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imho, you still have to pay her...

Sep 20, 2013
she submitted DREADFUL work that was NOWHERE near worthy of being paid for

Just don't use her again.


Sep 19, 2013
Furthermore, I remember arguing with her about amendments. She refused to alter the work, claiming that it was written to a high standard. I had to completely re-write it myself to ensure I didn't disappoint the client. I couldn't have submitted what she wrote to Wikipedia let alone to a paying client.


Sep 19, 2013
Do not hire Steve Allison or Steven Allison, who claims to be a writer.


This is partially true. Yes, I used to run a site called Essaypod. In December 2011, I shut it down because I couldn't find reliable writers. My attempt at running an essay company did not bear the fruit I'd hoped it would, so I went back to academic writing.

I have a feeling I know who wrote this: a disgruntled writer I once used and refused to pay. This was so because she submitted DREADFUL work that was NOWHERE near worthy of being paid for.

This has nothing to do with my academic writing, so please ignore this obvious attempt at slighting my name.



Sep 19, 2013
He hires writer and then runs away with their money.

Sarah  EssayChatSep 19, 2013
Do not hire Steve Allison or Steven Allison, who claims to be a writer. He hires writer and then runs away with their money. He had a site named, which he later deactivated. Do not use his services at all.

it's the only word...

Sep 17, 2013
"Polish" is the only word in the English language whose pronunciation depends on whether it's capitalized or not.

a hidden agenda?

Sep 16, 2013
An anagram of

Chase my tacos!*

*Emphasis added.

i'd be having more fun...

Sep 15, 2013
If you are any of your friends'


professor verb's dictum no. 3

Sep 14, 2013
"Don't fill up on bread."
ProfessorVerb  EssayChatSep 14, 2013
An adventure in romantic computer programming:

On the Isle of Java in the capital of JavaScript lived a group of Assemblers who sought guidance from the Oracle of Delphi. The leader, Pascal Perl, fought a mighty Python named Prolog on their way to the Oracle, only to discover that the giant ogre, PostgreSQL, blocked their way. Fortunately, one of the Assemblers, MongoDB, slew the mighty ogre and succeeded in acquiring database design from scenario wisdom from the Oracle. They lived happily ever after, in both notations

99Essays@gmail. com  

the truth

Sep 13, 2013
Three reasons not to hire me:

Isn't it true that you also tell off-color jokes at times?

not true...

Sep 10, 2013
Getting a good academic writer is never an easy task.

Just contact me.

good grief!

Sep 10, 2013
No topic cited but:

Send me .... Books and references you use


writer originally from uk or us....

Sep 10, 2013
Note: the writer must be originally from UK or US.

How are you going to check that? By now you have surely been infested with several emails from Africans (the same ones who spam your email with instant awards or inheritance scam) claiming they are based in the UK or US. These are pathetic liars and the only solution is to use a legitimate company (if you find one).

right price

Sep 8, 2013
These two advertisers (there's also a Chinese source) don't have the work. If they've work .05 cents a word!!! might not be bad. But how much money will they make?!!! They are waste of time, because they don't reply you.

they may not be big but they are in the right place...

Sep 8, 2013
you could afford to advertise like a <big agency>

This looks like a good forum to advertise for writers (the price is right too).
Fraud  EssayChatSep 8, 2013
the big agency

How much you pay in China? $0.05 per page? IF you were <big agency> you could afford to advertise like a <big agency>, not like a tiny player.

what now?

Sep 8, 2013
plz email me your sample

Well, I filled the bottle but I don't seem to be able to email it.

contact advertising writers

Sep 8, 2013
How much are you paying?

i like the easy ones...

Sep 7, 2013
which subjects you excel at

I call these "Our Friend the Beaver" papers.


Sep 6, 2013
"Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of 'em are stupider than that." -- George Carlin
jason Oliver  

grow up!

Sep 4, 2013
THis is a lIE from Jason The Plagiarist because I EXPOSED HIM for what he is . A scamming son of a fake scribe who plagiarizes other writers' adverts. I just wonder what he can do to student's works. Student BEWARE of Jason Oliver a.k.a the plagiarist

I think you forgot to take your daily medicine..... Man grow up.... Its not me and I am sure its you who is using my fake name and posting ads on thi forum.... Cheap marketing
Colluqu  EssayChatSep 3, 2013
Jason the - nigerian fraudster
Today, 09:36am
Watch out for NIGERIAN SCAMMER who poses as an academic writer. His email:

THis is a lIE from Jason The Plagiarist because I EXPOSED HIM for what he is . A scamming son of a fake scribe who plagiarizes other writers' adverts. I just wonder what he can do to student's works. Student BEWARE of Jason Oliver a.k.a the plagiarist
Colluqu  EssayChatSep 3, 2013
Watch out for NIGERIAN SCAMMER who poses as an academic writer. His email:

Any proof?
Stop Essay Fraud - nigerian fraudster

Sep 3, 2013
Watch out for NIGERIAN SCAMMER who poses as an academic writer. His email:
jason Oliver  

jason the plagiarist

Sep 3, 2013
jason the plagiarist

its not me... someone used my name and played this dirty trick on me.... I have posted my AD and you can check it out. Sorry for this crap.

once only,

Aug 31, 2013
Anyway, it happened to me only once and the guy was a known fraudster here. It's just to assure customers that they're in good hands and the priority is their grade and the quality of the work, not grabbing quick bucks.


Aug 31, 2013
It's upto me to decide

if you don'tlike the final work you'll get full refund

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