Your little rhyme made me laugh. Spike is obviously a psychotic moron. Guilty people always backlash the way she (Melissa) is! No, Phleeyksie: your post and all your other abuse and insults show that you are 1) worried like hell about me exposing you as a scammer; 2) completely desperate; 3) a fantasist who probably needs psychiatric help.
Guilt people always 'backlash'? Well, sorry, RETARD, but it is YOU who are 'backlashing' against my allegations against you by (VERY predictably) hurling insults, abuse, allegations not based on evidence, and then forming a little bullying clique to attack anyone who exposes you.
Calling me 1) psychotic; and 2) a moron - shows how desperate you are. There is NO evidence for either in my posts: intelligent, fact-packed, revealing posts which expose you PHLEEYKS as a dodgy character that NO STUDENT should ever trust - unless they want their details to be sent to their college tutor, that is. And unless they want a D grade essay for an A grade price.
There have been serious allegations about you Phleeyks: about how essay you have written get sent to students' tutors and universities, which then expel them. I have no idea if these allegations are true - but your angry, violent response to these allegations do rather suggest that they are.
You then accuse me of being someone called Melissa - again, based on no evidence at all, just your psychotic opinion - despite my telling you that I am 1) male and 2) not an ex-essay-site owner. And yet you persist! Such are the ways of the desperate, the sad and the mad.
Interesting us of the noun 'backlash' by the way which you change into a verb: your English level is really weak, isn't it? 'BACKLASH' is NOT a verb, MORON!
Keep wriggling on my web, Phleeyks: the more you wriggle the more you get trapped! LMAO
Students here know which writers to avoid now.
Students should ask themselves this: why are certain writiers pimping and hustling here when ANY writer worth his salt would be writing for a large agency and getting paid a lot with regular work? Why? Were they sacked by those sites for incompetence and dishonesty (yes, actually). Were you sacked Phleeyks? Be honest now. I know who you are and will post your personal details if you continue to lie.
Is it worth taking a risk on someone advertising on some cheap and tawdry forum like this? If I were a student, I just would not risk it: I'd go with an established company. |