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re: us government advocates tutoring in addition to online classes

Feb 11, 2022
My son was a notable student when formal classes were taking place. He was always finishing the academic year with honors and had always been noted for his academic excellence by his teachers. He accomplished these without the help of his parents, nor the need for tutors. He had the natural talent for learning and it showed. Then, online classes happened and his studies went haywire.

Hybrid classes did not help as he could not truly adjust to having classroom lessons one day, virtual classes the next. When the first virtual PTA meeting happened, we expressed concerns about the problems reflected by the confusing classroom set up and how it was adversely affecting the learning process. The response of the teachers? Hire tutors, we cannot be expected to do everything. Actually, we should not have to hire tutors and yes, we expect the teachers to do everything. After all, that is what their job description implies.

The problem is not the students cannot learn, the problem is that the teachers cannot teach. Not in a confusing hybrid teaching set up. Look, nobody was prepared for the way education was going to be changed by the pandemic, but we at least expected the teachers and the Department of Education to have been better prepared for the reopening of classes.

If our kids slacked off during the lockdown, the teachers slacked off and decided it was not worth their time to teach anymore since they could pass off everything to learning modules already. The US educational system and the government has failed our children.

re: us government advocates tutoring in addition to online classes

Feb 10, 2022
I was amazed to read this report when it first came out. It is bad enough that my child is developing learning problems with this hybrid learning method, adding tutoring to the mix will not help him learn better. It may confuse him more, but definitely not allow him to learn better with differering teaching methods going into his head. I have also found that the teachers are not really teaching as they would when in a class setting. On the days when my kid uses the computer from home, the teachers tend to rely more on having them do more offline reading, research, and essay writing projects. To me, this signifies the teacher is lazy and is not really focused on the job the government is paying him/her for. If we, as parents, have to pay for additional tutoring, then where does my tax money go in relation to public school funding?

I send my kid to public school because I cannot afford private schooling ! Needless to say, I cannot afford to pay a tutor to teach my kid things that he should have been learning in class in the first place. Rather than telling us to hire tutors, the government should work on developing their teachers skills instead. It is obvious that if the child is not learning, then the problem is in the way he is being taught, not that the child is incapable of learning.

computer lab and library fees in home school settings???

Feb 9, 2022
Parents who enroll their high schoolers in private schools need to be sure to read the fine print when enrolling their kids and paying the fees. I had to pay library fees and computer laboratory fees for my kids, who have been attending online classes for 2 years ! Their library is called the internet, and their computer laboratory is their bedroom where I have them set up with a personal computer system! Why the H-E- DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS am I paying for fees that do not apply to their current academic set up? When I confronted the school about this before paying, I was told that the fees were charged because "in-person classes are imminent". That was 2 years ago. I am still paying for these fees that should be made enollment deductible or, at least rolled-over, once actual in-person classes take place. When I asked if the fees would be retroactively applied, the response I got was "It will be considered once the students are back in class." I take that as a NO! Home schooling is starting to look better and better to me and my kids. Maybe I will try that if these in-person problems still exist during the next schoolyear.

re: the importance of sats

Feb 6, 2022
While there are truly acceptable reasons to no longer have to take the SATs, those who opt not to do so may be missing out on the bigger picture here. SATs, where presented also help the admissions committee of universities in considering the admission of certain applicants. Those who may not have done well during the academic years, but then did quite well in the SAT or ACT tests will receive an admission reconsideration based solely on the the national assessment score. Sure, the universities say they will no longer consider SAT / ACT scores going forward, but then again, they never said the student does not need to submit the test score. Therefore, the option, to use it as a part of the assessment process is unspoken and secretly reserved.

In addition, there are several scholarships available for students who prove to have done very well in the SAT / ACT scores. State scholarships, government grants, and, in some cases, privately funded scholarships give higher scholarship allowances to students who have proven to be at the top tier of academic excellence in any field. So, why not take the SAT / ACT tests because of the free tuition incentives? Why miss out when the SAT / ACT can still be of help to the student population in general?

re: online classes should translate to lower college tuition fees

Feb 4, 2022
Tuition fees should definitely be lower these days. We do not get the full classroom experience, the professors tend to "leave" their virtual offices early, and the educational experience is more reliant on the ability of the student to study alone these days. It would be better if we just hired tutors to teach us privately. The amount of tuition paid is not commensurate to the service received anymore. Not when the schools and universities keep flip-flopping on face to face classes for reasons stemming from a Covid epidemic on campus or, security threats to the school. Our parents, or in some cases, the students themselves, pay hard earned money to attend the school, we all deserve to get value for our money. Right now, we are unable to get the full value of a college education, even though we pay full price for it. The best thing for the colleges and universities to do is refund the days when there were no face to face classes at the end of the schoolyear or semester. If not, then offer it as a discount on the next tuition to be paid. Fair is fair.

us government advocates tutoring in addition to online classes

Feb 2, 2022
When US Sec. of Education Miguel Cardona indicates that every student who "lost ground" during the time of pandemic home schooling should receive 90 minutes of tutoring during the week, that leads me to question the validity of an American education, or lack thereof. While China is working in increasing the quality of their education through the training of their teachers, so that tutoring centers can be closed down and children can get time off from studies on weekends, the US is doing the exact opposite. Advocating instead for increased learning hours, and adding extra educational expense through the hiring of personal tutors. If this is the case for every American child then, parents should pull their children out of regular school, be it public or private, and simply hire the tutors directly on a home-school basis. Why not? The government is asking us to pay for extra study time and professional learning guidance for our kids, which should be done within the regular educational system right?

For anyone who is interested, here is the link to the full article:

re: the importance of sats

Jan 31, 2022
As a parent who has promised to pay the full tuition for my daughter, regardless of the course she chooses to pursue in college, I am hoping to convince her that there is a benefit to taking the SATs, even though her friends have convinced her that she does not need to take the test. My reason for pursuing the SAT for my child is simple, I want to make sure that she will be academically prepared for her target course. Finances are tough these days. I am going to work extra hard to make sure that the college fund I have for her is not depleted before she graduates. The last thing I want her to do is keep shifting courses just because she can at a non-SAT considering school. The kids these days like to try a lot of hats on while in college, before finally settling down to one major by the time they reach the age of 20 or older. Not all parents can afford to humor their kids that way. I for one cannot. Which is why I am the one demanding my kid take the SAT so that she will get serious about her college plans. I refuse to let try the latest course that her friends tell her is the "in" thing, only to have her drop out of the courses or college for that matter, even before the semester ends.

the importance of sats

Jan 30, 2022
I will not argue that some universities see reason in admitting students into their colleges and universities based on something other than standard aptitude tests. Yes, there is reason to believe that the related extra curricular activities, early training, and AP placement subjects could prove the potential of the student to perform well academically, even without the SAT scores to back them up. The problem, is that these other considerations do not assess the learning ability of the student.

It is still important for the college or university to know, and have the reassurance, that the student has the academic intellect to succeed during his minimum of 4 years in college (depending upon his major). That is what the SAT helps the admissions officers assess.

There is no such thing as a blind assessment of the intellectual capacity of a student entering a major like say, pre-med. Regardless of his shadowing, volunteering, and interest in medicine, if he scores low in the Maths and Sciences, he will end up shifting courses anyway, or dropping out of college.

The SAT will tell him if he has the intellectual aptitude to truly succeed in his chosen major, if not, then he can pick another major more worthy of his actual learning skills before he fails the course.

re: online classes should translate to lower college tuition fees

Jan 29, 2022
The private colleges and universities should definitely charge less tuition fees since they are not officially using the buildings, campus, and utilities in the manner that they used to. No students on campus means less wear and tear on their equipment, structures, and landscaping. These are the main reasons why they charge so much in the first place. It isn't about paying the teachers, they should be receiving more at this rate since they pay for their internet, had to buy their own computers, and spend more time working than they did when they were teaching formal classes. They should be charging less to allow our parents to have extra money to pay for upgraded computers / laptops / tablets for the kids, the upgraded internet speeds, and the extra tutoring that comes with not having the chance to fully refer to the teachers after classes to clarify some learning points. Universities should take a hit, just like our parents are taking a hit financially because of the inability of the government, colleges, and universities to make up their minds regarding the actual learning format they want to implement within this pandemic.

re: 3 cheers for the local library !!!

Jan 29, 2022
I am so happy for you. Having a public library is truly a benefit to those homeschooling, when the home is not a conducive place to attend online classes. For the students who are in the same predicament, but do not have a local library, have you found an alternative place to attend classes during the day? I live in an apartment building with my mom who has just given life to a lockdown baby.Needless to say, it is next to impossible for me to attend my classes quietly. Specially since my mom and dad seem to forget I am in school and they barge into my room to ask me to help with the baby in the middle of my class. It got to the point for me, where the janitor's closet looked like the best place for me to hide when attending school. Rather than sitting in with mops, pails, and industrial cleansers, I ended up on the building rooftop instead. Great internet signal all the way up there by the way. So I would like to say, 3 cheers to any place where you can attend online classes in peace !

re: sat going digital in 2024

Jan 27, 2022
The SAT is struggling for relevance at this point. More and more universities are dropping their assessment scores when considering the applicant. It has gotten to the point where I, as an incoming freshman, am considering applying only to non-SAT score requiring universities and colleges. Why should I make myself suffer mentally when there are universities telling me that SAT does not matter? Why should I worry about a test dictating what course I can take and what university I can attend when I do not have to? My parents are with me on this. They want to see me happy, studying in my first choice university. which will gauge my worthiness on more appropriate considerations like extra curricular activities related to my major, part-time jobs, and work exposure that helped me gain the correct early foundation and understanding of my chosen career, among others. There is no reason for a test to tell me I am not worthy to pursue my ambition when I know I am worthy. Count the years, the SAT is going to go the way of the dinosaurs soon enough.

sat going digital in 2024

Jan 26, 2022
So, the news just broke that SAT, far from being cancelled for being the irrelevant test that it has become, will be going purely digital by 2024. The 3 hour test will also be cut down to 2 hours and the tests will be taken on tablets and laptops at testing centers. While it is obvious that the exam has taken an environmentally conscious stance to its existence, it still does not erase the fact that the test has become more of an option than a requirement for most colleges and universities.

Academicians no longer see the SAT as relevant to the learning ability and hands on aptitude of a student in relation to his chosen undergraduate major. The SAT is more and more seen as a hindrance to the future of students who may not do well in the test, but can very well be an asset to his field of interest. Thereby leading to the question, why not just dissolve the test in entirety rather than trying to make it relevant in a totally changed academic field?

3 cheers for the local library !!!

Jan 26, 2022
I live in a family of 8 kids. While we kids were lucky enough to be going to a school that supplies the tablet/laptop for free to the students, finding a place to study in a medium sized house is almost impossible when we are all online and attending classes simultaneously. The internet speed bogs down, the noise from the other rooms eventually make it out and into my room, and I have my siblings barging in and out of my room or banging on my door when it is locked. Eventually, I decided to try out the local library free wifi access. Yup, we still have a small but struggling community library. I took one of the private study rooms (for a fee) and went to class. What a difference the library made ! I finally got into an almost classroom type set up, I had no distractions, and I was able to stay after class to study, do my homework, and consult with my teacher, all without having to battle for internet speed. For those who say, the local library is dead, those who need it in these times when we have no idea when schools might be shut down will beg to differ.

re:dorm living or apartment living?

Jan 25, 2022
There is a learning experience to be had by living in an on-campus dorm, or alternative housing type. College is the last chance we guys will have to enjoy our lives, without parental supervision, but with a safety net in place just the same. I believe that in college one has to "study hard and party even harder" since this may be the last chance for us to live free of adult responsibilities, before real life obligations hit us hard. Sure apartment living has its benefits, but one can have the same networking experience while living on-campus. Ever heard of internship programs? That is how we create professional networks within our controlled academic and technical exposure. Although, I have to agree that living by your own rules, in an apartment is better than living by dorm house rules. Dorm house rules are normally ignored, but enforcible whenever the house authorities think they should. It is almost like they don't trust us to responsibly think for ourselves when we are having dorm house or on-campus fun.

re: dorm living or apartment living?

Jan 24, 2022
I am a college Junior at the moment and let me tell you, the best way to live is off-campus, in a secured apartment building. There are 2 reasons that I chose to live off-campus, The first reason, is that I wanted to avoid the tendency to party on weekends with my room and dorm mates since I am an Engineering student. The course is not easy and partying on week-ends, when I should be catching up with academic work, is not going to help my case. Don't get me wrong, I still have time-off on weekends, just with other adults living in the building who could help me get a leg up into some sort of job, not necessarily my major, when I finally graduate. Living in a dorm will not offer me that kind of networking privilege. Second, security is also better when you live in a secured apartment as opposed to an open dorm, frat, or sorority house. My building has an automatically locked front entrance and I need to buzz people in. There are also cameras all over my building and, there is private security on standby that can be called via two way radio, exclusive to the residents of the building. Security like that can't be had on campus. The amenities are also great at the building where I live. Making it impossible for me to have ever considered dorm living.

re: 1970's slang

Jan 21, 2022
I have to agree with you. While it was fun to read the thread about how people from the old days (would that be the right term to use?) spoke English slang, I do not really see the relevance of dredging up this ancient topic. I mean, homework these days would most likely refer to the 1980's as the year reference point for such writing. Yes, Google would be the better bet for writing such an assignment. Most parents can't be bothered to help their kids with their homework these days. We are just passed onto physical or online tutors for that. Anyway, there are so many pages in this chat which could have been revived, although I do not see of what use such an action would be. I mean, whoever posted the old chats are obvi no longer interested in the topic, which is why it at the back of this chatroom already. Anyways, I hope whoever brought that topic back up would know not to do that again. There are more current topics that we are interested in discussing. Leave mummified chats alone.

dorm living or apartment living?

Jan 20, 2022
So, I've got my admission to college in hand and my parents are coming to terms with becoming an empty nester. I am ready to move out and experience Adulting 101 this upcoming semester. The only problem facing my parents and I right now is whether I will live on campus or take an apartment nearby. The worrywarts and safety sirens going off in their heads tell them I should take a dorm room on campus. The independent streak in me wants to live in an off campus apartment. I just wouldn't feel like I am independent enough and making own devisions if I live in a dorm and have to follow dorm living rules. This time I want to make up my own rules and really enjoy the college experience. That shouldn't worry my parents right? I am trying to convince them that living in a dorm and in an apartment have just the same / equal dangers and safety precautions. They don't believe me because of all the campus violence reports in the news. How else can I convince them that apartment living is the way to go when once you become a college freshman?

1970s slang

Jan 20, 2022
1. Why are you responding to someone directly about a question that person asked 6 years ago, as though that person has been waiting on pins and needles since February of 2016 for your help to write a 7-paragraph essay?

2. Ever hear of this great website called Google? It's even available to people who weren't alive in the 1970s. You (literally) don't have to look any deeper than the very first return to find all of the 1970s slang you'd want to know:

re: 1970s fictional essay using 70s slang or terms

Jan 19, 2022
I think everyone here was born way after the 1970's. So they can't be expected to help you out here. If there are any writers who grew up in the 70's, they won't be open to giving you ideas to help you write your essay for free. Your best bet would be to ask your parents or maybe, your grandparents, I think the grandparents would be your best bet, about life during the 70's. They would know the history, trends, and slang terms that were used during that era. You may even find yourself getting some story ideas from their personal advantures growing up at the time. Our generation tends to forget that sometimes, the best historical library / reference that we have is right inside our own homes. I grew up on the stories of my parents from the time they were free spirits in the 80's. So I know that our grandparents, if still living, would be the best resource for the kind of information that you need.

re: japan and australia remain closed to international students

Jan 17, 2022
The Japanese government has allowed the limited entry of students into their country starting in February. They will be testing a new student entry system using an international student platform. These will be the students who have been awarded scholarships to study in Japan through government grants / scholarship programs. This information was published only yesterday, much to the joy of the international scholars who have been wondering if they will manage to have the international student experience this year.

If all goes well with this group, Japan will slowly loosen its reins on the international student community. They will tend to allow more foreign students in, but in a controlled setting. The non-scholarship students appear to be last on the list for entry into Japan. This is not to say that the full paying students will never get in. They eventually will have their turn. The country is just being extremely careful since nobody can predict how Covid will evolve and where the new variant will emerge. The last thing Japan wants for its own citizens is to have the country become the epicenter of a new wave, just because foreign students broke the country's bubble.

writer or educator in software engineering/ development

Jan 11, 2022
Looking for highly experienced and knowledgeable individual in software development, software engineering or computer science / IT literate to assist me with my projects. Only serious people and please no time wasters and no false informations, thank you!

re: lost early decision

Jan 11, 2022
It is still early enough for you to try and win scholarships from various foundations and programs.k Some banks also have scholarship programs, and the government never lacks for state or national sponsorships for incoming college freshmen. You have enough options to choose from if you really want to attend your first choice university. Seeing as how you got into your first choice, I am going to guess that your grades are the kind that any parent would be proud of. You might even have some honors and awards to boot. These are going to prove to be beneficial to you when you apply for scholarships from any foundation or state sponsored program. Go ahead and give it a try. There are normally a lot of scholarships, scholarship competitions, and other similar programs posted at the local library. You can even do an online search for these things. Why not give it a shot? Do not allow yourself to wallow in self-pity. The solution is out there, you just have to go and find the solution that suits you best. Best of luck. I am rooting for you.

lost early decision?

Jan 9, 2022
I do not think that you should give up your Early Decision slot just yet. Not until you have exhausted all efforts to find a way to afford the tuition fees on your own. That is why we have student loans and scholarships available to us as incoming freshmen. Talk to the unviersity that you got accepted into. Tell them the truth about how you want to keep the ED slot, but have run into some financial problems. Most universities can work with you and allow you to come to some sort of financial aid situation to help you get started in college.

It is important that you get into your dream school. That is one of the motivating factors that will keep you in college and push you towards successfully completing your studies. You will feel even better if you did it all without your parent's help. I should know, I did it without my parent's help. Not because they spent my college fund, but because they never could have afforded to send me to school since we come from the lowest income bracket of society.

Lack of finances should not be the reason you don't get to go to your dream school. Make it happen for yourself. Remember, you are in charge of your future, not your parents.

lost early decision?

Jan 8, 2022
I applied for early decision to my first choice school and happily recieved the neals of my acceptance a few days ago. While my parents shared in my joy, they also brought me down with negative news. They dipped into, no, they tapped out my college fund during the lockdown. First, it was just to keep up with the mortgage and business loan payments. Then, they needed to spend on insurance, the reasons just kept piling up.

I do not begrudge them using the money since they earned it, although they had it earmarked for something I consider important. I feel so defeated. I thought the pandemic could not harm my future but it did. My parents told me that they could probably get the downpayment together but nothing more, and that is a definite maybe.

I guess what I need to know is, do I have options ? Can I keep my ED admission somehow? Or, do I have to give it up, join the workforce, and hope I can save up enough to try again next year?

online classes should translate to lower college tuition fees

Jan 7, 2022
You seem to have forgotten that colleges and universities are first and foremost, a business. Education only comes second. Their main business is drafting students into their schools. Which is why they focus more on the social development of their campus rather on the quality of the educational offerings. They do not care if the students attend on-campus or virtually, as long as they attend at their university. Based on that consideration, do you really think that they will be willing to lower their fees for any reason? Nope. Before you know it, they will be using the "We need to maintain the university digitial infrastructure for the online classes. Those maintenance costs are expensive. We even lose on the fees we charge because of the cost of the digital transfer of the teaching system." The online classroom just gave them a new avenue for generation income. Pretty soon, they will be selling university branded laptops and tablets, just to be able to charge more. As for those who can get a job without a degree, the schools won't care. That just means you were never part of their target demographic.

the sad plight of chinese students stranded in korea

Jan 5, 2022
My sister is one of those who ended up stuck in South Korea even as most of our friends, whom she arrived in Korea with, have already gone home. She feels so lonely and isolated in the country, I am afraid it might be affecting her mental health already. Since her Hangul is not that perfect, the Koreans tend to stay away from her. It appears that they are not as sociable as they appear to be on social media. Racial discrimination runs rampant among them and the Chinese are not exempted from this. My sister has made it known to us that she would like to come home. The problem, is that she is there on a scholarship so, she has no choice but to stick it out. What she wants to do and what she can do do not help her emotionally in a situation that could break anybody who has to live in isolation. I wish they would allow her to come home. Her lab work can be worked out later. What is important is that you begin to feel loved and of value as a person again.

online classes should translate to lower college tuition fees

Jan 3, 2022
So, just as we thought we were all finally going to start getting the normal college experiences that some of us had gotten used to, comes the information that we can't go back to our campuses this January because Omicron is running rampant. My parents have been talking about pulling me out of college altogether and just bankrolling some sort of small enterprise for me to get on the road to financial freedom. They feel that my university is overcharging for tuition fees and lab fees at this rate. Since I am studying from my room, the garden, the coffee shop, in the den, anywhere but in school. Our garage has turned into a makeshift lab for me at this point, much to my father's chagrin since his car has to park in the driveway.

I also find that I spend more time trying to figure out the lesson by myself, rather than asking the professor for help. How can I when the professor is only accessible during online class hours? Formal studies are really starting to feel like a waste of time for me. I can understand why my parents would want to pull me out of college. This was not what we signed up for. Why was the school system invented if not to help us learn right? The problem, is that the pandemic is starting to show us that college may be a thing of the past for most, whose talents and skills can develop faster than a solution to the pandemic can be found.

the sad plight of chinese students stranded in korea

Jan 2, 2022
It is unfortunate that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of Chinese students stranded in South Korea since the pandemic began. I just came across such a story in Google News and it really broke my spirit to find out that the students are practically under solitary confinement the way they live their lives. They only come out to get their food delivery or, shop for food. When not engaged in either activity, they have to stay in their dorm rooms, alone. With only video calls for company.

They were not allowed to go back home to China, even though the others were, because their classes oftentimes required them to go to the university to complete labwork. Something difficult to do over Zoom, Messenger, WhatsApp, or any other social messaging system. They rush to school then back, to the solitary existence which, has began to affect their mental health.

While they do appreciate being able to virtually socialize, the fact that they cannot leave their rooms for fear of contracting Covid, is what makes them suffer mentally. Covid is the unseen enemy that seems undefeatable at the moment. Making the students wish that they could go back home to China and be with their families.

Gee, there are clear downsides to overseas studies during a pandemic. I hope students eager to study overseas consider the loneliness of being alone in a Covid ravaged world before signing up. They might end up regretting it later on.

re: sat now becoming irrelevant

Dec 23, 2021
These government national intellect assessment tools were rendered useless when the pandemic set in. Since the students have not had in person classes on a regular basis, their learning skills were affected. Academic authorities recognized that the students were not properly learning and did not have the academic guidance of a teacher for most of the school semester for them to actually be prepared to take a national test. That is why all of these exams now have exceptions and even, allow students to retake the test up to 3 times, just to give them a passing shot. Remember the urban tale about the student whose roommate committed suicide and having found the body, it affected his grades? Yea, replace the dead body with Covid - 19 and you now have a reality of that tale with true grade passing results. What is the sense of administering a test that will provide an inconclusive result? It would be better to simply abolish those tests since the schools prefer to use their own student assessment criteria anyway. What are all of these application essays and submission of grade transcripts for if not to tell the university whether an applicant is qualified to attend their college / university or not.

re: essaychat

Dec 22, 2021
they typically don't reply back or want stuff for almost free.

Students typically reach out to at least 3 writers during the abilities assessment phase. They tend to narrow down their choices depending upon how the email conversation goes with the writer. Some of them get back to me to let me know if I did not make the cut. More of them just do not bother to tell you anything if they decided to go with another writer. There is no rule that says you cannot send the client a follow up email if you have not heard back from them after a week. A week is comprised of 5 working days as far as I am concerned. I send a gentle reminder that our deal is still open should they wish to proceed. That nudge is usually reciprocated with a positive or negative response.

As for the students who want the paper practically for free, your best option to ask them to get back to you when they have a small order. Usually no longer than 1 page or 300 words. Charge them a discounted rate and tell them that is the closest you can come to giving them a free paper. If they take it, then they are exposed to your writing skills and may decide to pay full price next time. Never give a free sample paper. That does not make good business sense. Always make some sort of money out of the negotiation.

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