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the real pheelyks

Jul 13, 2011
We specialise in writing in all fields

Really? You specialise in everything? Did you look up "specialise" before using it in a sentence?

For writing help from a fluent English speaker (not to mention honest and well-qualified), send me an email.
The uniessay team  

writing help: whatever your needs and deadline date

Jul 13, 2011
For all those out there who need help with writing, no matter how small or big it is please come to us and we will be happy to help.
We specialise in writing in all fields and are renowned for delivering A* material no matter when your deadline is. We have been around for quite some time now and guarantee to deliver for a cheap price.

Please contact us if you need help in an essay, thesis or writing project of any sort and we will guarantee to provide a competitive and cheap price. Please feel free to also go onto our online essay shop at or email us at for a free and immediate quote.
We guarantee to give your money back if your work is not written to our A* standard.

Universal Essays Online
The Uniessay team

the real pheelyks

Jul 13, 2011
That services is really clear.

It sure is.

brownie freelance limited reviews

Jul 13, 2011
The Real Pheelyks

That services is really clear. you pay - you get quality work. if you don't like it - you get your money back. that's it.

the real pheelyks

Jul 13, 2011
Re: Brownie Freelance Limited
This company is run by Ukrainian crooks that hire writers from Pakistan, India, and Jordan so they can get away with paying them $3-$6/page, and when customers complain about the low quality of the work the company "fines
the writers without refunding a cent to customers. It's a great business model as long as you don't have a conscience.

For true high-quality work you can actually count on, send me an email.

brownie freelance limited

Jul 13, 2011
In fact, there is a full spectrum of papers of any academic level and level of complexity. We may offer research, term, dissertation papers, theses, reports, reviews, essays on any topic, assignments, course works, projects, proposals, etc.
The team of professional writers is ready to accept the orders of the most sophisticated and demanding customers. We are ready for challenges and eager to assist in writing the most complicated tasks, indeed.

the real pheelyks

Jul 2, 2011
Do you need helping spelling "term paper"? Or are you more intelligent than the guy advertising below me, but would still like some high-quality and reliable academic assistance?

If so, please send me an email. It appears in another post also titled "The Real Pheelyks" in about the middle of the page (the mods only like one email advert per page around here).

statistics solutions

Jun 25, 2011
Does any one know about the legitimate of Statistics I just need support eith the statistics measures.
Thank you


Jun 22, 2011
Are you in need of any academic assistance? I write good papers, theses, essays, researches and even dissertations. Please send me a mail at [Africa]

the real pheelyks

Jun 21, 2011
RE: Patrick James ("I Was Scammed")
plagiarism percentage was 0.6 %

The plagiarism percentage should be zero. As in, you shouldn't plagiarize AT ALL. Sounds like the scammer got scammed, to me.

You also have no business writing academic papers in English in the first place. Your English isn't terrible, but it's certainly not university quality.

Finally, you can't earn a 2.1 at a US university, so your story might be an outright lie.

My advice to you? Find a job that is actually suited to your skills, knowledge level, and intelligence, and stop coming to forums like this to lie to people.

RE: Rockmaniasis ("To the Scammed Kenyan Writer")
Your English is far worse than "Patrick James'." Please go away.

For a non-Kenyan (US, actually, though switching to UK spelling/word usage is no problem) writer that can actually deliver professional, high-quality and confidential academic assistance, please send me an email. It appears in another post further down this page, also under the title, "The Real Pheelyks."

to the scammed kenyan writer

Jun 21, 2011
My Patrick James, Im also a Kenyan writer, I had such experience once: what you do, paste your paper at so that once the paper is submitted it will appear plagiarised from the site. In future be asking for half payment before, dont be such gullible writer!

i was scammed

Jun 21, 2011
I am a writer based in Kenya. Recently I wrote a good paper for a customer, PHD dissertation 126 pages, plagiarism percentage was 0.6 %, did several revisions the customer got grade 2.1 then scammed me; we had agreed a total some of 1600 USD, but she paid me 160 USD instead. She is based at Michigan university. I also have her department's details but i don't have her professor's contact. Please Phleeyks or other writers advise me on how to go about this student and how to avoid such future scammers, Thanks hoping for your reply. Regards, Patrick-

the real pheelyks

Jun 20, 2011
 We Deliver Yesterday, 11:43pm
For best Essays, Thesis and Dissertations,

These guys can't write a complete sentence, and even the sentence fragment they posted as advertising has a glaring grammatical error.
...What? Contact who?

Actually, Amon, that would be "whom."

For truly professional, high-quality and confidential academic assistance, send me an email. We'll discuss all details before any payment is made, and you never have to pay the full price up front. My email can be found in another post on this page, also under the title "The Real Pheelyks" (the admin here only allows one email advertisement per page--you'll just have to scroll a bit!).
AmonsEssays  EssayChatJun 20, 2011
"For best Essays, Thesis and Dissertations,"

...What? Contact who?
John Hall  

we deliver

Jun 19, 2011
For best Essays, Thesis and Dissertations,

the real pheelyks

Jun 16, 2011
There are at least eight significant errors in this post. Before you start advertising your writing services, you might want to get some writing capabilities.

For people that want business essays written by someone that not only has the expertise required but that is also fluent in English, send me an email. It appears a few posts down, also under the title, "The Real Pheelyks."


Jun 16, 2011
Seeking research for work, not english but spanish

half of your essay/dissertation before you pay!

Jun 14, 2011

However, on several occasions some dishonest students have scammed me and obviously I have taken the necessary action. You can check the quality of my work from two essays I posted on essayscam after two fraudulent students conned me. Follow this link: tandard-1858/ ( I have posted under "uk business writer")


From admin: Post plagiarized from another forum.

Jun 11, 2011
EW is commonly known to be horrific scam artists. My heart goes out to their victims.

nasty review of an essay service

Jun 10, 2011
An essay service customer gone angry:

They had blackballed me and threatened to turn me into my school if I don't pay them more money.

Is it serious or exaggeration?

i agree...

May 29, 2011
I think that personal attacks should be outlawed. Arguments about fraud or other allegations of misconduct should of course continue to be allowed, but the content of Melissa (or whoever this apparent sock puppet is, and any honest person would recognize that when someone comes on with the same exact grudges and behavior that they would be suspected of being that person until proven otherwise) and Mike/Pheelyk's posts (through no fault of Pheelyks, since he is of course trying to defend his good name) has degraded far beyond that to petty personal attacks each way. While limericks are kinda funny ;), they really don't advance the hope of the site as a board for writers to get in touch with clients.

Also, Melissa (or whoever) should probably learn that they can do either attack people in public or convince clients of their professionalism. Pick one, since you can't have both...
$$$  EssayChatMay 29, 2011
Pheelyks and mike... I would definitely rather use you to write my essays that that crazy lunatic whom has been writing novels of abuse. That person seems like they help. After reading all these posts I cannot believe that someone who is trying to run a business would carry on like they are doing. It's not at all professional nor does it make anyone want to go with their business but go to yours.

a useful request

May 29, 2011
When there's nothing of substance to stay,
Yet psychos can post anyway,
The site goes downhill,
So mods maybe you will
Start a limit of one post per day?

invective with style

May 29, 2011
There once was a psycho named Spike
Who not even his mother could like
When she had the wee lad
She went stark raving mad
And said, "Now I'm becoming a dyke!"
Mike = esl garbage and/or fake address?

May 28, 2011
Domain name:


Trading as:
Essay Writer

Registrant type:
Non-UK Corporation

Registrant's address:
PO BOX 502943
United Arab Emirates

"spike" = matthew "nutjob" w.

May 28, 2011
"Spike" = Matthew "Nutjob" W.

I know exactly who you are and what sites that you own. You can play your denial game all you like. You have protested just a tad too much already, psycho.

the truth about phleeyks

May 28, 2011
Your little rhyme made me laugh. Spike is obviously a psychotic moron. Guilty people always backlash the way she (Melissa) is!

No, Phleeyksie: your post and all your other abuse and insults show that you are 1) worried like hell about me exposing you as a scammer; 2) completely desperate; 3) a fantasist who probably needs psychiatric help.

Guilt people always 'backlash'? Well, sorry, RETARD, but it is YOU who are 'backlashing' against my allegations against you by (VERY predictably) hurling insults, abuse, allegations not based on evidence, and then forming a little bullying clique to attack anyone who exposes you.

Calling me 1) psychotic; and 2) a moron - shows how desperate you are. There is NO evidence for either in my posts: intelligent, fact-packed, revealing posts which expose you PHLEEYKS as a dodgy character that NO STUDENT should ever trust - unless they want their details to be sent to their college tutor, that is. And unless they want a D grade essay for an A grade price.

There have been serious allegations about you Phleeyks: about how essay you have written get sent to students' tutors and universities, which then expel them. I have no idea if these allegations are true - but your angry, violent response to these allegations do rather suggest that they are.

You then accuse me of being someone called Melissa - again, based on no evidence at all, just your psychotic opinion - despite my telling you that I am 1) male and 2) not an ex-essay-site owner. And yet you persist! Such are the ways of the desperate, the sad and the mad.

Interesting us of the noun 'backlash' by the way which you change into a verb: your English level is really weak, isn't it? 'BACKLASH' is NOT a verb, MORON!

Keep wriggling on my web, Phleeyks: the more you wriggle the more you get trapped! LMAO

Students here know which writers to avoid now.

Students should ask themselves this: why are certain writiers pimping and hustling here when ANY writer worth his salt would be writing for a large agency and getting paid a lot with regular work? Why? Were they sacked by those sites for incompetence and dishonesty (yes, actually). Were you sacked Phleeyks? Be honest now. I know who you are and will post your personal details if you continue to lie.

Is it worth taking a risk on someone advertising on some cheap and tawdry forum like this? If I were a student, I just would not risk it: I'd go with an established company.


May 28, 2011
Your little rhyme made me laugh. Spike is obviously a psychotic moron. Guilty people always backlash the way she (Melissa) is!

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