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www.besttheses. com  EssayChatDec 28, 2011
Ok, I will take my writing somewhere as you recommend, and do not follow me where I will go.

I wish you good luck.
Candy, stop writing in english....your writing 'skills' are horrible

Dec 28, 2011
1. You intentionally try to deceive unsuspecting students by having a shill pose as a 'satisfied' customer for your 'services'.
2. Your atrocious grammar coupled with your macabre comprehension skills DISQUALIFY you from writing-professionally- for students.
3. You should first improve your Grotesque linguistic skills before you engage in professional writing.
4. Take your scam elsewhere
www.besttheses. com  


Dec 28, 2011
I though this site was made for everyone to advertise him/herself. But if the site has become for a few youths who have no education in their brain but just to scramble with all manner-less words to gain clients, then it is ok. I wonder the type of clients who get their services. Someone who is profession and has some education, should not abuse other competitors in order to gain clients....... From these arguments, I can that this site is comprised of people who are struggling to fight others in order to gain clients. It seems that they have used all what they had during x-mass season and they are looking for new clients by spoiling for others. I WISH THOSE WRITERS GOOD LUCK. LET THEM TRY.......
xela , s.t.f.u, scammer!

Dec 28, 2011
I wish you know what you are talking about. Do not open your mouth just because of saying something. Sit and concentrate on your work

i am not opening my mouth, i am typing; if you have evidence TO CONTRADICT my statement, just bring it on. i am not going to sit down and see scammers deceive and con students.
Once again, student dont use:
1) : He is notorious for his copy paste 'services' as several students HAVE testified in this board. Most probably, he began his scam around June, 2009
2) A trainee fraudster who is being 'coached' by . He poses as a students and issues 'recommedations' for his - and pretends he got good services from him
www.besttheses. com  

i wish you knew what you were saying

Dec 28, 2011
I wish you know what you are talking about. Do not open your mouth just because of saying something. Sit and concentrate on your work....
xela is a fraudster

Dec 28, 2011
I need GENUINE writers and experts in Australian Law.please contact me for sample work. (

If is a 'student' why was he trying to solicit work from the student who wanted Australian Law Papers., S.T.F.U....dont try to fool around with out intelligence, dimwit

the / horrifying scam......beware

Dec 28, 2011
I am not with him/her..... got it....?

Stop protesting now that your scam agenda has been unveiled. claimed that he wrote papers for you while in fact, a casual glance at this site reveals that you are a writer trying to scavenge for clients.
It wouldnt take a genius to realise you are an accomplice of, but since you've been unearthed, you are trying to dissociate yourself with him.
once again, students dont use or his notorious accomplice Both are notorious fraudsters well known all over the internet for their deceptive tactics.
Be warned
www.besttheses. com  

be profession

Dec 28, 2011
Okey. No problem, say all what you can. "" is my recent client. and I found him on this site.... Please be profession. Do your own work..... arguing here will not bring a bread on your table. In short, be wise.
gabreilla.barne y  

don't say again

Dec 28, 2011
while you know to well he is your fellow scammer.
Students, do not contact "". He is scammer, working with this 'leonard'

I am not with him/her..... got it....?

stop your cheap lies, nitwit

Dec 28, 2011
Hi All,I respect those who accuse me falsely. Exodus 20:16 says that "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. ... witness": or, "O thou false witness".If incase I have scammed any one, God forgive me. But I do not think I have done that. You can ask someone by the email "" I did him a paper recently He can be my witness. Thank you for that client who has supported me.. For those who need my service, contact me via

You claim you did a paper for "" yet he has posted somewhere below this page trying to solicit work from a client, implying he is a writer and, most likely, you work in cahorts with him to defraud students.
i like the way you tell students to contact him, while you know to well he is your fellow scammer.
Students, do not contact "". He is scammer, working with this 'leonard'
www.besttheses. com  

ask ""

Dec 27, 2011
Hi All,
I respect those who accuse me falsely. Exodus 20:16 says that "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. ... witness": or, "O thou false witness".

If incase I have scammed any one, God forgive me. But I do not think I have done that. You can ask someone by the email "" I did him a paper recently He can be my witness. Thank you for that client who has supported me..

For those who need my service, contact me via

he is a scammer

Dec 26, 2011
I do not agree with you. He did me a good job and paid him all what I owed him. I think he does that for those who disturb him mwhen it comes to payment issues and for those who pays less. How can he do a good job while you pay $ 5, and yet you want to pass. Pay more and get quality work. He is my top writer

S.T.F.U: Your are not fooling anyone...if he is a scammer, well he is a scammer and should be avoided by all students!
You arent fooling anyone, nitwit
www.allwriting. net  EssayChatDec 26, 2011 is spam ....take money and provide copy paste work ...he is fraud........avoid from his services

I do not agree with you. He did me a good job and paid him all what I owed him. I think he does that for those who disturb him mwhen it comes to payment issues and for those who pays less. How can he do a good job while you pay $ 5, and yet you want to pass. Pay more and get quality work. He is my top writer.
Zahid Hameeeed is spam

Dec 25, 2011 is spam ....take money and provide copy paste work ...he is fraud........avoid from his services

merry christmas to everyone!

Dec 24, 2011
Merry Christmas to Everyone!
GENERAL  EssayChatDec 21, 2011
S.T.F.U Pheelisis; for the 1000,000th time, your delusional reasoning, obsessive-compulsive mentality and devious personality have crept out of your thick skull to drench this forum with your nauseous 'opinions' . Cleary, you want the O.P to feel 'sorry' about his grammar and make you look like a shady Shakespeare. WTF told you that your grammatical 'skills' are enviable except perhaps the gullible students you constantly defraud under the guise of helping them with their homework?

For the record, the essays you pasted under 'free section'(essayscam) shamelessly leeks of someone who acutely lacks basic writing/argumentative skills and I can swear my ***** there are dozens of writers - EW-Writer- for example, who write/argue better than you without flossing their skills.

You really look insecure with your ever flossed 'native' writer placard; who, after reading your two essays in the mentioned subsection, can't decipher that you are just an average writer with an unusual knack for inutile self glorification?

S.T.F.U, Imbecile

writing service

Dec 12, 2011
If anyone is needing a reliable writing service I have created You can contact me directly through my site either by email or phone and I will answer any questions you may have.

Notorious BIG  

please dont take it too much

Dec 12, 2011
whilst i may not agree 100% with pheelyks, i find someone posting using pheelyks name a little bit of taking the game too far.
If i have personal issues with him, i know how to tackle them without the need for third party's 'help'

from real pheelyks : customers, whether i am ukrainian or not, my writing speaks for herselves

Dec 11, 2011
Forget these scammers below.
My writing speaks for herself. Whether I am Ukrainian or not is not a issue; what matters is that I shall craft for you essays that has never been seen in this world. I am as good as other writers here although I may have originally been an ESL but now I am as good as native writer.
Well, I have properties in Ukraine but that don't mean I am not in US. I live between Kiev and Florida so some payments can go to Ukraine.
Customers, if you're looking a less sensitive and more rational writer, my email address appears in a post lower down titled, "Email Pheelyks for a Reliable, Hassle-Free Service."
student 4 life  

if some writers are so good, why spam the forum?

Dec 11, 2011
i am a student in need of management essays and the kind of behavior exhibited by the so called writers is appalling
From my observation, this forum is meant for students and writers to work together but it has generated into a name calling match with some writers here thinking they own us students and we must give them work.
Some can't even get to spell a simple word like 'felix' which is appalling
i thought of getting a writer here, but not now

oh, bother...

Dec 10, 2011
It's a forum

No, it really isn't--not in the usual sense. It's specifically a place to seek and/or advertise services.

No "piggybacking" intended, and an extremely offensive accusation

You are extremely offended very easily.

Customers, if you're looking a less sensitive and more rational writer, my email address appears in a post lower down titled, "Email Pheelyks for a Reliable, Hassle-Free Service."

"piggybacking"? right

Dec 9, 2011
"I guess I sort of appreciate you reposting my ads for me, but I'm perfectly capable of handling my own business, thanks."

It's a forum. I was responding to things. No "piggybacking" intended, and an extremely offensive accusation. Class act.

amon: thanks for the support. now stop piggybacking.

Dec 9, 2011
I guess I sort of appreciate you reposting my ads for me, but I'm perfectly capable of handling my own business, thanks.
AmonsEssays  EssayChatDec 9, 2011
"Phyleeks I like your tricks. I believe you created the scammer, so when you, the scammer fails to publish a mountain of evidence, you the real Phyleeks gets a positive publicity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This is... stupid. If the scammer could make up tons of evidence, which is easy, they could muddy the waters enough to damage Pheelyks. It's risky, has a great chance of blowing up in his face and is done in just one of the many forums where he frequents. What a stupid argument.

oh, the idiocy of it all....

Dec 6, 2011
The moron didn't even change his/her username in the two libelous posts. In the first, they pretend to be me talking to customers and use the name "pheelyks;" in the second they pretend to be a customer but left "pheelyks" in the name box (hover your mouse over the small icon next to the title of each post).

Nice try, bucko.
Derrick  EssayChatDec 5, 2011
"BIG" = Psycho Melissa / Matthew

'Paul'= Writersbeware(from essayscam)= *****

"big" = melissa / matthew

Dec 4, 2011
"BIG" = Psycho Melissa / Matthew


Dec 3, 2011 is a real scam, they have stolen my $300. They keep on promising they will pay yet they don't pay. what he hell is this

give it a rest

Dec 3, 2011
I think you're the scammer because you misspell my name the same way as PIG, have the same poor grasp of English, and didn't use a username that would help to identify you.

NEW - Only individual freelance writers / editors may advertise here (writing agencies may take advantage of the paid advertising opportunities). Short / re-written / poorly-written ads may not be accepted.

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IMPORTANT: Ads of Regular writers whose EssayScam Rating falls below a certain level (currently < 10.000) or who haven't posted a relevant and meaningful message in a public forum on EssayScam every 24hrs or less will also be automatically removed.

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