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flex  EssayChatDec 14, 2010
They tell them not to with a disclaimer. That's about it.

You contradict yourself. Previously you said you're 'talking with students' - talking about what, how to cheat so that they are not caught? The more I read your posts the more I think the only thing you care about is money, not the law or students future.
Amon Giralda  

silly question

Dec 14, 2010
The question is, how do you discourage students from trying to submit your example essays as their own?

How does Target discourage people from getting high off of paint? They tell them not to with a disclaimer. That's about it.
flex  EssayChatDec 13, 2010
Amon Giralda

The question is, how do you discourage students from trying to submit your example essays as their own?
Amon Giralda  


Dec 13, 2010
Legitimate companies and writers clearly state they refuse working with students who are thinking of submitting the model essays as their own.

Why? If I paid for a paper off JStor and used that as a model or a source, that's legitimate. The ONLY thing that is the business of the college is if someone is submitting work that is not their own, and even still that is itself arguable.

I absolutely do care about both integrity and education. I speak extensively with students. As I note in my disclaimer, the essays are sample papers and for educational and entertainment purposes only. I also make sure to the best of my ability that my clients understand the logic of why I made the arguments I did, the sourcing and the logic behind that, etc. But even if I didn't, that doesn't make me "illegitimate". We provide a service for paying customers. I provide that service on time and on budget. Nothing else matters...
Richie  EssayChatDec 13, 2010
the Professor doesn't care if you paid or not for the article.

He does.

Still, it seems you don't care about students integrity and their education. Legitimate companies and writers clearly state they refuse working with students who are thinking of submitting the model essays as their own.
Amon Giralda  

not my point

Dec 13, 2010
But you can do it for free (ie. look up an article) : )

Yes, but the Professor doesn't care if you paid or not for the article.
Richie  EssayChatDec 13, 2010
But you can do it for free (ie. look up an article) : )
Amon Giralda  


Dec 13, 2010
even the notion that using a sample is somehow better or morally superior is ridiculous. no professor at a legitimate institution would approve of the use of a paid for sample. buying terms papers is somewhat unethical. but is it really a moral travesty? of course not.

Really? It's no different, really, from going online and looking up a similar article or essay and using that as a model...
john  EssayChatDec 13, 2010
Someone using the essay for a sample, then, should show their work based OFF the paper to their Professor and make sure it's right.

even the notion that using a sample is somehow better or morally superior is ridiculous. no professor at a legitimate institution would approve of the use of a paid for sample. buying terms papers is somewhat unethical. but is it really a moral travesty? of course not.
Amon Giralda  


Dec 12, 2010
Okay, but this disqualifies you from doing this job, you condone plagiarism.. and that's illegal.

It's actually not illegal except for occasional jurisdictions like Massachusetts. It is against college ethics boards, but those do not have the force of law. That having been said, that is a concern. Someone using the essay for a sample, then, should show their work based OFF the paper to their Professor and make sure it's right.
john  EssayChatDec 12, 2010
Show it to your Professor and make sure that it works for the class.

anyone that reads and posts on this site and works in this industry is well aware what these essays are being used for. trying to take some sort of moral high ground is quite honestly ridiculous and absurd.
Richie  EssayChatDec 12, 2010
Show it to your Professor and make sure that it works for the class.

Okay, but this disqualifies you from doing this job, you condone plagiarism.. and that's illegal.
Richie  EssayChatDec 12, 2010
These guys are promoting.

It would be fine if they were just 'promoting' but they are spamming all over the place with their broken English. Disgusting spammers.
Amon Giralda  

seems like...

Dec 12, 2010
Hey there i use the services of they are trustworthy you can give them a try

These guys are promoting. They e-mailed me, a separate business, which doesn't inspire much confidence. (How dumb do you have to be to e-mail a COMPETITOR with spam?) , to their credit, is the only EssayScam thread I see about them, and it has no specific complaints of bad treatment of writers or not turning in quality work. But this is clearly a sock puppet, and I wonder why they can't just promote here or on EssayScam directly instead of through sock puppets...
Amon Giralda  


Dec 11, 2010
Failed: It hit my spam filter :) . I've replied.


Dec 11, 2010
Thanks for your reply Amon - some good tips there.

Upon further review, though, I'm very wary of going with any large site now and would rather do things on a one-to-one basis. I emailed you at the address on your site last night, so drop me a line when you have the chance :)
Amon Giralda  


Dec 11, 2010
I think I'm legitimate, and have some good policies to guarantee this to the company ;) .

Some degree of trust will be required. If they can get you writing samples, FROM THE WRITER IN QUESTION, that look good, that's a good start. If the correspondence from the website looks professional, that's also good. If the website has bad writing, even if it has a professional veneer, that's a warning sign.

I'd just say make your deadline SUBSTANTIALLY before you get the paper. Show it to your Professor and make sure that it works for the class. Proofread it yourself. If it looks good, that's fine. You do have the problem that you don't know what you don't know, but at least this way you can make sure it looks good.

If it doesn't match their quality control promises, start a trackback on your order and demand a refund. It's worth the try, at least.

damn, just got scammed.

Dec 11, 2010
Ha, I am quite a tech-savvy person, but with deadlines and all, I guess I didn't take a thorough enough look into the company. Never done anything close to this before, and never even thought its a big enough industry to support such a huge netword of scammers. Depressed as hell, and out $90 now...guess it could be worse. :/

Problem now, is that I'm crazy paranoid of any site and/or person offering writing services, but I still need it done! :) scared the #### out of me, and Google search/ads is what got me into this mess.

I guess my question is *how* can I find a legitimate service? Anyone?
Amon Giralda  

just've seen...

Dec 10, 2010
What do you mean?

Some things that I find pretty amazing. That's all.

Problem is I'm getting tired of it, my eyes and head hurt too often. How to deal with that? Drop agencies or clients? I like agencies as I don't have to worry about marketing but working with clients is more rewarding (not only by dollar standards). Some companies allow to work directly with clients but many don't.

That's what I'd say. You could also send work to people.

i write for 6 essay agencies :)

Dec 10, 2010
Is there anyone else who has more freelance accounts? :) I do projects for some of my clients too.

Problem is I'm getting tired of it, my eyes and head hurt too often. How to deal with that? Drop agencies or clients? I like agencies as I don't have to worry about marketing but working with clients is more rewarding (not only by dollar standards). Some companies allow to work directly with clients but many don't.
Amon Giralda  


Dec 10, 2010
By except, I mean "ESPECIALLY". Wow, Freudian slip, huh? ;) I really am astonished by some of the confidentiality behavior in the industry.
Amon Giralda  

joking, right?

Dec 10, 2010
Your business should be transparent if you don't want to be called a fraudulent writer ;).

This is a joke, right? Microsoft isn't a scam company, but they won't publish every detail of your customer transaction. Confidentiality is a key part of every business, except this one. I will never discuss any element of a customer service interaction barring outright fraud, legal need or customer permission.
Amon Giralda  


Dec 9, 2010
It's generally not good etiquette to post things about a private business transaction in public. I'll answer your question in e-mail.
Amon Giralda  EssayChatDec 9, 2010
Good point..

If it's so hard to work independently why don't you join a 'big company' and not worry about the fine print ;).

Fine print is EXACTLY what you worry about with a middle-to-big sized company. Devil you know, really. At least PayPal is not likely to out-and-out screw me,.

Good customer service is not hard. It's staggering that it is so poorly done.

I also do take work from other companies as well, of course, but I'd prefer my business to get off the ground. I know that I am doing good work. I can't say the same for others.


Dec 9, 2010
Right, but for you to change a website or email (if you have angry clients) would take an hour; an established company cannot just change their website and start from scratch when a crazy client or competitor tries to discredit them online.

That's fair enough, except billing is rather harder to fake or create anew (billing that doesn't charge surcharges). PayPal requires a unique bank account to a unique e-mail in general, for example. But changing my website or e-mail, since I give clients a consistent, actual NAME, would require losing a substantial amount of my word-of-mouth appeal. As a small company, I can't just create clients out of thin air the same way the big companies can, for the same reason you mention that they need to charge more.

I don't see what this has to do with my original argument, either ;) . It is in my best interest to provide good customer service if I want to keep clients coming in. It really is in the best interest of companies to do the same thing, Ukrainian or not.

In fact, it seems to me that a devastating customer service criticism, in terms of hurting my word-of-mouth, is FAR worse to me. Big companies always have the advantage that, no matter how much bad publicity they get, someone will have missed it or won't believe it and will get burnt by them. it can't last indefinitely, but it can last pretty long if you top off on a Google search. Right now, a negative review of me on EssayScam would be pretty highly ranked on my Google search list :) .

If they hire poor writers what can you expect? : )

Basic integrity? :D
Richie  EssayChatDec 9, 2010
Anyone could have a bad day, or a misunderstanding or miscommunication on any end.

Right, but for you to change a website or email (if you have angry clients) would take an hour; an established company cannot just change their website and start from scratch when a crazy client or competitor tries to discredit them online. That's why of the reasons companies must charge more (and frankly, considering their cost and liability their prices are on average very low compared to prices of individual freelance writers).

Take Their reputation is non-existent, not because one or two people have a problem with them, but because dozens on one SITE do.

If they hire poor writers what can you expect? : )

bad publicity

Dec 9, 2010
What would you do if you have an angry client, there's no way of avoiding bad publicity ; ).

Ps. Learn to use the quote (first highlight the text and then click on the 'Quote' link).

What a clumsy quote system. Seems to me to lead to double posting far too often.

Anyways, this is a silly argument, as anyone who has done customer service can attest. Anyone could have a bad day, or a misunderstanding or miscommunication on any end. The point is to deal with the 90% of people who are no problem, then work with the 9% who have a complaint but are not unreasonable. The remaining 1% will speak for themselves based on the preponderance of the evidence the other way. Bad customer service misses out on the 9%, worse customer service misses out on the 90%.

Take Their reputation is non-existent, not because one or two people have a problem with them, but because dozens on one SITE do.

I do my absolute best, turn in every contract on time as agreed, do editing up until the due date, etc., to get word of mouth promotion. When an angry customer inevitably posts to, say, EssayScam, I will deal with them respectfully and kindly. That's good business.

I'd say both may be good (even though I'm always confused about VS, one is probably from Ukraine or something).

If the name is odd in some way, like a non-traditional syntax or order or conjunction, that's probably Ukrainian. Both of these sound okay, but Paper Masters is a little odd.
Richie  EssayChatDec 9, 2010
so whats about and the other site i found whom should i trust more???

I'd say both may be good (even though I'm always confused about VS, one is probably from Ukraine or something).
Richie  EssayChatDec 9, 2010
I'm a small business, I can't afford bad publicity.

What would you do if you have an angry client, there's no way of avoiding bad publicity ; ).

Ps. Learn to use the quote (first highlight the text and then click on the 'Quote' link).
Amon Giralda  

as to who to trust...

Dec 9, 2010 . Do a search there. Generally, if you don't get any hits, that's a decent sign. Other than that, I can offer the advice I always give: If the writing of the site is fishy, great in some spots and poor in the next, or if in communication with you they do not write effectively, that's a HUGE red flag. It doesn't matter if they're a scam or not, they are clearly not competent enough to get good writers to write their own advertising material and public relations work. How can they get good writers for your essays?

I am absolutely willing to do such a paper. Send me an e-mail with the prompt and due date and we'll go from there.

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