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operation management writer needed asap for assignment (business management)

Nov 27, 2015
This is for graduate level intellectual professors ONLY. Must be proficient in writing and English, reliable with CREATIVE writing skills. I am seeking someone for an ongoing basis. For this assignment payment will be given AFTER delivery, if you are "OK" with that PLEASE Contact me ASAP with samples of your work.

Thank you


happy thanksgiving

Nov 26, 2015
To all my colleagues, clients and friends who celebrate Thanksgiving, I wish all the best, bellyfull of great food and a lot of fun. Enjoy!

operation management writer needed for assigment (business management)

Nov 25, 2015
This is for graduate level intellectual professors ONLY. Must be proficient in writing and english, reliable and have CREATIVE writing skills. I am seeking someone for an ongoing basis. For this assignment payment will be given AFTER delivery. PLEASE Contact me ASAP.

Thank you.


an integrated academic writing script for managing writers and orders

Nov 19, 2015
******* allows you to get orders direct from the customers and assign to writers. We have developed a WordPress plugin for this. The reason for using WordPress is its ease in management and better SEO compared to other CMSs.

To access the plugin, go to wordpress/plugins/academic-writing-ordering-system/

Get orders directly from customers.
Get paid direct to your Paypal on each order
Control Pricing and currency
Manage your customers yourself

academic writers wanted

Nov 17, 2015
I am looking for academic writers. Interested parties to email me at or call +254720171728

scammers alert

Nov 16, 2015
Fellow Writers. please be very careful especially when dealing with these clients from US. they demand that they pay after delivery of their paper because they have beenscammed sevrally while the truth is that they are the real scammers. I have now fallen a victim of two of them now. None of them has responded to my emails immediately I sent their papers

college admission essays wanted: ill pay $5 per essay

Nov 16, 2015
Do you writers have any college admission essays that you want to sell me? Ill buy them for $5 each. Please send me an email at #email_below# Ill pay you today by paypal.



undergraduate level capstone report

Nov 14, 2015
I need some one can finish a around 60 page, 8000 words Capstone project on Burt's Bees with in 3 days, I have some sources available on hand. the first half will be strategic analysis and will need offer 3 strategies to this company. send me a email if you interesting, and i will provide a sample.


salute to our veterans...

Nov 11, 2015
We've been celebrating Veterans Day in the U.S. since 1919 in one form or another (see and it is fitting that we continue to do so because freedom is not free. Salute to our nation's veterans today and every day!

re: 200 words poem about the "burial of the dead"

Nov 7, 2015
Maybe this will help get you started:

Violets are blue,
Roses are red,
I would have finished this poem,
But now I'm dead.

good grief...

Nov 6, 2015
"6:500 word in 3 days ,, the price offer is 75 $ for all the job"

google guryere

Oct 30, 2015
I need help in writing introduction about Google Guryere!

Surendra Pal  

need academic content writer

Oct 30, 2015
Dear Writers
I need fallowing full time and part time Indian writers subjects listed below
Basic Subject
Science Assignment Help
Math Assignment Help
Chemistry Assignment Help
Physics Assignment Help
Biology Assignment Help
Psychology Assignment Help
History Assignment Help
Geography Assignment Help
Essay Writing
English Assignment Help
Humanities Assignment Help
Nursing Assignment Help
Computer Science
Programming Assignment Help
Database Help
Data Structure Assignment Help
Operating Systems Assignment Help
Computer Network Assignment Help
UML Diagram Assignment Help
IT Assignment Help
Game Programming
Computer Science Assignment Help
Medical Science Assignment Help
Silverlight Assignment Help
Social Science Assignment Help
Biochemical and Biotechnology Help
Chemical Engineering Assignment
Statistics Assignment Help
Civil Engineering Assignment Help
Electrical, Electronics Help
Mathematics, Computing Assignment Help
Mechanical and Industrial Engg. Help
Petroleum Engg. Assignment Help
Biochemistry Assignment Help
Cell Biology Assignment Help
Arts and Architecture Help
Business Studies
Accounting Assignment Help
Finance Assignment Help
Economics Assignment Help
Marketing Assignment Help
Human Resources Assignment Help
Operations Management Assignment Help
Strategy and Planning Help
Project Management Help
Business development
Case Studies
Referencing Style
email Us #email_below# with your sample work and your cv


are you a student looking for an essay or an essay company looking for writers?

Oct 28, 2015
looking for art history specialists

Either way, you should provide some way for writers to contact you.

looking for art history specialists

Oct 28, 2015
Dear all,

I am looking for an Art History graduate to write essays for upper-year courses at brand name universities. The goal is an A.

Kindly reply or write to me professionally, with 2 samples of previous Art History papers which you have done. If your e-mail shows any flaw at all in formatting, syntax, grammar, vocabulary or tone, it will not be read.

Thank you very much and I look forward to collaborating with the ideal candidate!


professor verb's word for the day ...

Oct 28, 2015


: boastful or inflated talk or behavior

"To the extent that such euphuistic rodomontade does not drive you crazy in the following pages, credit must be given to car journalism's editors [and] to fellow car journalists, car jockeys, and car nuts who can be counted upon for genuinely clever turns of phrase which I can be counted on to swipe." -- P. J. O'Rourke, Driving Like Crazy, p. 5.


*This one will send them running for their dictionaries!

re: keister -- dead giveaway

Oct 26, 2015

1. a person's buttocks.
2.dated: a suitcase, bag, or box for carrying possessions or merchandise.

student scam alert

Oct 23, 2015 is a scammer

academic paper / homework/assignments writing and coaching

Oct 18, 2015
I am a proficient passionate writer with 7+ years experience in
academic writing service writing for various print and online media. I
have written several essays, dissertations, research papers, thesis,
and journal articles that have been recognized for awards. For all
those years as a freelance writer, I have gained writing experience in
different styles for numerous target audiences on topics such as
fashion, music and general news and events, security, business, IT,
engineering, and biology. So these skills and talents have influenced
me to help students, where I believe I can improve my
writing skills, as well as earn income. Finally, I believe that we can
both have an equal advantage.

Best Regards

Budhesh Chopra  

quality check expert needed

Oct 17, 2015
I need an experienced candidate who can do the following for me on a regular long term basis for assignment orders:

*Checking Plagiarism
*Proofreading for Grammar, Spelling Errors, language use
*Reading the assignment instructions and ensuring they all have been included and followed in the solution
*Ensuring whether the deadline is met (part of quality check)
*Checking References Style (Also whether references are credible, academic sources and whether at all they have been adequately utilized in the work)
*Whether any special instructions from the client have been included as required
*Comparing the solution using the marking guide/criteria and following the high marks criteria and ensuring it is met
*Final formatting as per what the assignment specifications

Please detail your experience in the academic writing industry with your application and your expectation for reviewing 1000 words in AUD.


professor verb's word for the day

Oct 6, 2015

: to confuse or bewilder
"Despite being one of the best students in the class, the sophomore was still flummoxed by the cryptic assignment instructions."
PremiumPaperWri ter  EssayChatSep 30, 2015
Thomas Jefferson said that "No government ought to be without censors, and where the press is free no one is"

there's another version of the quote that reads, " No government ought to be without censors: & where the press is free, no one ever will."

In the second version he seems to be saying that when there is a free press no government or person will be without censors.

hope that helps :)

thomas jefferson quote

Sep 30, 2015
So I thought I put this on, stop by a little and tell me your thoughts.
Thomas Jefferson said that "No government ought to be without censors, and where the press is free no one is"
It is a bit confusing for me to understand the second part. It sounds like he is against free press.

re: you can probably feel it - winter is coming

Sep 29, 2015
"See... What I felt they should have done, for our first public works project, is build a giant wall... across the entire border of Canada. Because that's where the cold air comes from." -- Lewis Black

professor verb's word for the day

Sep 27, 2015


: feeling or exhibiting ferocity

""There is, in world affairs, a steady course to be followed between an assertion of strength that is truculent and a confession of helplessness that is cowardly." -- U.S. President Dwight David Eisenhower*


*President when I was born ("I Like Ike")

need help with counseling course work

Sep 25, 2015
I need some help with counseling course work specifically case studies. If you know general psych that isn't good enough- it needs to be someone familiar with the work done on specific scenarios, legalities, ethics, safety concerns, particular theories used etc. Please email #email_below#


yes we can?

Sep 20, 2015
Students aren't ordering anything?

It's true there are considerably less orders than in the past years. The "Yes we can" economy is doing the job?

no jobs

Sep 17, 2015
Students aren't ordering anything? I feel like committing suicide. I thought by now i should be earning $200 per day. I'll try writing poems

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