I am beginning to get confused by the new age method of teaching that some schools have decided to implement. Now, the schools are telling me that to be fair to all students, they are doing away with the traditional way of assessing knowledge, which is by using exams. Instead, the students will be rated based on short and long essays (in place of quizzes) and perfomative tasks (rather than quarterly assessments). They claim that this is the best way to truly assess the learning of a student beyond simply memorizing dates and events. Now, the students need to prove that they truly understand the lessons beyond just textbook learning. They also claim that is will lessen the chances of a student cheating during an exam. Which is probably true, but then again, students hellbent on cheating will find a way to cheat, no matter how the teachers try to stop it. Anyway, I am just concerned that we are raising a generation of unlearned youth because of the way the schools are pussyfooting around the learning process for our children. What do you think? |