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  • - from college essays to advanced dissertations, all-inclusive custom research. (USA / UK / Australia)
  • - graduate-level academic paper writing, research, online learning, and cousework. (USA / UK / Australia)


re: please don't try to trick me

Jun 4, 2016
How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?*

How many bananas can a chimpanzee eat in one sitting?**

* Assuming the bus is 50 balls high, 50 balls wide, and 200 balls long, about a half million


** David Greybeard, a chimpanzee studied by Jane Goodall, once ate about 50 bananas in a sitting (wow!)


native english writers required for new academic writing service

May 29, 2016

I'm about to start-up an essay writing service. I've been freelancing for years, but it's now time to move things on. I'd like to hear from academic writers whose first language is English, and only those writers. I'll be able to tell instantly if you don't have an excellent level of English, so please don't try to trick me.

Please apply with the following details:

- Name;
- Nationality;
- The number of years you have been active;
- Qualifications;
- The subject areas in which you excel;
- Turnaround time per 2000 words, and;
- Expected rate in GBP per 1000 words (it may end up being more that this figure).

Additionally, please provide some form of verification of your identity, such as a phone number on which I can contact you using iMessage or Whatsapp, a Facebook link on which I can send you a confirmation message, or something else similar.

Moreover, instead of asking for samples of your work, I'd like you to submit a 300 word introduction to the essay title, 'Discuss the development of ASMR as a means of relaxation.' Use Harvard referencing, include a reference list (although it will probably just contain a couple of references), and ensure that the work is fully original (this will be checked).

If all is well, you can expect to start receiving work over the next month once I've finished setting up my website and once I have a bank of writers large enough to get going. Payment for work will be made once quality and plagiarism checks have been conducted.




excellent research writer for hire (all subjects and writing levels!)

May 26, 2016
 Offered USA  USA  
I received my Bachelor of Arts degree from Indiana State University, and I double-majored in the English program with the writing and literature options. I chose to do this because reading and writing are my two biggest passions; I couldn't pick just one. It was a little more work (and twice as many papers), but I found that I was up to the challenge. Since I started school, especially college, I have loved schoolwork. I enjoy reading and learning about new things, as well as the challenge of forming a well-argued paper on topics that mean a lot to me. So in the spirit of "do what you love," I have been looking into freelance writing, with a focus on academic papers.

academiceve92@gmail - Academic WriterSix years of English courses, as well as an internship with my university's press, have given me plenty of experience with the intricacies of English grammar and proper punctuation. I'm confident in my ability to deliver work that is up to university-level standards, and I know the importance of re-reading and revision. With the majority of my college work consisting of short essays and term papers all due within the same week, I'm no stranger to working with a close deadline looming over my shoulder.

As a literature student, most of my assignments were poetry analyses and literary research papers. Due to several of my classes covering one or two of the same works, I've had to approach the same book or poem from a different angle. This has improved my researching skills, as I've learned to sift through the first pages of results and find other sources that, while just as credible, may have a completely different take on the work in question. Carefully considering these sources have led me to write a paper on the same work with an entirely new thesis than its predecessor. In the world of freelance academic writing, I feel like I have an advantage when it comes to literature papers at least, because I will not just be rehashing the same point myself and others have made a hundred times before. There is also the advantage that if a client needs a paper on a classic work of literature, I've likely read it already, often more than once.

That being said, I am not limiting myself to just literature papers. I have always had a strong interest in history, and believe I could handle lower-level history assignments with no problem. Areas that I can confidently say I specialize in are women's studies and LGBTQA issues, especially when combined with literary research papers. I have most often employed feminist and queer theory criticism when analyzing a literary work, so I have a strong background in these areas. I would also like to add that taking a Style in Writing course has given me experience in mimicking the writing style of others, which would be helpful if a client was very concerned about being accused of using someone else's work.

I'm not looking to work a freelance essay writer just for extra cash or because it's not easy money. I understand the work involved in producing a quality paper, and I wouldn't be applying for this job if I didn't actually love it.


re: "i want to improve my english writing"

May 16, 2016
You do this the same way you get to Carnegie Hall: practice, practice, practice.* In addition, you should read as much as you can, especially authors whose writing style you admire.

Sawsana  EssayChatMay 15, 2016
Hi everyone. I am new in this site and i want to improve my English writing

re: i thought it was

May 14, 2016
Although historians remain divided on when it happened, here's what one authority has to say: "The change from the United States are to the United States is was not at all smooth, and has even served as a linguistic emblem for the nation's own turbulent history. The Civil War is often credited with (or blamed for) transforming 'the United States' into a singular noun."

competent academic writing

May 14, 2016
have experience writing academic papers in diversified subjects. I also have experience in managing online course classes and producing good grades of course. my written English is perfect and my research skills have developed over the years hence ability to research and write top-notch papers

i thought it was

May 14, 2016
United States. Or did all states suddenly file for independence and I wasn't aware
Jon Hurton  

looking for top quality essay/assignment/content writers.

May 11, 2016
I am running a writing agency which provides writing services of all sorts to students globally. Due to workload, I want to hire some writers who can work with me on assignment basis. However, i would like to get contacted by serious writers who can provide top quality services with 100% original work and can meet the tight deadlines.

Contact address: #email_below#

seas  EssayChatMay 9, 2016
now only selected

Your email is not established.
ProfessorVerb  EssayChatMay 8, 2016
Re: "recommend your clients to us small EssayChaters when you retire?"

I have two or three other writers that I know to be honest and competent whom I depend on to help me from time to time when I am overbooked or don't feel I can provide clients with what they need. I make it clear from the outset that I am referring these clients. Besides this small cadre, I've had terrible experiences with other purported academic writers. It takes time to develop a loyal client base, and this requires consistently honest, reliable and high-quality work product.

professor will you

May 7, 2016
recommend your clients to us small EssayChaters when you retire?

re: writing peak year?

May 7, 2016
I've never been so busy in this 20-year career. I'll be retiring in a couple of years and you guys can have it all with my blessings (I'll keep a few plums for myself)..

writing peak year?

May 6, 2016
According to writing agencies, their earning peak was 2010-2013. Now the times are harder for writers and agencies?


Apr 29, 2016
I have some story written and i want to post it on a blog but its full of plagiarism, Can you make it look original? It should be original because the readers are native English speakers.


engineering dissertation services wanted

Apr 23, 2016
25 pages dissertation about a gravity compensation system. The specific system is already designed and it looks similar to the system provided in this video: . The difference is that on the metal disc a bottle of coke is attached instead of the structure of the video. Dry ice is inserted in the bottle and then the pressure on the top of the bottle is measured in order to find out what the force through the whole is (watch the video for detailed description).

The measurements are taken by 2 pressure/temperature sensors who are connected to an arduino board and then translates the data using python. Full dissertation structure is required including: title page, abstract, Contents page(s), Introduction, Literature review, methods, Conclusions and References. Since I ll be conducting the experiment I can provide the data results, in a week or so. UK writer is required with experience on this topic. More info can be provided directly to the writer.


looking for a uk local writer

Apr 20, 2016
I have a 3500 words essay related to the UK criminal justice system and juvenile delinquency. I am now looking for UK LOCAL writer and familiar with this area to help me, thanks!


need help urgently for dissertation

Apr 11, 2016
I need a skillful, competent and honest person to help in my 10,000 words dissertation with no plagiarism and a high quality work.
The topic is factors affect job satisfaction in singapore health care industry by using secondary data in the methodology and data analysis part.
I need it urgently as the due date is 20th of April!


re: "a reliable and trustworthy website"

Apr 11, 2016
IMHO, SNR is the best in the business.

various of assignment help websites, which are reliable and trustworthy??

Apr 10, 2016

I'm looking for a reliable and trustworthy website to do my assignment in mechanical engineering (subject: stress analysis with FEA).

Can anyone suggest any website to help with my assignment that anyone is satisfied and are not scammers?
An authentic and experienced source.

seeking the best academic writers at the worst time of year

Apr 4, 2016
It's the busiest time of the year for academic writing companies, and we are no exception. We're in serious need of highly skilled, highly experienced professional academic writers. We need writers in all subject areas, but particularly in business (and all related areas), statistics, and information technology.

No company in the academic writing industry pays as well as we do for top work.

Take a chance and carve out some room in your busy writing schedule. If you're an excellent writer who meets your deadlines, you'll be treated fairly and compensated very well.

To apply, send two samples in two citation styles to #email_below#

Please include a short cover letter and be sure you send your best graduate-level samples the first time.

You'll be glad you did!

PS - English Native Speakers only, please.


i will help

Mar 17, 2016
I can write the book for you. Of course i will be taking 99% of royalties plus you'll be buying me beer every weekend. In a previous life, i wrote all of Shakespeare's work and, more recently, i wrote Albert Einstein's papers which are falsely attributed to him.

book writing

Mar 15, 2016
Hey! I am writing a book, but I think I need a basic novel frame to figure out when my main events should happen, and how to treat my characters. A friend is writing a book, and they say that they followed a guide. What should I do?

~Woeful Writer

essay help!!

Mar 12, 2016
Hi, I'm Lulu, 10th grade,

I have an assignment which is an essay that is due tomorrow (I need it in like 2 or 3 hours), and I have no idea on how to start with my essay, and what to write.

The essay is about the novel, Lord of the Flies. The topic is: Choose any of the main characters whose personalities are described in detail ​(Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy, Roger) and trace their development in the story as it ​pertains to Golding's theory that the basic flaw of mankind is inherent in man. ​Support your thesis with character details highlighting their flaws or descent into ​savagery.

So may anyone please help me with the essay. I would really appreciate it if you helped me with it.
Please and thank you.
Sincerely Lulu.


dissertation for masters hr

Mar 9, 2016
I am looking for a competent, knowledgeable and skilful writer to assist in this management project. Initially writing a 2000 word high level literature review on the topic of employee engagement, leadership and organisational change. It's for a UK-based Masters degree. Get in touch with an illustration of previous work in this area.


marketing/business paper

Mar 1, 2016

I am looking for help with a marketing paper that is due in 48 hours. It is supposed to be about 2500 words, but the content is very simple. Please contact me if you can help.



re: " i can entertain"...

Feb 24, 2016
I charge extra for that ...

looking for an editor / writer to edit essays on a blogging platform for students

Feb 19, 2016
We're looking for a reliable editor / writer to help undergraduate and graduate students edit essays / give research ideas on a blogging platform. Here is how it works:

1. Student posts an essay (or starts a question about how to start writing / research on a given topic).

2. Your job would be to edit this essay / give tips on how to improve it.

This is a stable, but low-paying job (it pays $0.80 per answer). Besides excellent English language skills, an ideal candidate should be able to work every day (or almost every day) answering between 5-20 questions a day. A typical answer should have, approximately, 80-90 words or more.

Editors do not have access to students' contact information, so please don't apply if your goal is to market your services. Payment - by Paypal (within 24 from your payment request, after your account reaches $30-$50).

NEW - Only individual freelance writers / editors may advertise here (writing agencies may take advantage of the paid advertising opportunities). Short / re-written / poorly-written ads may not be accepted.

NEW 2 - Writer's email is now linked to{your-email} page.

NEW 3 - Only writers who have an EssayScam Writer Profile activated and have at least 2.000 Rating can post their ads here under their associated email. Writing service ads not posted in this category will be removed.

IMPORTANT: Ads of Regular writers whose EssayScam Rating falls below a certain level (currently < 10.000) or who haven't posted a relevant and meaningful message in a public forum on EssayScam every 24hrs or less will also be automatically removed.

If you already have an ad published here, please make sure to delete the old one before posting a new (and never published) one. Ads posted through proxy servers will be removed. Ad re-posting / bumping will keep the reposted ad unreviewed or deleted.



alphanumeric characters only

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