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the real pheelyks

May 9, 2011
MY ADVICE is NEVER to trust companies that tell lies on their websites - by exaggerrating theirs age, for example, to gain students trust...

My advice is never to trust someone attempting to tell you what academic assistance service to use when he can't even write an error-free sentence.

et's claims

May 9, 2011
Mike (AKA WritersBeware) said in reply to someone making a fair point:

"Are you retarded? Did you not even bother to read their "1995" page before making an ass out of yourself on this message board?

"We launched this site, ET, in February of 2001. However, ET is not our company's oldest site. That honor belongs to, which began accepting online orders in 1995!"

BUT THEN WHY is ET not honest and stating that CLEARLY, instead of saying 'Since 1995'. NO THEY ARE NOT! They are since 2001!

Get back to your insane ranting and angry outbursts on EssayScan WritersBeware. Surely one site is enough for your to make yourself feel better by ranting at others all day long?

MY ADVICE is NEVER to trust companies that tell lies on their websites - by exaggerrating theirs age, for example, to gain students trust...
Mary Hudson  

dissertations, thesis and term-papers

May 9, 2011
I was once in this site when I was referred to
They are the best in dissertations, I got an A which I never dreamt of.
henry adero  

genuine writing sites that will pay handsomely

May 6, 2011
hi, i am a lecturer in one of the universities in kenya, i would like to be assisted to make a good decision to choose a genuine website to register as a writer. my email address is, if you can please send me the list of websites to my email account. Thank you

good uk company to write for?

May 5, 2011
Can anyone recommend a good UK company to write for?
ben  EssayChatMay 5, 2011

Nobody "hates" writers from Africa. We hate the fact most of them (95%) claim they can write in English and/or lie about their education. They don't use their real name, either.


May 5, 2011

et legit or not?

May 4, 2011
That might be written, but that doesn't make it true. ET is not a scam--it pays its writers, supplies customers with original and custom-made research documents, and refunds orders that can't be completed.

If it is a legit website and not a scam then why does their site say since 1995? As suggested by someone else a few posts earlier I did a WHOIS lookup of the website and it is registered to godaddy and was created in 2001... so since 1995 is a lie, is there anyone that actually had success using them? Bc it smells like a scam.
Richie  EssayChatMay 4, 2011

It is claiming you are a native writer from the US, but in fact are a notorious ESL African fraudster whose native language is Kiswahili or Ebonian.


May 3, 2011
Hello Monzur.
Can you send me your contact details (Email or Cell Number)...

worst ever!! oxbridge essay is cheat !!! careful!!!

May 3, 2011
Main Subject: Jurisprudence
Standard: Upper 1st (75%+)
Word Count: 4000
Delivery: 30 Days
Your Price: £1,115
Dear Monzur,
Thank you for your telephone call. I can confirm that your work will be with you on the 2nd April, and if at all possible we will try and get this to you sooner.

Kind Regards,
Jennifer Young
Account Manager
0207 631 9851
Oxbridge-Essays" <>
Thank you for your email, and apologies for the delayed response. Your order will be with you today.
Kind Regards,
The Writing Department

From: Monzur
Sent: 03 May 2011 13:12
To: Oxbridge-Essays

Yesterday I sent you few emails including this one below regarding my essay, I did not get any reply til now.
Would you be kind enough to reply me as soon as possible.
I am waiting for the essay and/or your reply
many thanks

--- On Mon, 2/5/11,
From: Monzur
Date: Monday, 2 May, 2011, 19:33

I supposed to receive this essay today, but I have not receive it yet. I ordered this on 25th of March and supposed to receive it on 24th of April which I did not receive. However, I then, contacted your office several times and was again, promised to receive it on 2nd of May (which is today), by one your managers but I am afraid, I did not receive it til now.

I need it urgently..
Could you please send it now, please..

AND, PLEASE MAKE SURE THE WORK IS EXPECTED STANDARD AND STRICTLY WITHIN THE WORD LIMIT (as instructed 3500 words for the essay +500 words for research trial= 4000 words in total, in accordance with university gudeline provided with the order!).

So, Please, Reply me as soon as possible, I am just waiting for your kind reply..

i apologize (i have bipolar disorder)...

May 3, 2011
I'd like to apologize everyone for my abusive behavior. I have bipolar disorder and at times I forget to take my medication (or the one I take doesn't work as well as it used to). I thought by using proxy service I would outsmart you, but I was wrong... :(

When I don't take my prescription drugs I'm going crazy and call people names. I'm just envy of their success and feel sorry for my miserable life. I live alone in a private room and the only thing I have is the Internet. Too bad I cannot use it as a civilized man, sometimes. Please forgive me, for now and for the future.

With respect,

Miserable me
Mike  EssayChatMay 1, 2011
Wow another uneducated idiot . . . . Pray that you never appear in court, because you will pay the price for your ignorance.

VPNs are used specifically because they DON'T keep records, you fool.

604  EssayChatMay 1, 2011
because they DON'T keep records, you fool.

Only fools think they don't keep records. Your ISP knows exactly who you are and what you do at any given time. You cannot fool time stamp / posting date.
lulz  EssayChatMay 1, 2011
Don't you mean on "a" VPN? Not one to be correcting another's grammar I guess, are you. VPNs are used specifically because they DON'T keep records, you fool.
Mike  EssayChatApr 30, 2011
The VPN is not from Germany. It's from Minnesota. You're not playing with amateurs, kid. Enjoy your extra cash while you still have it.
You guys are so silly. You assume that every VPN is actually willing to cooperate with the United States government. What a foolish, simplistic group of people. Good luck trying to get records from Germany.

lol  EssayChatApr 30, 2011
You guys are so silly. You assume that every VPN is actually willing to cooperate with the United States government. What a foolish, simplistic group of people. Good luck trying to get records from Germany.
pheelyks  EssayChatApr 29, 2011
Your pathetic attempt of a webmaster is pathetic.

This sentence doesn't actually make sense (one of the reasons your grammar actually does matter on the Internet is because it can help people understand what you're saying). If what you mean is that I make a terrible webmaster, you're absolutely correct. This is why I am not a webmaster. Apparently the mods didn't like some of the pointless vulgarities you posted, so they removed them--I had nothing to do with it.

I do find it interesting that you're so worked up as to still be posting here; it says a lot about the kind of person you are. It's also strange that the virus that has caused you oh so much pain prevents you from writing an essay you still have four days to complete, but permits you to write long, pointless, and semi-intelligible rants on publicly accessible websites. Strange virus, indeed...

Apr 29, 2011
Your pathetic attempt of a webmaster is pathetic.
pheelyks  EssayChatApr 29, 2011
It would be quite pathetic of me to review my own grammar in an insulting comment made over a measly message board

It would be pathetic of you to demonstrate some basic level of intelligence and self-awareness? You really are a moron.

See what I did there? I pointed out that you're a moron. And there's nothing you can do about it, because you really are a moron.

Apr 29, 2011
Also, if you didn't notice, as I said: this is the internet. Not grammarland. It would be quite pathetic of me to review my own grammar in an insulting comment made over a measly message board. If you enjoy spending your time correcting others, have fun.
pheelyks  EssayChatApr 29, 2011
I guessed you missed the freelance writers part then.

I am a freelance writer, d*psh*t.
There's teachers at my school who won't give extra time to a student who needs to go to kemo

*There are teachers (apparently not very good ones).
I can act however I please without repercussions

It would be really awesome if the mods decided to post your IP address due to all of this vitriol. Maybe I'll make a phone call...
PheelyksIsGay  EssayChatApr 29, 2011
I guessed you missed the freelance writers part then. But, then again, you were too busy riding et's cock. Second, I have a nice doctor's notice excusing me of all absence, but you, being the simpleminded fool that you are, assume every teacher would accept this. Wrong. There's teachers at my school who won't give extra time to a student who needs to go to kemo. You feel as if you know me so well to say I have no sense of responsibility. Well you are clearly a dumbass. You fail to think that seeing as I have no idea where to find a decent essay service, that this is the first time I've done this. You also fail to realize that I've already succeeded through high school and got accepted to college. You also fail to realize that I may call you a fairy and a faggot, both of which you are, whenever I choose because guess what: this is the internet. And you can't do anything about a single thing I say. And I can act however I please without repercussions. Noting that, just because I point out that you're a complete faggot (anyone who uses "snot-nosed" is either a stuck-up faggot like yourself or is trying to sound older than they really are), you assume that I go around calling everyone else a faggot. Well, once again, you are clearly a dumbass. I'd be in quite the predicament if I went for a job/college interview and said "Good evening, Faggot!" now wouldn't I? Underneath all my bashing of how clearly homosexual (not that your sexuality matters, it just seems to bother you) you are (I'm sure you live alone/with your "partner"), my point is that there ARE people willing to do it for less who didn't go to college to work for professional plagiarizers, (you know as well as I do what students do right when they get their essay), hell these people probably are in college and need some quick money, that would gladly complete this assignment. I'm simply asking for help finding these people, hence the "freelancewriter" parts. Guess I should have added college students as well. So you may go to your homosexual abode and watch child porn (because I can say that, because this is the internet), and if anyone has a real answer, please, feel free to share.

the real pheelyks

Apr 29, 2011
To the irate and ridiculous guy below:

First of all, the repeated use of homophobic slurs is really going to hurt you both socially and professionally if you don't learn to curb it in the very near future. I know you think you're tough, but it just makes you sound like a snot-nosed little punk.

Which brings me to my second point: I care about you being sick about as much as your teacher does. If you were truly deathly ill and completely incapable of writing an essay, any teacher or professor would at least give you an incomplete in the course (with medical verification). I have heard every sob story there is, from people with real problems and responsibilities, so your deathly week-long flu isn't all that impressive.

Third, I wasn't offering to write your paper in exchange for mowing my lawn. I was offering you a $20/hr job mowing my lawn once a week once you fail out of college and your daddy decides to stop paying your bills because he realizes you have absolutely no sense of responsibility or self-control.

Fourth, this paper isn't a 5-6 hour job. It's a 2-3 hour job, max. And I'd do it for $175--I'd even do it for a bit less--but when you order from a company there are customer service reps to pay, websites to keep running, affiliates, payment processors, phone lines--it takes money to run a business. Good writers make a good living. I actually earned my college degrees and could get a decent salaried job with health benefits and a retirement plan; I like this better, but I wouldn't be doing it if I could make a better living somewhere else.

the real pheelyks

Apr 28, 2011
High school work doesn't take more than a day and it definitely isn't worth that much (to me at least)

Then don't pay it, but don't get all ****** because you don't like a company's prices. You might think it's ridiculous for writers to want to make more than $100 in a day, but that's because you're in high school and have no concept of things like rent, health insurance, and the other parts of being grown up and responsible. The people that do this for a living (like me) are REALLY good at what we do, and our time is valuable.

Enjoy your ******, plagiarized, ESL essay, and have fun failing out of college next year. I'm looking for someone to mow my lawn, though, if you're willing to travel....
Farhan  EssayChatApr 28, 2011
if you trust me

Who are you and why are you using my name??? Farhan???
farhan  EssayChatApr 28, 2011
Hi everyone
if you trust me.go for the best help related to your assignments and essays.Shami is a reputed project manager.will help you to get your task done in the best way

the real pheelyks

Apr 27, 2011
But there is written on the EssayScam that ET is a scam site!

That might be written, but that doesn't make it true. ET is not a scam--it pays its writers, supplies customers with original and custom-made research documents, and refunds orders that can't be completed.

NEW - Only individual freelance writers / editors may advertise here (writing agencies may take advantage of the paid advertising opportunities). Short / re-written / poorly-written ads may not be accepted.

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NEW 3 - Only writers who have an EssayScam Writer Profile activated and have at least 2.000 Rating can post their ads here under their associated email. Writing service ads not posted in this category will be removed.

IMPORTANT: Ads of Regular writers whose EssayScam Rating falls below a certain level (currently < 10.000) or who haven't posted a relevant and meaningful message in a public forum on EssayScam every 24hrs or less will also be automatically removed.

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