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re: about writing styles

May 30, 2022
Your first 2 semesters in college will all be about prepping you for the major course requirements. This will include classes in writing where you are introduced to various writing styles and how to apply it to your research papers. There are also writing centers are the colleges and universities where you can go to ask for help with your paper if you feel like you are in over your heard. They are always more than willing to help you learn the ropes when it comes to college writing. Do not let your brother get into your head. He probably never knew that help existed in college for him because he was or is not serious about his studies. You seem to be eager to perform well in college, something that will help you when it comes to accurately completing your writing requirements when the time comes. Now is not the time to worry about that. Work on getting good grades for now so that you can get into your first choice university.

re: are all academic writers narcissists?

May 30, 2022
You must have suffered a massive career burn-out to want to become a part of this field of uncertain income and cut throat competition.

It was more like career boredom. I had been working at the same company for 5 years already and been passed over for a promotion twice. During the lockdown, the company I worked for cut back even on work from home hours. Salaries were cut to unimaginable rates and I was barely keeping afloat with my bills payments and other payables. I got into the academic writing business simply because it popped up when I was looking for remote job opportunities in my area. A local company runs a general writing company that dabbles in everything from commercial jingle writing, social media hash tag promotion, and yes, even academic writing. I applied and found myself hired within the week. I started doing the job because the rates were good and helped augment my regular income. Slowly, it began to take more of my time and paid out higher than expected fees that soon overtook my regular job. I even had writing contracts coming my way at some point. I decided that this was the career for me under the New Normal way of doing things and quit my job without a second thought. I haven't looked back since. Now, let me ask you, does anything I said qualify me as a narcissist?

general writing administration

May 30, 2022
I am on the lookout for a reputable and reliable independent writer. I do not wish to work with writing companies since there always seems to be one problem or another coming up with dealing with them. I am thinking that hiring an independent writer will help limit my exposure to those problems. Quite recently, during my search, I have come come across a different kind of problem though. Several independent writers I have contacted do not want to work on a per project basis. Instead, they want me to pay them a regular retainer fee of $3000.00 a month for their performance as General Writing Administrators. Apparently they are of the impression that they are worth that much because they want to be the dedicated writer for all my writing needs. Regardless of the inapplicability of their background to my major. I was looking to hire around 2 or 3 writers for specific courses, all of whom must have relevant educational backgrounds. Yes, I interview and vet my writers personally. So I was really shocked by the writer administrator thing. Is this something new that I should be worried about? Is it not possible to hire writers on a per project basis anymore? Or at least stick to the same writer per subject? Does he really have to hire to write all of the papers? I am afraid that I might end up with class problems and failing grades if I do this. 5 writers have already approached me with this type of offer so far.

re: about writing styles

May 30, 2022
It all depends upon the kind of curriculum your school is following. If you have not chosen a college path to follow yet at this point and are taking general classes only, then maybe your teacher will not care so much about the paper format and presentation style. Like all teachers though, he may be impressed if you present your papers based on proper research guidelines for AP or college level papers. You do not lose anything by prepping this early for your college course. College is not the time to be learning about how to write. Your focus should already be on learning about your future job requirements. Not something that should have been taught in high school. Listen to your brother and learn about proper writing styles now. You will not regret it. Enroll yourself in after school writing classes. That will look good in your application essays too. It will show a dedication to learning that other students may not have. Knowing how to write and how to writer properly are 2 different things that you should be considering early on, before you get to college.

re: about writing styles

May 30, 2022
Your brother is just trying to scare you. My guess is, you are the more intelligent sibling and he knows it. So he is trying to scare you into believing that you cannot handle college paper requirements. If he were a truly helpful sibling, he would be helping you prepare for the future by allowing you access to his current college papers. Regardless of any difference in study focus you may have with him in the future.

By showing you what you are up against, you will learn how to handle the situation in the future. Ask him to send you copies of his current papers and review them. You will learn a lot from his mistakes, since he will be sending you his graded papers. If he refuses then buy model papers on the internet covering subjects that relate to your potential college major. That would be more than ample preparation for you when it comes to writing styles. It will also place you a curve above your classmates because you will have introduced yourself to several class course topics ahead of them, making you more likely to perform better in class.

re: about writing styles

May 29, 2022
Hey! Fellow student here. I would not worry about learning college writing styles at the moment. I would worry more about knowing how to do proper research and how to identify fake from real information. I am willing to bet that you are already being taught how to research and write in the format of the course you are interested in. What exactly is your focus of study? STEM? Arts ?

You should be receiving relevant research and writing training at this point based on your future college focus. If not, then what you should do is focus on becoming familiar with the writing styles. Ask your brother about it. I am just reading about these writing formats at the moment.

Just to get an understanding of how these are formatted. You don't need to use the writing styles just yet. Not unless your teachers require it already. As of now, our teachers are just happy that we know how to write long papers.
Henrie Pierce  

about writing styles

May 28, 2022
I am a high school student whose homework is mostly composed of research and opinion essays. My teachers do not require me to use a specific formatting style when completing my work. I have a brother who is currently in college and he told me that he found it difficult to complete his papers because our school did not familiarize us with the MLA and Haward writing styles.

He suggested that I start learning how to properly use these formats on my own to avoid the difficulties be experienced during his freshman year. Do you think he is right about this? I told him I could just hire a writer when I get to college and he went ballistic on me.

He believes I should learn the formats even if I do not write the papers myself. don't he just being dramatic about these things? I am asking him to place a bet that my teacher do not care about the writing format as long as I submit the work on time. Do you guys think I could be right?

re : networking and client cultivation

May 26, 2022
The forum itself allows the writers to use their server facilities for self-promotion while charging a nominal fee for it. They give the featured writers access to a promotional opportunity they would not have otherwise. Since these people mostly work alone, it stands to reason that they would prefer to personally handle their publicity and promotion in a rented venue. There is nothing wrong with that since they are informed of this upon sign-up. Since the paying writers do not mind it, why should we?

Being an independent writer is not easy, specially when it comes to promotion. By using these services,they receive some guidance in terms of advertising, no matter how basic it may be. Besides, even politicians and celebrities work on self promotion through hired PR. The writer's job is to somehow stay in the limelight while paid channels highlight their existence. That is basically the same principle that the writer promotion platform and service is based on at the forum.
Poojah Arjun  EssayChatMay 24, 2022
Have you ever heard of the phrase "career change"?

I am quite familiar with the phrase. I acknowledge that there maybe writers who fall under this qualification but there are more who enter into this field as their first job, not having other career opportunities present before them even as they claim to be unlicensed professionals in a field of wide admiration. They are not career changers but career losers who never really figured out their direction in life beyond being braggarts and bullies. The academic writing field is the perfect vehicle for narcissists since they get the power rush they need, while being paid to play mental games on the unsuspecting students. These third rate narcissists seem to proliferate in this field.

If you are truly a career change participant in this field then you are one of the few. You must have suffered a massive career burn-out to want to become a part of this field of uncertain income and cut throat competition. The narcissists try to cancel each other out in this field with some of them no longer here because they came across an even bigger narcissist than they were. Even narcissists have their comeuppance.
Guy Jones  

re: are all academic writers narcissists?

May 20, 2022
People who graduate with actual academic degrees and have a shot at an actual (high) paying job will not go the academic writer way.

Have you ever heard of the phrase "career change"? In case you have not heard of it, let me explain it to you. This is the process that a professional undergoes when he gets tired of working in one specific occupation over a period of time. He decides that he has had enough of this profession and tries a new one, where he can gain a new sense of satisfaction. While not all of the academic writers are here because of a career change, there are some, myself included, who entered into the job because of the need to change my job. It had nothing to do with the fiduciary aspect, but it had everything to do with personal satisfaction and stress free working.

Am I a narcissist because I derive satisfaction from being able to help others improve their career prospects? No. They have all the benefits to gain from hiring a seasoned professional as a writer. My experience, both professional and wordly shows in my writing, which levels up the paper that he receives from me in terms of content and relevance.

Am I a narcissist because I like working stress free? Again, another big NO ! Most people wish they could work on their own terms and hours. Not even the WFH scenario that has been picking up in popularity can compare to the freedom I have working without clocking in from home and being supervised by a higher up, which is what the WFH scenario is about. It should not be confused with the freedom that academic writers experience in our WFH scenario.

If you think these classify us as a narcissist, then you need to reexamine what the occupation we are working in is all about.

re: client cultivation and networking

May 19, 2022
Itappears that the website concerns itself with fees collection in terms of advertising writers but they do nothing to actually help with writer promotion and client channeling. The writer pays to be advertised but aside from access to the perceived exclusive advertising methods, which are paid for individually, the writer must work hard to promote himself just the same. Then why spend so much money when there are no real advertising benefits provided? The writer does all the heavy lifting and has to pay for the privelege to do so. There is something wrong with this promotional service. The company that owns the forum is the only one who can claim immediate benefits since they reclive cold hard cash for the extra services. The ones who pay need to have patience along with a wait and see attitude when it comes to even garnering the interest of a client. That should not be how a promotional service works. It should come with some sort of advertising or target audience exposure guarantees. .

re: networking and client cultivation

May 17, 2022
Paid advertising does have its benefits. As a FEATURED writer, the students will gain a sense of credibility in your writing skills. They will see you as a cut above the rest of the writers here who cannot afford to put a spotlight on their names. Being featured does not have anything to do with your actual writing skill. It is really all about a heightened profile, which is what all of the writers strive for. Free posting does show off your writing skill does show off your abilities to the students, but they will not remember you the way they would a FEATURED writer. A FEATURED writer is more searchable in the forum if the student remembers your name but cannot figure out how to get in touch with you.

I wil admit that paying for the spotlight will cost you over time. Consider it an investment in your future because being an ordinary member of the forum will not bring you the same benefits as a FEATURED writer. It is one of the best ways to cultivate your profile in terms of networking and recall. I strongly advise you to use it, if you can afford it.
Myrtle Tuttle  

re: networking and client cultivation

May 16, 2022
Have the regular, non-promoted users gained any clients? How often does one receive an inquiry from the students who come here? Does the inquiry always translate into a paying client?

If the posts that you make are logical and showcase a working brain, then the students may take note of you. If your discussions show that you are a capable writer who has vast knowledge covering different fields, then expect a student to reach out to you privately. It will all depend upon how well you sell yourself as a writer in the free forum. It does not necessarily require a "featured" status, just a regularly used profile.

Client inquiries will depend upon how frequent you post at the forum. The more active you are, the more likely it will be that students will consider your services. Unfortunately, an actual number of inquiries cannot be provided because of the variation in client contact per writer. Just know that if you are patient enough, the client inquiries will come and a few of those, or all, may translate into an actual order. The conversion to an active order will all depend upon your negotiation skills and ability to convince the student that you are worth the risk when it comes to hiring a freelance writer.
Jaime Vance  

re: are all academic writers narcissists?

May 13, 2022
I do not beleive that academic writers should be seen as narcissists. We are simply ahead of the employment game. We were working from home long before the pandemic made it cool to do so. We work the hours we want, earn in a manner that satisfies our financial needs, and continue to exist in a recession proof profession. We do work in a solitary workplace. That is true. However, we do have social lives outside of our work hours. Just because we do not have any watercooler gossip to exchange with other employees does not mean that we are unsociable. We have far more solid friendships as these are people whom we grew up with, and do not have any veiled office competition going on with them. We actually get a lot of work done compared to those in the regular workplace, or those who work within the video office requirements because we are more responsible when it comes to completing our tasks. We are still answerable to a higher authority, our client, who expects us to deliver work products above the price they paid for. Our job is not for narcissists. It is for people who know how to thrive with limited supervision and do not have to be hand held just to complete a work requirement.
Camilla Wales  

re: networking and client cultivation

May 11, 2022
Unlike other websites and social media channels that would place a limitation on the exposure of the user based on the subscription, EssayScam does not function in the same manner. Anybody is free to open an account and post as he or she desires, but within the limits of decency and logic. The idea is to sell yourself as a writer as best as you can by introducing yourself for free. You may start a thread or simply respond to threads to get the readers acclimatized to your writing. It will not be censored by the moderators unless your post goes into dangerous territory. This is an open platform where every voice is going to be heard, regardless of opinion. There has never been any incidence of posting or comment suppression in the history of this forum. Sure there may be instances when other users seem to want to install such a rule in the forum but those have never prospered because the mdoerators simply will not allow it. Feel free to post as you wish. Advertise yourself for free if you need to, just do not be too blatant about it. Be subtle. That is how this game is played. You can use the paid advertising when you feel you have established yourself in the business enough to do so.
Jason Alexander  

re: networking and client cultivation

May 10, 2022
If one does not pay to advertise at the forum, does he stand a chance of being noticed by the other students?

Paying to be highlighted only works to the benefit of a writer who has already established his presence and solid reputation at ES over several years. That service helps him by allowing other students to access his work reviews and history. If you are just starting out, use the free services first. It is the friendly interaction that you will have with other writers and students that will catch their eye. The way you write and discuss will make them think of reaching out to you with inquiries. You don't have to spend money to make money in this business. Try to invest heavily in goodwill first. Cultivate your image to the degree that potential clients will believe that hiring you will be the right thing to do. Develop your client base over time. With the right kind of open participation at the forum, you may even find the need to advertise yourself with highlights unnecessary. Start simple. See where it takes you.
Mortimer Turtle  

are all academic writers narcissists?

May 7, 2022
There is an impression that academic writers work such an isolated job because they cannot function in the real world. They have a deep narcissist sense that keeps them from being team players and valuable employees in a real office. The reason they resort to this dead end job is because it allows them to be the boss, by feeding their ego through negotiations and working with helpless students. They are bullies of a different kind who get some sort of thrill from thinking themselves the role model of writer perfection in the academic writing world. The job is perfect for those who are or have narcissist tendencies. They don't seem to mind barely earning (they do not even earn from paycheck to paycheck) as long as they get to think they are shining examples of academic excellence that students who pay them are incapable of achieving.

People who graduate with actual academic degrees and have a shot at an actual (high) paying job will not go the academic writer way. The academic writing field is populated mostly by people who are satisfied with earning peanuts, no matter how they claim to earn more than enough to pay for their bills and live a life of enviable luxury every month. They are just lazy, living in a utopia of their own making in their minds, and do not want to have anybody as their boss because of their narcissist attitude. That is what prevents them from office work, or any sort of real world profession. They cannot be happy working from someone else where they have to be answerable to anybody from 9-5 (or longer). Or, where their perfect written (or otherwise) work might be questioned and rejected (or put in for a revision). It also prevents them from having friends since they will not engage in any activity where their perfection might be questioned and they would have to defend their narcissist way of thinking in a platform they cannot control.

Does anybody have any thoughts to share on this matter? Opposing views accepted and considered of course.
Andrea Lawson  

re: essay chat

May 7, 2022
Their writing skills and insights tend to show their age in the business

This is not entirely true. While the writing tone may take on a more mature presentation, the more seasoned writer does not necessarily find himself stuck in a rut. His written , is based on the reading material provided by the student. The more up to date the information, the fresher and more modern the writer's insight will be. His presentation will just carry a more informed tone due to the knowledge he has retained in relation to the topic, having written hundreds of papers on the same topic over the previous decades.

The same applies to the doctors and surgeons. The older the medical professional, the more knowledgable and experienced he becomes over time. He is the perfect doctor in the sense that he can merge the old school theories with modern technology. Most modern doctors have become too reliant on lecknology for diagnosis. They do not analyze nor question the results. That is what makes them 007. A danger to the patient's life.
Elvis Presley  EssayChatMay 6, 2022
plenty of patients avoid teaching hospitals, precisely because they just don't want their surgeries to part of someone else's training.

That is just not true. Just as with academic writers, patients who badly need an operation, but do not have enough personal worth or insurance to cover the procedure go to teaching hospitals to undergo the life saving technique.

They know the risks and that surgeon trainees will operate on them. They do it because of cost considerations. They also do it because they believe that these new surgeons have a better insight into new procedures, fresh assessment abilities, and a desire to prove themselves, assuring themselves of a carefully planned and successful operation. Veterans, as everyone knows, are more prone to malpractice claims because, they just don't care about the patient.

Sometimes seasoned veterans are just concerned with the money and insurance payment. Nothing more. The same goes for the academic writers. Their writing skills and insights tend to show their age in the business. They get sloppy, cannot provide a young insight into the topic due to overfamiliarity, could care less about the student beyond whether they can afford the writer rates or not, and overprice themselves (their services) because of their overvalued sense of experience. A character also found in older, more experienced surgeons.

Wow! I never thought such an important profession had so much in common with lowly academic writers. Ha! Ha! Ha!
freelancewriter  EssayChatMay 4, 2022
Don't you think you are being a bit too biased in this case? There are academic writers out there who are just starting in the business and are looking for a client to get them started. They would not have any work history or writing samples to present when asked. Does that mean they are bad writers?

No. It's not bias and it's very good advice. First, what you have to understand is that MOST writers and essay companies are scams to one degree or another. This just isn't a normal industry with any kind of regulation in which scam artists are the exception rather than the norm. So, trying someone without a long verifiable history (such as 10+ years on the same forum under the same ID) is very risky. About the only thing that clients can do to greatly reduce their risks is find a writer who has invested many years into his or her reputation under a single ID on multiple platforms. Trusting someone without a long history under the same ID is extremely risky, with respect to BOTH getting ripped off and receiving unusably bad work for your hard-earned money.

What if they can deliver as promised but cannot prove that because they do not have any work to present for evaluation? How will these writers get their start? Have you forgotten what is was like starting out in this business and crying out for a chance to prove yourself? This is unfair. We should all get a fair shot at working on this paper. Do not forget that in the form of employment, getting the chance to prove your worth is the hardest to achieve because of the pre-judgement attached to new or inexperienced employees. That should not be the main basis of hiring a writer.

Second, clients really care only about one thing: making the best possible choice for the greatest chance of receiving exactly what they need and the least possible chance of getting ripped off or of receiving unusable junk. Clients aren't in the business of providing "opportunities" for brand new writers, because their main concern is their projects, not the career goals of someone they don't even know who decided to try being an academic writer.

Nobody really wants to be a surgeon's first patient, either; and when you're dealing with surgeons, you know, at the very least, that the new surgeon has actually graduated from medical school, completed a residency, and satisfied various highly regulated testing and licensing standards. Even then, plenty of patients avoid teaching hospitals, precisely because they just don't want their surgeries to part of someone else's training. That's just not the case with academic writers, at all. Aside from the outright scammers, MOST people who think they might be able to earn a living doing this quickly find out that they actually can't research and write well enough and fast enough to do this for a living, and that holds true for both new independent writers and newly hired essay company writers. The chances of a bad outcome for clients skyrockets anytime they're dealing with an unproven writer and plummets anytime they're dealing with a more established writer. Your career goals and desire for more work just aren't their concern or their problem; and it's not their obligation to help you get started as a writer.

If you want a realistic way of becoming an academic writer, you should try the path that almost ALL of us who have done this successfully have had to take. That means first getting yourself hired by an essay company, and taking whatever freelance work you might get while working mainly for an essay company.

re: essaychat

May 3, 2022
don't hire anybody without an established history

Don't you think you are being a bit too biased in this case? There are academic writers out there who are just starting in the business and are looking for a client to get them started. They would not have any work history or writing samples to present when asked. Does that mean they are bad writers? That they cannot deliver? What if they can deliver as promised but cannot prove that because they do not have any work to present for evaluation? How will these writers get their start? Have you forgotten what is was like starting out in this business and crying out for a chance to prove yourself? This is unfair. We should all get a fair shot at working on this paper. Do not forget that in the form of employment, getting the chance to prove your worth is the hardest to achieve because of the pre-judgement attached to new or inexperienced employees. That should not be the main basis of hiring a writer.
Elias Smith  

networking and client cultivation

Apr 30, 2022
I have read about one of the writers here joining the Essay Scam forum to help him increase his client base and promote himself to the students. My question is, how successful is this interaction method of promoting oneself? If one does not pay to advertise at the forum, does he stand a chance of being noticed by the other students? Is there posting suppression at this forum for the non-advertisers? Have the regular, non-promoted users gained any clients? How often does one receive an inquiry from the students who come here? Does the inquiry always translate into a paying client? How successful is unofficial membership (unpaid) at helping to promote the writer and his services? Is paying for the slew of services worth the money? I know that I have way too many questions and I hope someone will bother to respond with detailed explanations (moderators welcome). I would just like to know if being a paid member at this old school forum would be worth the while. Thanks.
Paul Blart  

re: hire only specialized writers

Apr 29, 2022
I do not need to hire a specialized writer.

You said so yourself that you are on a budget and are just an undergraduate student. You may not be in a financial position to hire a specialized writer, although I can understand why you would want to do so. A specialized writer can definitely guarantee that your work is met at the highest standard. It is obvious that you want to impress your professor a specific class, hence the desire to hire a more than qualified writer for a simple college paper. Nobody will stop you from hiring a specialist if you want to, just remember that it can be very costly for you once you find one that you can work with. Weigh the importance of hiring a specialist and a basic college writer for your paper. You can still achieve an impressive mark without the need to spend big bucks. Try to find a simple, but highly skilled college level writer first. He should be able to complete the task as needed and you will not have to spend needlessly on an advanced writer.

re: hire only specialized writers

Apr 28, 2022
I have heard that since I am only a college student and not a masters of PhD student, I do not need to hire a specialized writer.

Since you are enrolled in a major with a difficult focus and concentration, it would be in your best interest to hire a specialized writer That way you can submit the research instructions or coding instructions or whatever and not have to worry about supervising your writer save for the occassional follow-up.

If you feel that you will get some sort of assurance by asking the writer for sample work then go ahead and do so. It will not hurt and can only add to your trust of the writer. Do not hire any writer that you are not comfortable working with. Rapport is very important for your peace of mind.

Never go the Hail Mary way. Plenty of students have been burned by that method. Do not do anything that might make you a victim. You do what you have to do to make yourself feel secure in hiring a writer. Never hire one blindly.

Hiring a competent writer is no easy feat. It is often aneve wracking experience. As long as you know what you want and are looking for in a writer though, you should be fine.
freelancewriter  EssayChatApr 27, 2022
how can I be sure that the person applying for the job is actually qualified. Is it alright to ask for sample work but have it based on a previously completed project of mine? Or should I just do a Hail Mary and hope for the best?

Definitely don't do this and don't hire anybody without an established history that you can check out, first. On this website, anybody can post under any ID. If you go to the EssayScam forum, you'll find writers (like me) with profiles that allow you to see our history going back a decade or more. You can also use the search function there to research the reputation of any writer you might consider. (Always change the default "Titles" to "Messages" over there, so that your search results aren't limited to threads with your search term in the thread title.)
Johnny Hoffman  

hire only specialized writers?

Apr 27, 2022
I am just a college student who is looking for a writer who can complete assignments and other projects related to Data Science. Based on my major, I feel that I need to hire a writer who has experience and a background specific to this topic. Now, I have heard that since I am only a college student and not a masters of PhD student, I do not need to hire a specialized writer. That any writer available via company or independently can complete this work. Is this true? If so, how can I be sure that the person applying for the job is actually qualified. Is it alright to ask for sample work but have it based on a previously completed project of mine? Or should I just do a Hail Mary and hope for the best?

Since I am a scholarship student, I cannot afford to let my grades slide. The problem is that my part-time job is offering me extra hours to help me increase my income. As nice as that sounds, it means I will be losing at least 4 hours of study time per day, 8 hours per day on weekends. It is something that I cannot say NO to.

What I need is a writer who I can trust to complete my homework and projects in a manner that will maintain my grade point average for the scholarship's sake. Please advise me on what steps I should be taking to ensure I get the right writer for the job.
Nelson Andale  

re: ai grammar checker or human proof reader?

Apr 27, 2022
It would be a lot simpler if you just hire a writer to complete the paper for you. Do not even attempt to write the paper so that you will not have to hire someone to correct the content or reformat it. There are benefits to immediately hiring a writer.

For starters, hiring the writer from the start removes the stress of having to do the research and writing of the project from you. I can take the stress that should have gone to you because you are paying me to do that. My job is to make your life easier. That means, you just tell me what you need for class and I will deliver what you need as a final product. No proof-reading or editing required.

Next, as a student, your focus should only be on learning the lessons that relate to your major. Those are what will equip you for your future job. Side classes should not take that focus from you. By letting me work on these non-essential papers, you can produce better grades where it matters for you.

Finally, I would like to call your attention to your major subjects. My help would provide you with the time to understand the textbooks. You read, I write for you. You learn from the books, and later on, from the papers that I will be providing to you.

I strongly suggest that you consider hiring a writer instead of considering AI or human proofreading services.
Louis Mountbatten  

re: essay scam activity

Apr 27, 2022
I am sure that doesn't break...

Not at all. That is exactly how the forum works. You can join up and participate in any thread to help promote yourself. Just make sure you do not directly advertise your services. That would be a big no-no. I do not believe in spending so much money for advertising and publicity. Sure it helps build your online presence, but that does not necessarily mean that the students can trust the quality of your work. You get to prove that by writing more in the forum and in Essay Chat. Showing the students the kind of writer that you are, the quality of your writing and your thought process, including what your writing style is. Your participation here is basically your sample paper. Every post you make may be considered by the student as a part of his hiring process.

Will you automatically get jobs? Well, you will still need to be patient and wait for the student to reach out to you. There are no guarantees. The most you get is a chance to heighten your writer profile without having to overspend just to get noticed.

You do not necessarily need to be a FEATURED writer. You can just be an ordinary writer member and get the same advertising effect as a FEATURED writer. It is all about the written product and nothing more. That is what the students are looking at when they consider the writers available for hire at this forum.
Norman Bates  

re: more working hours for international students in canada

Apr 27, 2022
I think there is a deeper underlying reason for this decision. I would like to think that the business sector had a lot to do with this decision. The reason? Cheaper labor. They would not need to pay the foreign student / part time worker the same rates and benefits as the average Canadian student part time worker. The businessowner gets to keep more of his generated income and the student, in turn, is highly thankful for the "work experience" that he hopes he can take back home with him as bragging rights. The foreign student has no idea that he would be underpaid and that he would be nothing but a glorified slave for the company. The employment avenues that would benefit from this set up would be the F&B sector anyway, since the foreign students cannot do much in terms of other jobs. They are burger flippers, we are the paid interns. We can only hope that they actually leave Canada at the end of their education. If they don't, then I would really be pissed off.
Alice Knauss  

re: essaychat

Apr 27, 2022
You're perpetuating a very common misunderstanding of what "proofreading" actually means (and what it does and doesn't include)

I believe that this misconception is something that is perpetuated by the essay writing companies that offer proofreading, rather than editing services to the clients. As a writer, I have often had to deal with students who have the same requirements as you just described. They do not understand how proof-reading works because it is not explained to them as a part of the assignment instructions. There are no classes for writing that teach proof-reading in school, as far as I know. The students cannot tell the difference because of this lack of proper writing education. Unless the teachers help them understand the actual writing steps, we writers will have to suffer the consequences.

What makes it worse is that the writing companies do not care if the student ticks the wrong order box when placing their order. Even if we explain that the student needs a new essay written and not proof-reading, it is the company that insists on underpaying the writer just to keep the order of the student. The writer's protest is met with a reassignment instead.

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