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interventions to improve communications with limited health literacy patients: a systematic review

Apr 18, 2017
Need help in writing a systematic review 4000 words due next Tuesday . Please only email me if you feel confident in writing it.


linguistics empirical project/discourse analysis

Apr 16, 2017
I'm looking for someone to help me with a Linguistics empirical project. This would be comprised of linguistically coding a set of texts and inputting coded data into a spreadsheet to preform discourse and content analysis. Once this is done, that research should be used to write a 2500 word essay. There were no requirements for this class and my major isn't Linguistics so I'm really out of my element. I can even write the essay myself but what I need help with is the text coding + discourse/content analysis. If anyone has any experience with Linguistics and discourse/content analysis please contact me.


finance/accounting writer needed

Apr 14, 2017
Looking for a professional writer who can perfectly handle Finance/Accounting calculation up-to master level.

Time  EssayChatApr 12, 2017
How did Britain in change after the Reformafion?

it didn't change at all.
Now, pay me $50

master's thesis help needed.

Apr 3, 2017
Master level thesis help needed.
Min 12000 words. Until the end of April.

I have an outline along with a previous paper I have written on the topic. I have done some research and interviews. However, I really need someone to help as my writing is too scattered.

Topic is on LGBT community.


need good writers join our team

Mar 31, 2017
i have a lot of work, if you can write essay or report and have much part time,contact me.
hope you know Chinese words,



Mar 29, 2017
i need help
why american people dont think cooking as hobby
Gisa Study  

gisa: ”we are (an indian) graduate club” - a second home away from home

Mar 26, 2017
GISA, the Graduate India Students Association, was established in 2006 by a group of Indian graduate students to meet the need " of new students coming from India to make a smooth transition" into the NYU- Poly community at large and "to provide an avenue to bridge the social gap among the graduate students at the university" says President and Vice-President.

According to Jain and Parmar most of the new Indian students from abroad are graduate students, 700 strong, while the undergraduate Indian students are very few and have well established family networks in the United States.

GISA makes up for this.

GISA is a surrogate home away from home for the new graduate Indian students. Jain and Parmar say that it's members represent several demographics. They try to enrich their members lives on and off campus "with talent shows, Diwali celebrations, festivals, cultural extravaganza's , movie nights, sports tournaments, and picnics to Central Park and more", says the officers. Also, they will have Bollywood movie nights featuring former Miss World, singer, dancer and actress, Aisswarya Rai, if requested; and several movies.

Jain says the purpose of GiSA is," to provide a forum and common ground for all the graduate Indian students to connect with each other and connect with NYU-Poly community." The idea is to make the fertile and rich Indian history available to the Indian graduate students in the United States.

Jain says they're having this semester a "New Student Orientation" which is going to be at the end of January. With the "New Student Orientation" program GISA assists by signing the new students into GISA, help with mobile phone plans to buy, where to look for places, how to use the MTA map and routine information, renting an apartment, and airport pick-ups.

They are going to have a Spring Festival-Navring ( has all the information on the Navring spring festival and the Diwali fall festival).

Jain says GISA relates very well with the other graduate clubs on campus very well. GISA coordinates with the coordinator of the graduate clubs and director of the Turkish Student Association, Suleyman Cavusoglu and Mrs. Kara Mitchell, associate director for Graduate and Student Services-she is like a mentor, says Jain. GISA has a good relationship with the Chinese Graduate Club, The Turkish Graduate Club, and the Saudi Arabian Graduate Club.

Jain's major is Computer Science and he's graduating this May and looking to enter a Ph.D program in the field of Cyber- Security at most probably NYU-Poly. He is focusing on NYU-Poly strongly because his mentor, Professor Nasir Memon("He is his inspiration" Parmar says) will work with him.

Parmar, the vice-president, will be graduating in Computer Science in May, work for a few years and finally pursue her MBA strongly at NYU-Stern. She wants to work for a well established company.

Parmar has recently has been elected to the NYU-Poly chapter in IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) as their president.

comparative analysis undergraduate essay help wanted

Mar 25, 2017
6 page essay and first draft due Wednesday
Undergraduate level college essay that uses The Birth of a Tragedy by Nietzsche to go deeper explain Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats. I have the full prompt and both texts in PDF form that I can send. Would really appreciate the help. Please email me ASAP.


"he who..."

Mar 25, 2017
he who

""He who has the lead makes the rules."

"He who squawks and runs away / Lives to squawk another day."

"Let he who is without conscience/ Cast the first asterisk"*

-- Johnny Hart (creator of B.C. comics -- R.I.P.).


*Among others ...

gamsat essay

Mar 20, 2017
" he who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden"

open essay on this quote help!

re: what a hero is ...

Mar 17, 2017
A hero is the single mother who holds down two part-time jobs and still manages to take care of her three kids. A hero is the father who works an extra job in order to put his kids through private school or buy them the $200 sneakers they just had to have because "all the other kids have them." Heroes are people who trudge off to jobs they don't necessarily like day after day because there are bills to pay, the wolf is at the door and people are counting on them. A hero is an individual who does the right thing even when no one is looking even if it means personal sacrifice or loss. Finally, heroes are men and women in the armed forces and first responders who protect the nation's citizens and interests while everyone else is asleep.

what does a hero mean to you in paragraph?

Mar 15, 2017
I need someone to help me write in a paragraph what a hero is. Can someone help ASAP!!?? my paper is due tonight.

a vindication of the rights of woman

Mar 9, 2017
Explain why the concept of reason is important to Wollstonecraft's arguments in the extract written by her in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman?

I really have no idea what this question is talking about, especially when it says 'concept of reason'
What does that even mean?

write a letter to an english-speaking friend. in your letter, explain why you changed jobs describe your new job

Mar 1, 2017
Please correct the letter and send me mail on

Dear Ashish,
How you doing. I like to congrats you for your international assignment. Your hard work paid off.

How we used to put lot of hours to do integration and then engaging various teams for new project work and then assign code to resources. It was such a satisfying task and finally approval phase for the project before going live.

As you know because of uncertainty of client contract. I took up permanent job with JPMC.It have few advantages like project is long term and remuneration is better than previous company. I also get exposure to run scrum call once in a month and lead team to run hand over call. But at same time lot of support work with minimal design , architecture and high-quality work.Most of things are driven from USA unlike ANZ bank where we drive everything from India.

Let me know when we can Meetup up and have some fun together.


english help

Feb 27, 2017
I am trying to write a paper and I am having such bad writers block due to content and flow.


re: can anybody write a story on the topic - when i woke i was become an old man

Feb 21, 2017
That's funny -- the same thing happened to me this morning.

finance research paper

Feb 21, 2017
I'm looking for someone to help me with a research paper on whether mergers and acquisitions creates value for shareholders. It will involve collecting and analyzing data as well.

sristi  EssayChatFeb 17, 2017
hi can anybody write a story on the topic - when i woke i was become an old man
Alexa.k99  EssayChatFeb 15, 2017
Hello, I am looking for a real, genuine and professional freelance writer who is fairly priced and not a scam to help me with a biology essay which is due in two weeks. I wish to know how and why I should trust their service, if they will provide me with the essay within the due date range and if I can expect a great grade. My grades are very important to me and if I really was able to handle my other educational/personal life tasks I would have done the essay myself. Please, help me with finding the right individual, I'm tired of searching for a legit writer. Thanks.
Mani Pratt  

need help on my motivation letter

Feb 14, 2017
Hello, please I am applying for a master's degree in Electrical Engineering - Energy at KU Leuven in Belgium and I am asked to supply a motivation letter but I don't know from where to start. If you can help then I'll be forever grateful. Thanks..


english literature edexcel gce coursework help wanted

Feb 11, 2017
I require assistance with my coursework, contact me if anyone is offering to help.
'War Fever'
'The Empire of the Sun'


re: an example of story ending with use one stone to kill two birds.

Feb 9, 2017
The two aging hippies, Zonker and Foghat, were camping one night around a campfire, partaking of their favorite cannabis products, watching the stars and debating the meaning of life. After a few hours of imbibing, both hippies passed out where they sat. When they awoke, they discovered they had fallen asleep on two pigeons who had been attracted by brownie crumbs, crushing them in the process. This outcome can only be termed a classic case of "two birds killed with one stone."

killing two birds whit one stone

Feb 4, 2017
Good evening all, I need an example of story ending with use one stone to kill two birds.

greetings to the general house. please i need help with this essay before the closing date. thank you in advance. the essay is: describe your intended plan of study and the kind of job you plan to seek on return to nigeria (for pg only) (not more than 50

Feb 4, 2017
I, Okorom Chikezie G, write to apply for the Federal Ministry of Education BEA Scholarship Award - 2017/2018 academic sessions. I hold a bachelors degree in Biology Education. As an undergraduate student of Biology Education, I developed interest for Public Health and Medical Parasitology due to the global and societal relevance in solving environmental and health problems and hence the development. My desire for public health and medical parasitology was stirred up during my academic and self made research activities on life and health challenges bewitching man and his environment which also brought me closer to the field of parasitology and their medical importance which thereafter informed my decision to further my academic pursuit by exploring the field of PUBLIC HEALTH AND MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY in which I hope to concentrate on the GLOBAL HEALTH AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES.( Identifying factors facilitating adolescents access to contraception and contributing elements that decreases unwanted pregnancies in rural areas)

At the course of my NYSC program, I was exposed to an environment where there is less or no proper interest on health and lives of the people; this also informed my zeal to pursue this discipline.

On my return to my country Nigeria, I plan working with the Ministry of health or Educational institution where I will invest much in my society through creating health awareness and disease free society that in the next ten years, it would have grown to global capacity with many people especially the students and the youths even the aged would also benefit from it. The relevance of PUBLIC HEALTH in the society cannot be over emphasized. I strongly believe that this field of Public health is sine qua non to the development of any developing nation like Nigeria where the study and exploration of the course is still at infancy stage. I am of the opinion that the under optimization and utilization of health related facts and environmental resources is a vital problem which Nigeria must overcome in order to address all the health, diseases and socio-environmental problems bedevilling her, Hence my decision to study PUBLIC HEALTH AND MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY so as to enable me yield to the need and demand of my fatherland and other countries in the aspect health, global, environmental and risk management by application of the knowledge of Public health and medical parasitology. As a result, I intend establishing a research institute where every research data (especially on global health, infectious disease and environmental data) will be made available for researchers and even students. Subsequently, if need be, on my own I plan to establish a health management consultancy centre for hospitals and related organizations.

Despite the fact that my greatest challenge towards achieving these aforementioned is finance on this note, it is my passionate hope and belief that you will help to facilitate my ambition, dreams and visions by granting me the scholarship.

Thank you so much as I await your positive response.

need help

Feb 4, 2017
i want an essay on the topic- one hand extended to help is better than to joint for prayer
ProfessorVerb  EssayChatJan 31, 2017
Re: kindly provide sample so that I can choose from the best

I'm looking for the best apples and oranges. Please do the same.

application essay

Jan 30, 2017
I need an application essay to the university. kindly provide sample so that I can choose from the best writer.


re: how to write a essay about mistake that completely changes life

Jan 14, 2017
"To err is human ..."*

Over time, most people manage to learn from their mistakes (especially the painful ones) but the majority are not life-changing events. Moreover, not all life-changing events are the results of mistakes, and some outcomes that first appeared to be mistakes turn out to be blessings in disguise, so it is possible to have your life completely changed for the better as a result. These outcomes, though, mean that these decisions can only be considered mistakes to the extent that the original judgment was wrong.

Some types of life-changing decisions, though, can be readily regarded as mistakes, such as being arrested and convicted for drunk driving (or another serious offense), unplanned teen pregnancies, gang membership, etc. If you elect to write about one of these, you could cite some examples from the literature concerning how the decision to join a gang (or whatever) was definitely a life-changing mistake based on what happens to these individuals.


* ... to moo, bovine

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