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Free Essay Help  

free custom writing

Dec 19, 2012
free essays really???really???this is what you could come up with

well please tell me about any other company that offers a FREE sample before you place your order. I mean this company does not require your social security or driver's license or any such thing... simply provide your name , Phone number and your email address to order your free sample.

what is it that you came up with :p

x mass

Dec 17, 2012
Congratulations the season is over ..let celebrate Christmas with an open heart and remember in prayers our brothers and sisters who have nothing to celebrate about, after that horrible shootings of innocent children may God give them grace and strength to overcome.
American Writer  EssayChatDec 17, 2012
Yes, i am very serious. I am very afraid of using online writers and my mom told me she will only allow me use her account to make payments if the paper i buy is of high quality. She is a lecturer so she know what she is saying.

It would probably be best to find a writer whom you think you can trust, and work out an installment payment plan.
Seriously?  EssayChatDec 17, 2012
Yes, i am very serious

Not a single professional writer will take your order. Good luck working with Kenyan scammers and failing your assignment miserably.
Allen  EssayChatDec 17, 2012
Yes, i am very serious. I am very afraid of using online writers and my mom told me she will only allow me use her account to make payments if the paper i buy is of high quality. She is a lecturer so she know what she is saying.
Brian  EssayChatDec 17, 2012
I will pay the writer after the work is marked.

That's like eating a watermelon before you decide to pay for it.

Are you serious?
Professor Verb  EssayChatDec 16, 2012
I will pay the writer after the work is marked.

That's like eating a watermelon before you decide to pay for it.

scammer from australia

Dec 16, 2012
jessica smith( ---a scammer from australia

Lives in Sydney.... Even knows where she studies... Would expose her ass off

reply: jessica smith( ---a scammer from australia

Dec 16, 2012
Thank you for your posting, I got a weird vibe from her as well. I told her I insisted on upfront payments; however, she proposed I sent her the first five hundred words of the paper before payment. I told her that I take upfront payments due to being scammed. I'm glad I didn't waste my time on a scammer. Be aware!!! It's sad that the writers are more scared of being scammed than the students.

what's going on?

Dec 16, 2012
Writers: Stop delivering work without payment. You have absolutely no way to enforce payment after you've sent the work, and not other business in the world operates by delivering first and simply hoping they get paid. Offering delivery before payment is a mark of desperation and it's going to get you scammed.

Customers: No experienced and qualified writer will promise delivery before payment. Anyone doing this for more than a year knows how easy it is to get scammed this way. Look for writers using legitimate payment services with good fraud protection and pay using a credit card with a high level of customer service/protection, and you'll stay safe while getting much higher quality work.

Karen/Critical Proof: I know at least two companies that pay their writers 50-70% of the fees collected and even higher for orders that are more difficult, resulting in payouts no lower than $12/pg and as high as $25+/pg. Still lower than a good writer can command working directly with clients, but not nearly the extreme difference between client payment and writer pay that you insist is necessary to remain profitable.

People in general: Stop bickering and making unwise choices/accusations/defenses out of desperation. It gets old quickly.

do it in a few steps

Dec 13, 2012
stop the 'delivery before payments'

you can also do it in a few steps where you send the first portion you get paid, send the second portion you get paid, and if you got burned at the last portion it won't hurt. The second thing is if there is a way to make these fradulent writers write a short paragraph on any simple topic within the hour so that they won't get time to have it written by anyone else, because it's really easy to tell they can't write. No one is against those who can do the job well, except that they don't have to sell their service so cheap.

to all writers: stop the 'delivery before payments' approach

Dec 13, 2012
if you really want to get scammed, send a paper to a client before payments are concluded.
This site has been invaded by very clever fraudulent students who will simply scam you and disappear.
Don't send a paper to a student before full payment is completed.
Resellers  EssayChatNov 30, 2012
I hope writers realize that the majority of posts asking for help writing papers do not come from the actual clients but from fraudulent scammers. These scammers are trying to resell orders they cannot complete because they are not qualified. And since they take 70% of what was paid, they expect writers to work for peanuts.
Julian Evanson  

essay writing and free essays

Nov 30, 2012
Since 2003, has been the leading provider of custom written essays, dissertations and coursework.

We also have a free resources section that contains free essays and dissertation examples plus many other useful tools and references.
CollegeReports  EssayChatNov 28, 2012
my e-mail is d_bee77/at/

Your email address is unavailable.

the new essay writing scam

Nov 21, 2012
They will ask you a draft or a 500 words sample writing on a subject, so that they can show it to the customers, take their money and send them their Kenyan essay or they could even disappear. Watch out!!!

new scammer

Nov 20, 2012
be aware of Ouma Washington-OUMAWASHINGTON@GMAIL.COM from Kenya he just scammed me
pam  EssayChatNov 18, 2012
raymond the scammer

we will pursue him and let him pay for his criminal activities

raymond the scammer

Nov 18, 2012
Publish the report on-line..... He is a big scammer from Kenya

you might be right

Nov 17, 2012
Why do they do it? To see the difference? Vive la difference, although they are much better than the Nigerians who are sending out their scam letters if they see your email here.
noname  EssayChatNov 17, 2012
Warning!! Some "clients" requesting help with assignments and essays are Kenyan companies and writers. Be very careful, they have flooded this chat and essayscam forum.

some have what it takes

Nov 14, 2012
There is no way in hell they can write any coherent argumentative essay on Thomas Theorem, Social Construction of Reality, division of labor, serotonin and whatnot.

You're right there old English, except that some of them still meet the requirement somehow, showing you that when I say 'level', it isn't only the language. When you look at it, it's an amazing mix, because the best essay writing sites are also run by non-English speaker. If you spend some time reading that site, you'll come to know who own those sites, where all students are flocking to part with their money, because it's more or less a controlled industry. Probably, if you search for "essay writing companies" all the sites you'll find can lead you to two or three companies run by non-native speakers. The hot button had been having a knack to come up with attractive and believable sites and the rest is money-making, hard work, and anxiety since there're dry seasonal spells too. It isn't different from the dot-com mania, since these owners are also young people from everywhere, with some smarts they acquired when they were students, because they were using such services run by decent folks from North America and the UK. When they finished their school, mostly in Western universities and colleges, they went into business for themselves. They know what it means to be non-native speaker, the reason why they are serving that population, from the bottom of their heart. Like I said it earlier, they also put up with native speakers, because they still can trap not knowing native speaking clients that could demanding about the end product they are getting. So there you have it, it'll always remain to be a vicious circle. I am not acrimonious about anything, except that for native speakers, the pie is much smaller at around 20%.

noname  EssayChatNov 14, 2012
the level of their English is similar to the writers originating from Pakistan, Kenya etc, who also have some level of education, such as completing college in their own country.

As I told before, it is not just the level of English. There is a reason why some random villagers from Kenya or Pakistan are not accepted to the North American and European universities and colleges. Their educational level is so low that most of the time they do not even understand the assignment, let alone are capable of required research and argumentation. There is no way in hell they can write any coherent argumentative essay on Thomas Theorem, Social Construction of Reality, division of labor, serotonin and whatnot. They can however write an essay on "What I did last summer" but then again who would even pay for that??

the main problem with kenya, pakistan, etc writers...and clients need to recognize it

Nov 12, 2012
One simple point you missed is that even if these students attend universities located in North America, Europe, Australia and NZ the level of their English is similar to the writers originating from Pakistan, Kenya etc, who also have some level of education, such as completing college in their own country. Because of that, the final product will look like theirs, which is a simple logic if you look at it and the reason why you can't write off the work of these writers. They have more demand and acceptance among the non-native speakers that are around 80%, and of course native speakers can't stand them.

"too much business"

Nov 12, 2012
I currently have an overflow of orders, and it's been like that for years. Cannot take any more orders even though my clients beg me to help.

A friend of mine who helped establish this industry in the 1990s, Mike Von Plato, once told me, "If you have too much business, you aren't charging enough." He was a smart guy.

measured response

Nov 12, 2012
There is some truth in what you're saying although your English sounds like the old English that had been discarded around the 10th century in England. (It's just a hunch, I am not a history buff)

I love you. You criticize and dismiss my articulacy and diction as old and discarded, not that you YOURSELF have a poor vocabulary. I have no doubt in my mind that you are one of the kind of foreign writers which I identified. Classic example of what I'm talking about. Even that link you posted below this is littered with grammatical errors and clunky prose. Hilarious as it tries to defend foreign writers when it's so poorly written!


That is not fooling anyone.
UTLC  EssayChatNov 11, 2012
There is some truth in what you're saying although your English sounds like the old English that had been discarded around the 10th century in England. (It's just a hunch, I am not a history buff) Anyway, one problem you don't understand is there're times students won't have time. Almost 80% of the students who are requiring assistance are non-English speakers that will also find the subject matter difficult, but they have to pass the exam. Because of that, your kind of English has no place even among native speakers, because it isn't difficult to tell you can't write an essay. Writing an essay is by itself an art and it requires some level of intelligence and hard work since most of the time you've to start from scratch. The only thing you're right about is about the rip-off companies that are charging up to $20 a page and pay writers from Pakistan and Kenya godforsaken $2-$3, because when they exchange it to their currency it's a lot of money. They tell you that themselves. The other reality is, because of the 80% non-native clientele, those that have high demand are writers from Pakistan, Kenya and the like, because they are at the same level with the students that are more comfortable with their writing style than an educated, articulate native speaker. The only problem is native speaking students meet these writers from Pakistan and Kenya. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with what goes on other than both customers and writers are duped by high charging companies that don't share what they earn fairly with the writers. It's a vicious circle and what sites like this one serve is they can be go-betweens. It will be possible for writers and customers to deal with each other and a customer that would have paid $20 for a page can get away say with $10 and a writer that would earned only between $2 and $5 could make around $10, which is a reasonable compensation, especially for those who live in countries the cost of living is high. To make this work, there has to be some integrity. Cheers!

advice for anyone seeking a quality essay

Nov 11, 2012
I have never come across such a vile industry as the online money-for-essay ********. Is has zero credibility as a result of the unethical and destructive marketing practices by both legitimate essaywriters and fraudulent websites. Both spend an unreal amount of effort creating defamatory and slanderous comments against anyone who isn't them; and then get incredulous and aggressive when they receive exactly the same treatment. You're like locusts, destroying everything you touch to feed. The putrid parade of fetid excrement that is continually shat out of non-English-speaking countries run by dishonest men has disemboweled the online industry. Pretty much every essay-website on the internet is a scam that will overcharge you and then subcontract your request to an unqualified underpaid writer who doesn't care what grade you get and I promise you the despotic criminals who manage these websites care even less. That's why there's a continuous production of new websites to keep trapping the clients once a fraudulent website is outed. You think there are hundreds of qualified lawyers out there tripping up over themselves to earn $300 by writing your essays for you? The reality is that these people are far too busy doing their own pointless nonsense to help you out. Engineers - how many people do you think have the requisite intelligence, experience and time to write your papers for you? The people who write these things for you are the people with none of the qualifications and quite often none of the literacy. The only practical purpose of these bickering swarming rats is to act as one giant flashing red ******* flag. If you want to have a quality essay that you know covers the detail you need, the only way to be sure is to do it yourself. Obvious advice but surprisingly people need to part with their money before they heed it.

paypal refund policy for custom research

Nov 11, 2012
I use PayPal for payments hence you can get your money back easily.

It is my understanding that PayPal views custom research projects as "intangible goods" and therefore are not subject to refunds (I may be wrong but I don't think so). This has never come up with me...

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