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it's illegal, dumbass.

May 12, 2012
"Writing companies cannot guarantee grades"

It's ILLEGAL, dumbass.

uvocorp account

Apr 12, 2012
Is there anyone generous enough to give me his or her Uvorcop account, I can work on it, then i give a commission basis.

dissertation analysis experts

Mar 17, 2012
Having problems interpreting your dissertation data? At Kenya Writing we specialise in data analysis and interpretation using SPSS, STATA, MATLAB and Eviews. If you have a theoretical or empirical dissertation, we are the right people.

Follow our link as shown in the title "Academic Writing Services" to talk to us via live chat or phone.

Mar 15, 2012
I read the threat that this site is a fraudster. Would you mind giving evidence on the allegation since i have used it 5 times and have received high quality essays. I would be glad to receive more information about the allegation. They also charge cheap compared to all other custom writing companies. To me, it is a legitimate company out there to save students a lot of dollars

don't touch him, or you will lose your money.

Mar 13, 2012

Student, stay away from this pheenis, if you don't want lost any money, stay away!!! If you touch him or being touched by him,
you will lose money for sure. My writer never come here looking for business. A good writer never need come here for business.
Naveen  EssayChatMar 7, 2012
My pleasure George. I would love to work for you again. Thanks
George  EssayChatMar 6, 2012
Hello Students/Friends

Thanks Naveen. You have done a great job on my first assignment. I will be in touch with you for my future assignments.
Suck it by yourself.  

please wake up before you pay him.

Feb 16, 2012
I had this jackass as my writer and he gave me half assed paper. I paid almost 200$ and he gave me piece of **** that was done in under hour and it was still late. Also, this ******** didn't follow my instructions.

You deserve this jackass, you deserve this sh******, when you decide to pay this jackass(pheelyks) as your writer, you deserve everything he did on you . LOL, stop complain, what make you trust him? unbelievable.
essayhood  EssayChatFeb 11, 2012
I have been working for for past couple of months and he has been paying me on -time. Dont understand what's wrong.

Naveen is another stage name used by,,,
Naveen has been paying me on-time- dont know why negative reviews on him

Feb 10, 2012
I have been working for for past couple of months and he has been paying me on -time. Dont understand what's wrong.
Muhammad Kashif  

please admin check proof and delete this fake post (muhammad kashif)

Feb 10, 2012
I have sent him money every time ... please check following proof.. i have more proof.. Please admin delete this fake post...

Transaction Details

Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 48R84745V0270104K)

Sent to:
evans ndiga (The recipient of this payment is Non-U.S. - Verified)

Amount sent:
-$40.00 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
-$40.00 USD

Jan 26, 2012
20:54:30 GMT+04:00

You have sent $40.00 USD to evans ndiga with PayPal
Funding Type:
PayPal Balance
Funding Source:
$40.00 USD - PayPal Account

You can report a transaction problem in the Resolution Center within 45 days of this payment. Have a problem with this transaction? Click here to resolve

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 0GA397607E462021N)

Sent to:
evans ndiga (The recipient of this payment is Non-U.S. - Verified)

Amount sent:
-$40.00 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
-$40.00 USD

Jan 12, 2012
09:13:57 GMT+04:00

You have sent $40.00 USD to evans ndiga with PayPal
Funding Type:
PayPal Balance
Funding Source:
$40.00 USD - PayPal Account

You can report a transaction problem in the Resolution Center within 45 days of this payment. Have a problem with this transaction? Click here to resolve

scammer scammer:,,,

Feb 9, 2012
Hello writers,
Don't dare working for Mohammed Kashif. He will rip you all your cash.Below are the email addresses he uses:
Qualified Writer  

qualified writer

Feb 7, 2012
Yes. I am not the same person "FreelanceWriter". I have no intention to use his name. It is just my email ID that I made before I came to know real FreelanceWriter. Please excuse me FreelanceWriter, if you think I tried to use your name for my business. I have my own identity, and I want others to choose me for writing their papers after considering my qualifications and abilities. Cheers  


Jan 10, 2012
You need to be institutionalised. Your posts are proof enough ...

Tell me ANY LIE that i have posted!!!!!

you need help

Jan 10, 2012
You need to be institutionalised. Your posts are proof enough ...  

to all students: do not use - it is owned by an arab physcotic woman

Jan 10, 2012
a) Hires ESL writers(check their website)
b) Do not pay writers(check essayscam for relevant and credible complaints)
c)It is operated by an Egyptian refugee currently holed up in UK
d) The spammer shamelessly claims she hires only Oxford and Cambridge writers which is a lie.
e)She is a resident spammer at et where she works in cahoots with pheelyks, another notorious fraudster with Ukrainian connections(check his 'quality' papers at et under free essays section.
f) i am yet to confirm the allegations that she funds notorious anti-American islamic gangs in Egypt

who to trust?

Jan 9, 2012
just read a few comments here and i am quite sad; it seems this forum is patronised by fraudsters, charlatans, spammers, airheads and other shady writers.
Thought i could trust pheelyks but just read he is a notorious fraudster with ukrainian connections/or nationality and operates with which is very notorious for ripping off clients.
What do i do?
Need a 5000 word essay????
www.besttheses. com is a scammer

Jan 9, 2012
I wrote him a paper after negotiating with him. He told me that he will pay me after 2 days. 7 days later, I reminded him and said that he is going to pay within 30 minutes. It is now almost one month. STUDENTS AND WRITERS WORKING WITH THIS PERSON.... I HAVE WARNED YOU.....

But I will ensure that his client will fail the paper.

Mario D.  

little research

Jan 8, 2012
Hello everyone,
Is there maybe a site on the internet where I can find a freelancer on my own? So I dont have any company between me and the writer, which would actually harden communication & cost simpy way more.
Actually, I am having something like a page in mind where I upload my topic and then the different writers can apply to work for me!

answers to a few questions by customer - oxford writings

Jan 7, 2012
I am interested to know about the chances to get caught due to plagiarism when a professional writes an essay for someone

The chances are very low when your hire real professionals. Professional writers will scan your paper for plagiarism before sending it to you.

Did this happened pastly when people hired a writer through big companies like papers4you, since they publish the file afterwards?

When we prepare a paper for you we sell you the full rights to the paper. We cannot publish or resell the paper as this would be illegal.

Did blackmailings happen, by professional companies as well as writers hired individually?

Essay writers are basically people and they have different characters/ temperaments. Some are con artists, others blackmail their clients while some are exceptionally good at what they do. You just need to find people who you could rely on and then build a relationship.

Hope I have been of help :-)
Peter D.  

a few questions by a "customer"

Jan 7, 2012
Dear everyone,
I am interested to know about the chances to get caught due to plagiarism when a professional writes an essay for someone. Did this happened pastly when people hired a writer through big companies like papers4you, since they publish the file afterwards? Did blackmailings happen, by professional companies as well as writers hired individually?
Looking forward for your answers, altough this was asked surely already.

i am selling clone software

Jan 7, 2012
Run an essay-writing company exactly like

customers, ignore the spammers

Jan 6, 2012
i am irritated that even you customers are falling for the lies perpetuated by these scammers.
Know one thing; i dont give a hoot whether you use my services or not. And i wont be taking orders from irresponsible and lazy customers here.
Thank you
Tell you the truth  EssayChatJan 5, 2012
Everything is true but his honest, which is zero. you have to find a lawyer to deal with him, he can't make you any happy after you paid him. So if you really want to try him, please 2-3 pages would be enough and for only high school level essay please. that's why he is still here struggle with other writers. Remember, if there's anything make you confused, leave it along, don't touch them. If you touch, you will cry.
Tell you the truth  EssayChatJan 5, 2012
You can't really trust a word you read here, as anyone can post pretending to be anyone else and the admin don't do a thing about it. Send me an email, listed in a post titled "Email Pheelyks," and check me out for yourself. You can decide what to believe before you pay a single penny.

Use your money to test Pheelyks, HAHA, Not a bad idea, Please use $$$ less than $100 TO TEST HIS LEVEL, you can also pay him money to test his custom services. BY DOING SO, you will not lost too much if you decide to trust him. Good luck.

try pheelyks for yourself

Jan 3, 2012
You can't really trust a word you read here, as anyone can post pretending to be anyone else and the admin don't do a thing about it. Send me an email, listed in a post titled "Email Pheelyks," and check me out for yourself. You can decide what to believe before you pay a single penny.

from a client of pheelyks: i want to state that pheelyks is 100% honest

Jan 3, 2012
Being a customer of pheelyks, I wish to strongly refute allegations made by some bitter competitors here. I wish to categorically and emphatically state that pheelyks is 100% honest writer who is dedicated to his work.
Specifically, I wish to state the following.
a)Pheelyks is 100% dedicated to his work, although occasionally his work fails to meet the standards but this is normal with any other writer.
b)Pheelyks is qualified to write essays for undergraduate students- level 1-. He may not possess the skills and knowledge necessary to write for second year students and above but for elementary and high school essays, he is is Ok.
c)His charges are quite high but this is expected of any American writer.
d)He may not have the knowledge to handle subjects like economics, literature, maths, accounting, sciences, humanities and several others. BUT he is very good in agriculture and dress making which are his areas of specialization since he holds a diploma in agriculture and a certificate in dress making .
e)Sometimes, he misses deadlines but I guess it is due to the fact he has to contribute to this forum and essayscam.
f)He may appear as arrogant to his clients, but once you understand him, he is ok.
I therefore highly recommend him specifically to high school and elementary students in need of agriculture and dress making essays.
Long term client of pheelyks
pheelyks  EssayChatJan 2, 2012
All these students you have stolen from cannot be lying.

"All these students" are one scammer--you--who likes to pretend to be other people, including me, fake customers of mine that don't actually exist, and now MeoKhan, who has never posted here before. That's the benefit of an anonymous forum--you can lie as much as you want to.

Again, anyone who wants to find out for themselves whether or not I'm genuine is welcome to email me and discuss their project at length before any payment is requested. My email address appears in a post lower on the page, under the title, "Email Pheelyks for High Quality Academic Research...".

it's really sad...

Dec 30, 2011
When the spam competitors post more frequently to denigrate me than I post to advertise myself. Your business must really be off if you are this focused on one single competing writer.

Customers, I don't charge $75/page, and I would never promise three-day delivery of a 50,000 word dissertation. Go ahead and send me an email if you want an actual price quote and discussion of deadlines. The admin here only allow one email advertisement per page, which is a rule I respect, but luckily they let anyone post pretending to be me, so you can check out those pretenders (like the one below) for my address.

NEW - Only individual freelance writers / editors may advertise here (writing agencies may take advantage of the paid advertising opportunities). Short / re-written / poorly-written ads may not be accepted.

NEW 2 - Writer's email is now linked to{your-email} page.

NEW 3 - Only writers who have an EssayScam Writer Profile activated and have at least 2.000 Rating can post their ads here under their associated email. Writing service ads not posted in this category will be removed.

IMPORTANT: Ads of Regular writers whose EssayScam Rating falls below a certain level (currently < 10.000) or who haven't posted a relevant and meaningful message in a public forum on EssayScam every 24hrs or less will also be automatically removed.

If you already have an ad published here, please make sure to delete the old one before posting a new (and never published) one. Ads posted through proxy servers will be removed. Ad re-posting / bumping will keep the reposted ad unreviewed or deleted.



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