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re: honorlock and taking exams in a new era of education

Jul 19, 2022
This is nothing new. Universities have been using similar technology since the early 2000's when remoted learning was just getting started. It was something that did not work very well back then because of the limitations of the program and the way that the hired writers could be classmates, working on the exams from the school library or something. As long as the IP was located in the same state, there was no need to worry about getting into the system. These days though I find that I have to use a VPN service to help mask my actual location, for the benefit of my client. Does it always work? It works most of the time. What I do is, I test the system a few days before the test date so I can let the client know if I can safely access the exam center or not. Where my IP is detected, I cancel the gig. When the student is asked, he can deny having given his information to anyone and blame it on a hack.

re: college education v. certification courses

Jul 18, 2022
Those kids should be encouraged to follow the most direct career path and to obtain as many related certifications as possible

A parent is expected to encourage their kids to follow their dreams and support their ambitions because that is what will be good for the child. So, if this means that he will not follow the traditional path to gaining employment, support it. He does not need judgement from you. What he does need is your guidance. Do not let your fear of the changing employment landscape destroy your relationship with your child. Just because we do not fully understand how the new world of employment works does not mean it is a bad thing. It just means it is beyond our scope of understanding. I mean, a McDonald's burger flipper is not facing a dead end career. He can be a store manager one day, and a corporate executive the next. Why? The company supports relevant education for their employees. They hire from within. That is what you should be doing too. Supporting the talent that you can see right in front of you. Your child knows that his financial freedom rests not in boring college courses. Even a 15 year old with a fantastic app idea can become an overnight millionaire these days. Coding is the future of employment. Do not hinder your child's future because of your own fears.

honorlock and taking exams in a new era of education

Jul 17, 2022
So, I am one of those independent writers who agrees to take online examinations for my clients when they are inacapable of doing so for one reason or another. I will admit that I had no qualms about logging into their university server under their identity to take the test for them. It was something that was lucrative for me during the pre-pandemic stage. My business has been undercut lately though due to changes in online test taking methods during and post pandemic. Specifically, there is this program, Honorlock, that prevents me from accessing the university servers these days.

If I try to log in as a student, it triggers an alarm on the other end and informs the proctor of the illegitimate log in. My IP is logged, as well as the student's data, resulting in an automatic failing grade for the student and an academic honor case. I will admit, one of my clients got expelled because of this program. It was only because of his case that I came to know about this new aspect of online exam taking.

So, let me caution my fellow writers, avoid the online exam representation jobs from this point on. The last thing we want to do is cause problems for our clients. That is never our aim. If they have to take the exams themselves, then let them. Do not let us be the cause of their academic downfall.
freelancewriter  EssayChatJul 14, 2022
It is not fair to say this. What about the kids whose parents cannot afford to send him to college but can afford to get him certified for a certain skill? ..

This is completely correct. Nowadays, unless you have a very specific career path in mind that requires a specific degree, the main value of a college diploma is simply that so many people entering the work force above the level of minimum wage have a degree that you just don't want to lose out on consideration because you don't have a degree. If a kid has a particular aptitude and interest in some specific career path that doesn't require a college diploma, it's just not worth the cost and the delayed entry into the workforce. Whether that interest is in becoming a mechanic or a coding or other IT specialist, there's not much of a point to getting a college degree in Communications or Sociology, just to have a diploma. Those kids should be encouraged to follow the most direct career path and to obtain as many related certifications as possible instead of sitting in a college classroom bored out of their minds taking courses that have no value to them except as they relate to getting a college degree in "something," just for the sake of getting a degree. That only made sense 30 or 40 years ago when all sorts of doors were open to college grads but shut to those without college degrees. Nowadays, there's not really much of a point to discouraging a kid with aptitude in a field that requires certifications and pushing him to get a any college degree just to compete against all of the other Communications and Sociology majors for openings serving coffee at Starbucks or loading conveyor belts at an Amazon shipping center.

re: college vs. certification courses

Jul 13, 2022
He can code on his own dime.

It is not fair to say this. What about the kids whose parents cannot afford to send him to college but can afford to get him certified for a certain skill? Does that make them bad parents? Does that mean the child loses out because his parents handicapped his educational path? Who are we to say that a college student will do far better than a certified course completer? Why are we suited to judge what their futures may be? It isn't a matter of studies based on number of years.

These days, it is a matter of financial stability based on actual skills, training, and abilities. Things that take too long to master as a college student. College focuses only on the academics and slight skills development. The latter, focuses on actually preparing a young adult for independence and financial freedom. I have seen college students living on their parents dime, in the basement, attic, or over the garage. While their certified course counterparts are putting downpayments on their starter homes or RV's.

Think financial independence from you for your child and you will come to understand the value of certification courses over college degrees.

re: general writing administration

Jul 11, 2022
I've ever even heard of writers asking for a "retainer" fee for their non-working time, which is completely ridiculous.

I will not consider it ludicrous since the retainer fee means that as a writer, I would be on call for this client on a 24/7, 365 days basis. It gives the client priority over my other clients who come in with their piecemill or bulk orders. It means that even if I am on vacation in the Maldives, when this client calls, I delay my vacation plans till his needs are satisfied. Why not? He is helping to fund my vacation anyway. A retainer fee helps to add to my professional credibility as a writer and has given me the respect of my peers and others, who work on a retainer fee basis as well.

The retainer fee is ample enough for the client to not have to worry about any payment credit storage or cost of the paper. It is a worry free method of keeping his paperwork in check, while I am assured of a regular flow of income. Yes, this includes unlimited revisions (that is what the retainer part is for) as the client sees fit. Although that never occurs with my services. These students and professionals are satisfied with my work the first time they receive it. It is my top notch work that makes the retainer fee worth the while for them to pay.

I have several students and professionals in my retainer fee roster who will differ with your opinion on the service. They do not mind paying for my off time in the off-chance they might need my services and would charge them extra for the bother anyway. These are the clients who have helped me stay financially afloat for more than 25 years now. I can only surmise that you are jealous because none of your clients are willing to pay you for more than mere "store credit". That does not give you much professional respect does it?

re: college education v. certification courses

Jul 9, 2022
I blame Trump for this "college is not needed" mindset. It was him and his daughter that pushed our kids into thinking that the vocational route is the best get rich quick scheme. Their idea that manual labor and imagination are all that one needs to be successful in life was bought into by a lot of young minds. Minds that do not understand that a college education prepares one to succeed in life. How do you expect to expand and grow your business based only on skills and talent? Sure there are start-up investors out there, but if you do not have any idea of how to run a business how do you expect to grow it? coding courses are just another way of getting workers faster into a new form of digital slavery where they think they are the boss, but are not really. Do your best to get that kid into college. He can thank you later. He can code on his own dime.
freelancewriter  EssayChatJul 8, 2022
That sort of arrangement is a winning situation only for the writer. He gets paid whether he works for you or not. If you hire a retained writer, he is going to laugh at you all the way to the bank.

Obviously. I've been doing this for a living for over 20 years, and this (below) is the first time I've ever even heard of writers asking for a "retainer" fee for their non-working time, which is completely ridiculous. I've had many clients pay me for several projects far in advance, especially nursing students whose programs typically require dozens of very small class-forum-post types of projects every few days; but whatever they pay me is just held as a credit for me to bill off their projects as I write them, one at a time. This just saves us both the time and hassle of going through a new email exchange and payment for each project, one at a time. I let them know how much credit they have remaining as I deliver each project; and they just replenish their credit as it gets closer to $0 or to make sure they have enough credit to cover whatever projects they anticipate sending me. At the end of their courses, they have the option of receiving backwhatever credit they still have with me as a refund, or they can leave it with me to apply to their projects next semester. Currently, I have 4 clients doing this: two nurses, one business administration client, and one executive director of a charitable organization for whom I write public-relations initiatives and other related correspondence and organizational literature.

Several independent writers I have contacted do not want to work on a per project basis. Instead, they want me to pay them a regular retainer fee of $3000.00 a month for their performance as General Writing Administrators.

Where are you finding any writer, let alone "several" independent writers who are all asking for "retainers"? It sounds like you might have narrowed your search for a writer to a small community of "writers" all pulling this same scam. I assure you that this isn't something that real writers do in this industry. Where did you find these writers and what convinced you that they're legit?

re: general writing administration

Jul 8, 2022
Hiring a general writer administrator is not ideal for a student who does not expect to have a heavy workload. If the student only wants to use the same writer occassionally, then there is no reason to keep the writer on retainer either. It would be better to hire the writing assistant as necessary or, as the budget permits. It becomes heavy on the pocket when one has to constantly set aside a specific amount every month regardless of whether service is provided or not. Why pay a person for wait time? Believe me, that writer is not twiddling his thumbs waiting for you to deliver writing instructions. He is working for another student when he is not working for you. That sort of arrangement is a winning situation only for the writer. He gets paid whether he works for you or not. If you hire a retained writer, he is going to laugh at you all the way to the bank.

re: college education v. certification courses

Jun 30, 2022
I would not call you an old school traditionalist since there will always be a need for professionals within the realm of 4 year course graduates. It is just that college education as we know it has evolved in the 21st century. Gone are the days of looking down at non-diploma holders. In their place, are looks of admiration for those who make a go for their career with only certificate courses. I see these methods of professional education differently because my children have all gone the certification route for their careers. Has it held them back from having financial stability? Definitely not. In fact, amongst their college graduate friends, they are the ones who managed to keep themselves financially afloat during the pandemic by working for themselves. They do not have any employees and they are go-getters who get clients for themselves through networking and other 21st century business methods. I do not always understand what or how they do their business. All I know is that their non-college degree studies helped them gain financial freedom. They paid for my Covid - 19 hospitalization fees as if it were just a drop in the bucket for them. Your kid may be on to something. Give him that chance. Support him.

re: general writing administration

Jun 29, 2022
I do not know why anybody would think that having a general writer on retainer would be a bad thing. As the previous OP listed, there are several benefits that can be gained from the set-up that a student or client cannot gain from hiring an academic writer via writing companies. The writing companies are just too problematic when it comes to writer assignment, costing, revision requests, deadlines, among others. All of those problems are eliminated by having a permanently assigned writer.

The way the system works, the writer can even take exams for the student if needed, aside from working on all sorts of class reports and / or capstone projects. I have had the same writer for all my classes over the past 3 years of my college education. He also works for me during the summer since I take a few advanced courses to help me graduate sooner from my course.

Sure there have been price increases for the special service, but I do not mind that at all since the benefits to me, such as having time to actually enjoy my summer vacation when not in the classroom, are priceless.
Donna Jo  

college education v. certification courses

Jun 28, 2022
Call me old school or a traditionalist. I was raised to understand that with college comes the opportunity to gain proper employment and in the process, create a stable financial future for myself and my family. I have 2 kids, with the older one slated to graduate from a 4 year course in 2 years time. He is my pride and joy since he chose to follow in my footsteps and take a college course relevant to the family business, which he hopes to help me run after graduation. Now, for my youngest "lost" son. My jack of all trades, master of none.

He has decided to tell me that he is not going to attend college and will instead, focus his efforts on "Coding" certifications and training. He apologized for not being interested in a 4 year course but he feels that his talents and skills lie more in the computer "white hat" hacking field.

He has me thoroughly confused at this point. I cannot understand why he thinks not having a college degree will help him gain a future far better than his older brother's. Can someone please help enlighten me about this?

I am ready to pull the plug on any study fees my youngest may incur if I have to. I am not paying for courses that will result in him living for free in my basement for the foreseeable future.

re: russia government scholarship

Jun 28, 2022
Why not pick a different country to study in? Russia is simply under too many sanctions at the moment for it to be looking at a quick fix to its economic and educational isolation at the moment. The educational isolation is something Russia started in its own because they chose to leave the international / European standard. They were not asked to leave the system, the did it to prove a point. A point that is clear only to their educational experts I guess. As far as everyone else is concerned, Russia will not be missed and neither will their scholarship program. It isn't like there are no other more validated and useful scholarship available in various forms from that region. Nobody should be interested in learning anything from the Russians at this point. Their educational system may have been good, but I am sure it will go downhill fast at this point. I would not have even known that they had an international scholarship if I did not come across this post.

re: general writing administration

Jun 27, 2022
While students have the option to hire several specialist writers during the semester to ensue aproper spread and quality of work, hiring a single writer for overall requirements makes for a good option. More so if the student is working with an extremely tight budget. There are actually benefits to living a general writer.

1. All work packets can be submitted at one time to one writer who has proven to be capable of completing all the writing requirements.

2. The student will need to keep tabs of writing progress under only 1 writer rather than supervising several writers.

3. It is easier to coordinate changes and edits to the paper since only 1 writer is in charge.

4. The writing tone and skill of the student will be standard / uniform across all the classes. It eliminates any possible hired writer suspicion among the student's teachers.

5. Discounted costing from the writer who can negotiate a median price with the student based on bulk order considerations.

re: aas return to home country problem

Jun 27, 2022
I know that the Burmese students are filled with apprehension at having to go back home with an uncertain future. Luckily, Canada seems to be very understanding of their plight. While it would be preferable that these students go back to Myanmar, they will not be forced to do so against their will. They can look into other visa options that would allow them an extended stay in Canada, under different visa regulations.

The problem is that these options may require them to go home first and apply for the new visa. It will entail expenses of course. New applications mean new documentation, new visa fees, among other expenses. It would be even more expensive if the student tries to change his visa after it expires and he has not left Canada. That would entail hiring a lawyer to represent the student. Which means spending on unimaginable charges and fees.

Based on there I choices, the student can decide which would be more financially feasible for them, considering they came to Canada as financially sponsored students.

re: russia government scholarship

Jun 24, 2022
I recently read an article that announced Russia was leaving the European Educational Standard system of education. They plan to develop their own system and standard for their academic curriculum. I am not sure if this is related to the Ukraine issue and the international sactions. As a potential graduate student though, I would put the brakes on pursuing this scholarship for now. One might end up with a worthless certification in the future. I am opting to wait things out and see if the problem will sort itself out. I consider this a sad development on my part because I am a huge Russian history buff who had hoped to immerse myself totally into their culture and historical studies as only on an onsite immersion will allow. The RGS was the path I was going to take to achieve my learning goals. I am now having to put my academic plans on hold because of world events beyond my control.

re: aas return to home country proble

Jun 23, 2022
Honor the visa agreement. Go back where you came from because that was the deal you said yes to when you accepted the scholarship. There should not be any problem with going home since you are a citizen of the country. There is nothing to stop you from fulfilling the final part of the scholarship requirement. It will just be under a new government, new rules, and leadership. Your country should still have a chance to develop in all aspects and you should be a party to it. Be patriotic. Do not abandon the country in it's time of need. Fight the system from within. Without people to help improve the situation, the country becomes hopeless and dead. There will always be a need for your expertise and leadership.Do not deny your countrymen the intellectual transference opportunity. Share your knowledge. Do not be afraid of going back. You still have family there right? Do not abandon them. Do not protect only yourself.

coursework and research

Jun 18, 2022
Can deliver simple, detailed work at any given time

re: russia government scholarship

Jun 17, 2022
After 6 months, I still did not have a grasp of the language basics.

I believe that the language proficiency requirement is the main tool that the scholarships use to weed out the tourists from the actual students. By insisting that they learn to speak and read in the native language, the students realize if they are in over their heads. It isn't difficult just for RGS scholars.

All scholars to countries with a language requirement find it difficult to comply. Their free tour normally ends after the language proficiency test comes out. Going back to RGS. If one does survive the gruelling language training, the next step becomes easier.

Actual study, research, and work training become a breeze. Do not think for a moment that you will have to speak and read in Russian all the time. They are proficient English speakers and there are English reading materials though not a priority in school.

English is always used by foreigners and Russians alike in a social setting. Russian is more often used in the professional and academic setting.

aas return to home country problem

Jun 17, 2022
I am currently a recipient of the Australia Awards Scholarship. I am slated to return to my home country at the end of this academic year. My problem, is that I do not have a country to return to. Well, technically, my country, Myanmar, still exists, but not in the state that I left it in. It is under military rule, making it difficult for me to return and fulfill my promise of helping my country develop after finish my Australia studies. Here lies my problem. Aside from the problem with the governance of my country, my student visa will also expire, forcing me to return to Myanmar whether I like it or not. As of now, I do not want to return to my country because there is no future for me there. I am not alone in thinking this. There are more of us who will be graduating faced with this problem. Should we return to Myanmar as agreed upon when we received the scholarship or, should I we try to figure out to change our visa permit so that we can remain in Australia where we are safe from harm? Are there other AAS scholars who visit this chat? Do any of you have some words of wisdom to share with us?

re: russia government scholarship

Jun 16, 2022
The language is certainly formidable. Having to learn a whole new alphabet and learning how to identify these characters as text will not be simple for students who see the scholarship as a way to see the country for free. Admittedly, Russia is not a popular study destination for most because they have a closed cultural policy. Very little is known about them and they seem to like it that way. Unlike the Koreans and Japanese who actively promote their culture based on entertainment value, or European nations that sell the students on the tourist idea of their study experience. Unless you are willing to spend time actually learning the language and studying, RGS is not the scholarship for you. I am one of the few that managed to complete the study course in Russia, having fulfilled all of the qualifying requirements. It was definitely a unique experience that sent me back to my home country with a new way of looking at the world, my profession, and how Russia is not really the bad guy that the other countries try to portray them to be.

re: beware of writers who gaslight students

Jun 15, 2022
Is there a difference between writers who gaslight students and writers that are narcissists?

These writers are the ones that normally blackmail and harass the student. That is why the student needs to protect all his identifiable data when placing an order.

Avoid asking for a free cover page because that page alone has enough information about you that can be used to gaslight you. Whatever page formatting you can do yourself, do not have the writer do for you. That means no cover page and no headers either. Once they get your name, class name, and professor,the gaslighting can commence.

Remember that everything free comes with a greater personal cost later on. That, is what a gaslighting writer is an expert at doing. Consider thir a friendly warning to protect yourself online at all times.

re: beware of writers who gaslight students

Jun 14, 2022
Is there a difference between writers who gaslight students and writers that are narcissists? I cannot tell them apart because they seem to share the same personality traits. They both try to control the students by making the students feel inadequate and lacking in all academic capacities. Both carry a sense of self importance that evolves to the point where they use psychological terrorism to control the client. They tend to "forgive" clients for imagined infractions that they use to blackmail the poor students. Students who have weak psychological capacities tend to get deeper and deeper into the bullying relationship with the gaslighting narcissist. A cycle that sometimes becomes hard to break because of the fear of failure or being reported to the school authorities. These are the writers who traumatize the students to the point where they no longer wish to seek writing help and instead, would rather accept a failing mark in class for their honest writing effort. These gaslighters and narcissists are the ones that give legitimate academic writers a bad reputation.

re: russia government scholarship

Jun 9, 2022
I was an unsuccessful participant in the Russia Government Scholarship Program. I was not unsuccessful because I failed the course. I, sadly, did not even get that far.

The first year of the course is dedicated to learning Russian. All their courses are non- English courses so learning the language is a must. The scholarship is similar to other non- English programs in that aspect. It is a rigorous learning process that in mentally challenging. I found myself literally revering my brain to learn the language. After 6 months, I still did not have a grasp of the language basics. As someone who considers himself a polyglot, I found this unacceptable. I left the program soon after.

Now I realize I should have tried harder. It is the most difficult scholarship to get into. I had already been accepted into the university. My future was at stake and I let the language proficiency requirement beat me. I had already won more than half the game. I am still kicking mepelf about it today. I wasted an opportunity not given to most.

re: are all academic writers narcissists?

Jun 7, 2022
I believe that the job heightens the narcissistic tendencies of the writers who already have the narcissist character within them. It is a job that keeps people mostly isolated so they forget how to handle face to face relationships. They are also more used to being the boss on the job, with no accountability to anyone, not even their clients who have to pay upfront for the service. The fact that the job is done remotely, without ever having a chance to go face to face with the client is what heightens their ego and their narcissistic tones. They take comfort in the protection that the anonimity provides them while allowing them to earn an income, regardless of whether they deliver an acceptable product or not. They merely ignore the poor students who get the brunt of their narcissism when they try to get proper work done via primary instructions / revision requests, or request for a refund. In a way, I guess the title of this chat is correct. Academic writers are narcissists.

re: general writing administration

Jun 7, 2022
It is not advisable to hire just one writer for all your writing needs. Each writer has a specialization. There is no one writer who can write it all, regardless of how he tries to convince you of such. Hire a writer depending on your needs. Do not place any writer on a retainer. That is a con that you should not believe.

He may be outsourcing your paper for all you know, splitting the profits with the unknown writer who did the actual work. Do not help him start his writing company by getting his capital from you. Never use the same writer more than twice. That is when he starts to think that he is your exclusive writer already and his CPP will start to break the ceiling and your bank account.

There will never be a logical reason for you to ever need a general writing administrator. That title and position has never existed in the academic writing industry. Do not fall for such foolishness.

re: russia government scholarship

Jun 6, 2022
I know what you mean. This is the only international scholarship that asks the applicant to pass the qualifying entrance exam to the university before the student can even begin the actual application process. A test must be taken for each university you want to consider attending and you have to pass the tests and wait for the university to invite you to attend their institution. No test, no invitation, no application. Talk about fierce!

Tourists who like to masquerade as professional students are not welcome to participate in this program. The student stipend is minimal, accomodations are very simple, and student movement is not as free as in other countries. You are there to study, not tour on the governments dime anyway. This is one scholarship that is not for the faint of heart. You need to be a dedicated student with a true interest in Russia to make it into program.

RGS makes all the other international scholarships look like a joke. When comparing requirements side by side, the others look like they will admit just about anybody into their program.

re: are all academic writers narcissists?

Jun 5, 2022
There used to be 6 narcissists here more or less who took great pains to support each others horrible attitudes to the point where they thought that they were the only ones who comprised the " legitimate" academic writing industry. No one else was welcome in their world. They viewed themselves as writing demigods. They were narcissists because the job made them that way.

This is a job that they believed should be based on a writer's sense of self importance alone. They became the very definition of the word because, in order to fool the students into trusting them, their skills, and services, they needed to project an image of being self-involved, vain, and selfish when arguing with other writers in the hope of demolishing the competition when vying for the same client. They were the classic character definition of narcissists. That was how they competed with writers who were not part of their clique.

I believe that they were all gone from the forum the last time I checked. That does not mean the site is now narcissist free though. Students need to be cautious just the same. They may accidentally hire a new narcissist writer without knowing it. Giving the students more problems than they bargained for.

beware of writers who gaslight students

Jun 4, 2022
The writers power over a student can sometimes turn into a psychological war. The job description allows a writer to develop an all too powerful dictatorial character since the student is seen as the subordinate who needs the services of the writer. Most specially in reference to the financial aspect of the deal. There have even been cases of students complaining that their regular writer would try to gaslight the student when the student begins to assert client rights. The threats begin.

References to, "I know what I am doing and you don't" in relation to writing instructions and revisions begin to enter the discussions. The poor students have no choice in such cases but to do as ordered since the payment has been completed. These gaslighting writers are the worst. They do everything to control the student clients and blackmail them before releasing them from what was supposed to be a per project writing hire.

Students should be careful. Never hire a writer multiple times / successively. Observe the writer for negative attitude changes if involved in a writer retainer set-up or favored writer status via multiple / regular / consistent hiring. Make sure the writer knows you are in chargeat all times. Do not be afraid to fire the writer at the first sign of trouble. Never turn over the leadership power to the writer. Protect yourself first and always.

russia government scholarship

Jun 2, 2022
We are all familiar with international government scholarships. They all claim to be the most difficult to get into, but do not show any reasons why this would be so. I have never had a problem getting an international scholarship before. so it would be a breeze to get the Russia Government Scholarship.

At first I thought that this was another international academic free ride and looked into it since I have studied in several countries on the basis of international scholarships. It is a great way to tour the world for free because someone literally pays you to study and enjoy as a tourist in the country, which is why there scholarships are so popular. Man was I wong about this scholarship!

It is not an open door, easily qualified for program. This scholarship has a unique vetting system that professional students will not appreciate. It is not merely a grades, recommendation, and study interest program. No RGS student will be a mere tourist in Russia. They actually have to study and qualify for the scholarship. This makes the admissions process the most difficult to qualify for.

Has anybody here ever tried to qualify for this scholarship? How did you fare?

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