learned much the hard way throughout my academic and business careers. I want to share my knowledge and expertise with others, to help students exceed all expectations-whether they are one's personal expectations or the expectations of those watching you (parents, grandparents, educators, current or prospective employers).

How can I help you succeed?


to emma

Aug 11, 2018
Emma, what's the purpose of posting your assignment specs without any info to contact you about it?
Emma  EssayChatAug 5, 2018
Assignment # 2:Analysing and Writing Paragraphs and Essay

General Instructions:
This assignment is out of 30 marks and is worth 15%.
There are three parts to this assignment:
Part A - Brainstorming and synthesizing Ideas
Part B - Outlining Ideas
Part C - Constructing Paragraphs
Follow the instructions to each of the parts to complete the task.
Use the rubrics given below to guide you in writing the assignment.
The assignment will be due in Week 6, during second tutorial.
This assignment must be typed on A4 papers; use font type Times New Roman and size 12.
The final task must contain 5 pages consisting of cover page, actual essay page and reference page; (Part A and Part B will be on separate pages and attached to the rest of the essay).

Part A - Brainstorming and Synthesising Ideas(7 marks)
Read the following instructions to complete this part of the assignment:
Brainstorm Ideas on the following general topic;
Group the ideas you have brainstormed into various specific areas.
Example autonomy, advantages, disadvantages, independence etc...
Analyse and Focus your ideas by narrowing your topics.
Benefits of Achieving Autonomy.
The process of autonomy
Place the notes (from a. & b.) on an A4 paper for submission.

Part B - Outlining Ideas(5 marks)
Follow the instructions given below for this part of the task:
Based on the topic that you constructed in Part A, make an outline.
Use hierarchy and economy concepts learnt in LA 101 course in your outline.
Your outline should be organized using the paragraph feature (TS, SS & CS).
Provide support details in the outline; not just the main ideas.

Part C - Constructing an Essay(18 marks)
Use the outline (in Part B) to construct an expository essay of three (3) paragraphs.
Discuss two points in your essay.
Ensure that your essay contains the three features: topic sentence (TS), supporting sentence (SS) and the concluding sentence (CS). Additionally, also consider the structure of your essay.

Use appropriate transitional markers to achieve unity and coherence in your paragraphs and in the whole essay.
Provide references for your essay.

behaviour of users when they come across external links on social media

Aug 1, 2018
We need a writer who is able to do a research on the behavior of internet users when they come across a link that redirects them to another site or when they see advertisement links.


how significant is the effect of estimation errors on the markowitz portfolio optimisation model (efficient frontier)

Jun 21, 2018
I'm looking for someone to write a 10,000 word dissertation in Fiance (requires some excel).


help plz with math now and i have more

Jun 12, 2018
Hey, so I need some help with these two Algebra 2 problems.

Instructions: Write a polynomial function P in factored and standard form by using the given information:

P is degree 4, P(0) = -3, zeros: 2, 5, 3i
P is degree 3, P(0) = 12, zeros: 1 and √ 3

thanks guys


sociology dissertation

Jun 7, 2018
I'm looking for someone to write my 9,000 word sociology dissertation by Monday

sokumu92@gmail. com  EssayChatMay 15, 2018
hello, am willing to help you with this essay. i provide 100% original essays on time at a negotiable price.

please, need help organizing my english essay

May 8, 2018
It is an argumentative essay on the Luis Valdez's play Zoot Suit, whether his claim is effective or not using bias, stereotypes, and the rhetorical triangle (ethos, pathos, and logos). Can anyone just *help* me in setting up my organization (what to put first and organizing my paragraphs and almost like a little outline)

academic literature essay 2500

Apr 29, 2018
I am looking for someone to write an academic literature essay of 2500 words on specific tragedy plays.

Reag  EssayChatApr 22, 2018
I am writing a persuasive essay for a writing class I am taking and I am in eighth grade. HELP!

persuassive essay

Apr 17, 2018
stuck on a sentence to draw the readers attention in on a persuassive essay 0n cyber bullying

research article

Apr 14, 2018
Need someone phd in microbiology to writing a peer review resaerch article on a microbiology topic for publication purpose by 6000 words.

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