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re: the mods should do more to expose scams

Mar 16, 2022
Noted is never going to be a threat to any of the regular company reps and writer visitors of this website. The information he shares is more of an fyi than anything else. While I am not sure what the purpose of Noted's existence at this forum is, I will admit that he delivers an essential service with regards to keeping the domain name information up to date at this forum. As a student looking fo updated information, I can appreciate what he does. He does not seem to be interested in writing for anybody. I cannot even contact the person privately for some reason. There is no working email address listed. So client recruitment is definitely not a part of his reason for participating in this forum.

As for Freelancewriter. He has always been here as an independent writer trying to sell his services. That is why he pays to be a featured writer here. To answer the previous poster's question, he does manage to get some clients out of his postings here. He may be getting a pretty decent number of clients per month as well. Otherwise, he would not pay to regularly advertise himself at this forum. Maybe you don't like the way he does business, but there are others out there who don't really care about website presentation, they only care about service delivery and that, is what he claims to specialize in.

He is actually the last of his kind at this forum as far as I can tell. His contemporaries have stopped posting for some reason. Maybe they found better paying regular jobs or, they decided to retire from the business. Whatever the reason, he is still going strong and is a valued participant at this forum due to the paid advertising services he purchases. Does that mean he isn't a scam or he is telling the truth about himself all the time? Only the people who have dealt with him in the past can tell us about that.

That said, exposing the scams isn't the responsibility of the mods alone. Those who pay to use services of individual writers or companies share in that task. If they want to help others, then they should let us know their experiences with the writer and companies. Good or bad, we need to know about it to help the others looking for qualified services out there.

re: the mods should do more to expose scams

Mar 15, 2022
I beg to disagree with the previous poster. I believe that only one of the two writers active in the forum actually works towards the interest of the students. Noted actually takes pains to look into the company, warning us about which companies continue to pose a danger to us students. The disclaimer of Noted actually makes me trust his posts more because he is not claiming to be perfect. Instead, he is telling the reader that we are free to come to our own conclusions, whether in agreement or not. It is no big deal and it won't be turned into a debate.

Freelancewriter on the other hand is just here for self-promotion and nothing more. He does not care about the students and their needs. Only the money he can gain from the service he proposes to offer on his terms, without meeting the student halfway. It is his way or the highway, which is not how I envision my working relationship with the writer I hope to hire for long term use. The way he has conducted himself historically at this forum makes me distrust his comments far more than I would question the posts of Noted in the forum threads. He tries way too hard to promote himself.

Not once has Noted ever tried to recruit any students nor imply that his services should be hired. He just sticks his neck out there to protect us and warn us about potential problem sites. I particularly appreciate the way he tells us which sites are active or not. It saves me the bother of having to continue looking into the possiblity of hiring a company, only to find out it no longer exists. I appreciate that effort, regardless of the validity of the claims made by Noted. Most of the comments actually make me think about what I truly look for in a service. If you are looking for someone trying to expose scams, Noted is the one still trying to do that. Updated news is needed to keep the scams as bay. That is what Noted has been doing as far as I can tell. Adding to the information in already existing threads. Nothing wrong with that. Rather, it should be appreciated by all the students looking for information about trustworthy academic writing sites.

As for Freelancewriter? The way he conducts himself at the forum often makes me wonder if I should even consider this over self-assured person in the first place. Come to think of it, I have no plans of ever hiring him since he does not really come across as approachable, friendly, or willing to participate as a partner in a project. He is not the kind of writer I am looking to hire for any reason (academic, professional, or otherwise). Yes, I have looked at his website and it is actually boring, as well as very ancient in its presentation and conduct of business. It does not even have an updated UI that would have helped him gain a more professional image. His website makes him look like a high schooler trying to launch a business, there is nothing professional about him and his website at all. Right now, his "official site" is what my 10 year old sister creates during her downtime from her coding classes. She calls that her "trash design" that she creates when she wants to clear her thoughts. I am wondering if he actually gets any real clients at all these days.

So yeah, I really think the forum can do more to expose the scams at the forum as Noted is obviously trying to do.

re: why i decided to become an academic write

Mar 14, 2022
I was in the 2nd grade when I became part of the school paper. I honed my writing my writing skills as a member of the gazette from elementary, all the way through college. I had this idea that I had what it took to become an excellent novelist after completing my degree. I still have 6 rejected novels stored across different drive hosts. From the floppy to Google Drive, the souvenirs of my failure are well kept.

The bills started to pile up. I was down to my last $100 in the bank when I saw an ad in the paper. Someone was looking for a person to write a 250 page college report for him. I called the number in the ad. Managed to get the job and I was well on my way towards a lucrative writing career. I gave up all thoughts of becoming a novelist and dedicated myself to developing my professional writing skills instead.

These days I am looking forward to my retirement. I have saved enough to do so.

re: i need someone capable of openning any academic account. the service fee will be awarded.

Mar 12, 2022
I sold my private information once. I was enticed to do it because the amount was unbelievably high. $3K just to let this person use my information to set up a writer's account at one of the third world writing companies. He made the offer after contacting me at one of the freelancing websites.

At the time I sold my information, I was a fresh English graduate who was trying to land my first job. I did not want to go the regular office route so I signed up for gig jobs. Man, was I sorry that I took up the offer. After setting up the account for this person, I found out the hard way that he continued to use my profile and resume for his other applications. It made everything difficult for me in the gig economy because he had misused my name and I was left always trying to prove that he and I were not the same person.

I am paying for that mistake to this very day. I am just glad he did not use my data to secure a passport or driver's license. Then I would be in serious legal trouble. Take my word for it, do not sell your information. Do not help this person set up any sort of account. You might end up landing in jail for a criminal act you did not commit.

re: the mental toll of online classes

Mar 11, 2022
My my kids are a totally different case then. None of them had a readjustment period upon returning to the classroom. It was almost as if they never left. They actually looked forward to it and were excited to get back into the flow of things. They specially looked forward to finally being able to touch and hug their friends again. They were mostly affected by the lockdown as they lost interest in their classes since they felt it was "fake" doing it from home, in their pj's, with the family dog sitting under their desk during their classes. That definitely did not feel normal to them. Their grades slid a bit because of it but not to the point of failing. They just lost their drive to study since the classroom element was missing. They did not feel challenged at all with their lessons. As for socializing with friends, they are of the social media generation so they never skipped a beat. Socializing went on virtually, where they always hung out anyway. So the online classes had very little to no impact upon them as far as I can tell.

re: i need someone capable of openning any academic account. the service fee will be awarded.

Mar 10, 2022
We are aware of certain parties in the industry that have been asking other people to sign up for accounts for them. These people are willing to pay a premium price for the information of other people. These information include their transcript, certificates of graduation, and photos, among other things. All of which will be used to sign up for an account at a writing company under the name of the actual document holder. However, there are also instances when the documents are used in a modified manner, this time bearing the name of the person who wishes to use the illegally used information. These are the reasons why we are extremely strict with our application process these days. We make sure that the people who are applying for jobs with us are truly who they claim to be. It is no longer as simple as just taking a grammar test and proving you can do research. We take pains to ensure the validity of the documents. We make sure that the name matches the picture as well. How we do that will remain our trade secret.

re: i need someone capable of openning any academic account. the service fee will be awarded.

Mar 9, 2022
Why can't you open any academic account yourself? There is something suspicious about this request. It does not seem on the level. It appears that the person who opens the account will be selling his personal information to this person. I do not believe that anybody should engage in legalized identity theft. Never sell your information for any reason. Not even for a perceived job offer. One never knows how the information will be used. There is a high probability that the personal information will be misused and pose a potentially legal problem for the true owner of the information.

The OP should not have a problem opening any sort of writing account provided he is not blacklisted in the industry or, has been flagged in the forum section of this chat as a scam artist. Whatever his reason for needing to use other people's credentials, there is one thing that we can be sure of. This person is up to no good. Protect your identity. Do not sell it.

openning account

Mar 9, 2022
i need someone capable of openning any academic account. The service fee will be awarded.


re: the mental toll of online classes

Mar 8, 2022
I am in the same boat as you are. The only difference is, my son is the one clamoring for homeschooling. He claims that he cannot function in the classroom because there are too many distractions stemming from his classmates chatting in low voices, the teacher being too fast in lecturing for him to follow, and he just doesn't like having to be sociable during breaktimes when all he wants to do is close his eyes and take a nap. The pandemic did change our children's attitudes about schooling. They do not seem to be all about the social status and latest app trend anymore. Some of them, like our kids, either matured too fast or, learned that there was a world they could enjoy where bullying was not the norm and, they could study at their own pace through modules. I thought something was wrong with my son so I did take him to see a therapist, who told me that the problem was not my son, the problem, was that his character changed due to the pandemic. He suggested that my son did not have to adjust to the world post pandemic, the world had to adjust to him instead. I told the doctor that it was not possible. My son had to learn to exist in the new world. He suggested home schooling and a slow reintroduction to the world through the homeschooling program. He said the situation I was in was nothing new (I see that now) and that it can be dealt with through time and with patience. I am glad to know that I am not alone in this experience.

re: why i decided to become an academic writer

Mar 7, 2022
Remember how bosses like to have their assistants, secretaries, and employees up for promotion prove themselves as worthy of the job? Some of them go overboard in that sense by asking the said sucker to work even for his or her children. Writing papers and making projects for them because they do not want to be bothered with helping their kids. Oh, they also expect the person to deliver the highest possible marks for the kid. That was the situation I found myself in when I was regularly employed.

My boss had me working more official man-hours on his childrens research reports, opinion essays, and book reports than my official tasks as his assistant. Word got around at the office and it made me uncomfortable continuing to work in a place where people were asking me more and more about helping their own kids, not just the boss' brood. I eventually left that office, but could not leave behind the academic writing world. My boss and the employees continued to ask me to do paid work for their kids. Who was I to say no? I have not gone back to the regular office world since.

why i decided to become an academic writer

Mar 6, 2022
All the way back in high school, our English classes required us to write essays based on book reviews, movie reviews, exposure immersion trips, or any other reason our teacher could think of just so she would not have to give a class lecture. I was one of the few students in class who could quickly write up an essay for the given topic, then twiddle my thumbs for the rest of the class period. My classmates saw this as an opportunity to free themselves from writing essays that they had no idea of writing or, they knew what they wanted to say, but could not put it into words. At first I did it as a favor to them, but as the academic year dragged on, more and more of my classmates were asking me to do the same thing, complete their essays for them. I tried asking for a few bucks for the service. I was surprised to see that they were willing to pay for my services. They actually fell in line to get my paid help. That is where it all started for me.

I developed my writing skills throughout my academic career, taking on college writing jobs from my undergraduate classmates whenever I could. You might say that I was officially enrolled in one major, but attending all available majors in college. I would often tell my parents that I was trained in more than one speciality in college, but they, to this very day, do not believe me. Yet, they are surprised to find out that I a lot more than just about my major when faced with other professionals in formal and casual discussions about their professions.

the mental toll of online classes

Mar 3, 2022
The pandemic has forced our children to force their old way of studying and socializing for their own health and physical safety. This was the main concern of all parents and educators for the past 2 years. Our focus on preventing them from catching Covid , by keeping them home and studying online, protected them from the pandemic, but then started them off on a more difficult road. They forgot what it was like to learn in an open classroom. They forgot how to socialize with their classmates and friends in real life. They forgot a lot of things that were normal to them pre-pandemic. Attending regular classes now has sent a large number of them into an emotional downward spiral. How fast they have forgotten how to be in the physical prsence of their teacher and classmates. How stressful attending these classes and having breaks in between, has become for them.

My daughter is now attending therapist sessions as she struggles adjust to what her life was life before. The school counselor suggested it when she surprisingly broke down in Phys. Ed and started sobbing. I had to come and take her home. A sedative helped her sleep. She opened up to me later on and confessed that attending school, and the pressures that come with it are things that she no longer knew how to deal with. She wanted to go back to what was confortable, online classes. Something that is no longer done in our state. I felt sad for her. I felt lost and without a direction. I could help her overcome anything, except the mental effects of the pandemic.

Does anybody here have any idea how I can help my daughter? Am I the only one experiencing this? Please, share your story if you are comfortable doing so. Let us lean on each other. Let us help each other get through this painful phase of our children's lives.

re: the mods should do more to expose scams

Feb 28, 2022
I was reading the off-topic section of this forum when I came across a series of posts indicating that there is a single user here who is using multiple identities to post messages that are of concern to some people at this forum. Apparently the person is an expert in "post and run", also known as board spamming. While this is not legally allowed at this forum, as per their rules, it appears that this person is getting away with it. Why and how this is possible is what the others question. My question is, where are the forum police? Shouldn't they be monitoring the threads to make sure that this does not happen?

How can we trust this forum to deliver accurate and reliable information about services and independently listed writers? How can we be sure that the independent writers are truly worthy of trust, regardless of how long they have been a member of this site? I cannot trust the postings at this forum since only one people that seem to be actively posting is a spammer, and the other, claims to be the best in the business, but does his business in such a questionable manner (No periodic updates? No WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber, or any other instant form of communication? Just take his word for the delivery date? I need my updates !)

They are the 2 reasons that I believe this forum does not have any sort of administrator in control of way the forum is used by those that sign up. Nobody is actually looking out for the users who come here looking for reliable help. These 2 nuts? Yeah, they aren't doing that either.

re: hiring academic writing tutors?

Feb 28, 2022
Do not reward your child for being lazy. The essay writing process is part and parcel of the American educational system. Reading and opinion writing has been the cornerstone of our learning ever since book reports were invented. Essay writers for hire are there only to assist the students. They are not there to serve as a learning crutch, to the point where the student does not learn anything because he is not participating in the writing process. Writing services should only be used by the students in college who are trying to juggle studies and several part time jobs. These writer services should be reserved only for important instances. High school students do not have any emergency or overwhelming scenarios to deal with. Do not be an enabler. Force your kid to write the essays and research papers. If he doesn't do it now, then be prepared to spend thousands of dollars in "financial assistance" when your kid hits college and needs to pay others to write his work.

re: the mods should do more to expose scams

Feb 25, 2022
It appears to me that the mods at this forum are doing the bare minimum to keep both ES and EC running. They do not seem very concerned with the scammers that appear and disappear like a mushroom at these forums. They let the scammer leave on his own, dying a natural death, if you prefer to think of it that way. Perhaps they believe in freedom of expression and freedom of choice to a degree different from ours? Perhaps they believe they cannot patrol all the areas of Essay Scam all the time since they lack the manpower to do so? I do not really sense the mods as being active at all in this forum. The reason for their lack of action is something they choose to keep to themselves. My guess is, they believe that since the information is here for everyone to read about, then it is up to you to protect yourself from the scam. Yeah, that sounds just about right.

re: us government advocates tutoring in addition to online classes

Feb 25, 2022
The government has lost its way in educating our children. They have managed to lose track of academic advancement worldwide and keep up with the changes and improvements as the other progressive countries have. America has sunk to 3rd world levels of education at this point. If the teachers are incapable of teaching, then why have them at all? If the students will learn better from modules and tutors, then why not advocate for home schooling instead? That is how home schooling functions anyway and, children who are home schooled have shown that they score better and higher in national and equivalency tests. There is no point in having the parents pay twice to have their children taught. Nor is there any sense in having my child in school for most of the day, then with a tutor for the rest of the day, trying to make sense of his lessons. I for one, do not believe that my child lose miss out on his childhood in exchange for academic performance. I am taking my kid out of regular school next year.

re: hiring academic writing tutors?

Feb 23, 2022
Since your kid did not develop proper academic writing skills during his time in gradeschool and the early part of high school, I will have to assume that the school she was sent to was not a very good one. Even a public school teaches the students the rudiments of research, reporting, and opinion writing. I do not see why your kid would find that so difficult. For every book report written, every history paper analyzed, every personal essay developed, the research and writing abilities of this child should have been developed and advanced. It is nothing the kid should not have learned over 10 years at the very least. Way long before the college days came around the corner. Hiring a writer or a writing tutor for the student will be a waste of time. I would say that the student is simply incapable of writing these sorts of papers. Or, the student just doesn't want to do it properly. Hiring someone to help write or teach is not always the solution. It is up to the student to improve their skills on their own.

re: yale law school now tuition free for low income students

Feb 23, 2022
This is definitely good news for truly talented, but low income students like me. Though I have not had any interest in law before, and never thought of myself as having the potential to become a lawyer, I am seriously considering going into that field of study at the moment. I am actually a high school junior from a low income family and my parents cannot really afford to send me to college. I thought my dreams of having a good career that can take me out of the community I live in was impossible.

Yale has given me hope. Not only for a brighter future, but of giving me a shot at an education I would normally not be able to afford. Sure I have to take pre-law classes and pass some qualifying tests. I do not think that will be a problem for me. Now I have a direction in life.

I know what I can be because the academic system, even if it be only one university (so far) has given me a shot at achieving a future that is normally closed to my type. I can take on a student loan or get scholarships for my first half of studies, then, hopefully, I will get into Yale and reach my full potential as a professional and as a person.

yale law school now tuition free for low income students

Feb 21, 2022
This news just in. Yale Law School will no longer charge tuition fees for their students who are considered part of the low-income bracket of society. They get to go to the Ivy League university for free. While I applaud the university for helping those students who truly wish to attend the university, but cannot afford to do so, I cannot help but also think about how this new study debt free plan could backfire. This may very well become a new Varsity Blues scenario for those who can afford to pay, but just don't want to or, are middle class, but are struggling with college finances for their kids. Eitherway, I believe that this plan can only end badly for the university. There are certain times when being woke just should not apply. This being one of them. That is my opinion at least.

My kids all dreamed of attending college at prestige universities. Our being middle class prevented them from doing so. My wife and I were earning well enough to not be considered low income, but not high enough to be given "wealthy" status. We could not get tax breaks for our children's tuition and we paid full price. My kids, who did not attend their dream schools, ended up going to reasonably priced universities, through the use of college grants and scholarships. They also helpes to pay their way through college.

Yes, the middle class need financial help for their children's education too. Why are we being overlooked? This isn't about White Privelege or social status. This is about the struggling middle class that makes this society go round. Believe me, the middle class are as diverse as they come too, but that does not help our case does it? I have had it with this "destitute mentality". They get all the breaks.

re: 3 cheers for the local library !!!

Feb 21, 2022
My friends and I are part of the hybrid classroom system of our school. We attend most of the same classes and have found that by attending the classes through our local library, we somehow manage to get a sense of learning within a classroom setting. We chip in to rent the private study room in the library and we attend our classes together, with the others attending their seperate classes in the same room, using headsets.

The local library has proven to be a valuable asset for us students who have learned to adjust to limited face to face classes, based on the availability of the facilities at the local library. We have our regular breaktimes and lunch, based on the school schedule. The difference being that recess means sitting on the steps outside the library and lunch, is hosted by the parents of the students in the group rather than us running off to our individual homes. Yes, we are spoiled by this set up, but we learn better this way. We have learned in a manner that we never thought possible while we were at school.

We learned how to use the library and have become close friends with our librarians. Homework is no longer done at home. We have group study sessions right after school since we are in the library anyway. Afterwards, time at home truly means relaxing and just unwinding after a hectic day of studying.

re: hiring academic writing tutors?

Feb 19, 2022
On the contrary, I believe that by hiring someone else to write the paper for your daughter, you will be doing her a favor. First, she will we provided with a model essay that contains links to books, newspapers, and online publications through the bibliography page. What will this do? It will teach her how to do research and also, help her learna bout which sites are reliable sources of information and those which are not. Second, the paper will be written for her, based on correct writing formats. Provided she takes the time to read the paper, she will learn how to write research papers and personal essays based on academically accepted formats. Finally, she will have the option of rewriting the paper based on the information that she has on hand. This is known as a model paper and most students use these as their guide for content and paper formatting when initially learning how to create academic papers. Hire an academic writer and you will find that their model papers will be the best tutoring reference for your kid. I guarantee it.

re: computer lab and library fees in home school settings???

Feb 18, 2022
Well, I do not know about other schools out there but the school that my children attend charge the same fees, but provide some services for it. For one thing, my children attend school using school issued tablets, which contain their complete modules, projects, assignments, and test forms. These are loaded into the tablet that has been secured by the school against "online cheating" during exams.

The next thing the school has us pay for, is the online library access of the students. An online librarian is available during regular working hours who can help the students "checkout" e-books using their virtual library card. The way I see it, the online library works the same way as a regular library, the difference being the student actually has to log into his library account, which triggers on the librarians end, alerting the librarian to assist a student who is online at the time.

I find that these extra services are worth the computer and library fees I had to pay for.

Before I forget, the tablet goes back to the school at the end of the schoolyear for reprogramming. It is redistributed the next year to the students after a thorough software clean up. The school uses the same "sanitized" tablets to keep control over the learning process and internet access of the student during class hours. At least, that is why the school told us when we asked why we were renting a tablet from the school when we could provide it to our kids anyway.

why i am an excellent research writer

Feb 17, 2022
What makes me an excellent research writer is my genuine interest in research and good writing skills. For me, each and every paper becomes exciting as I get a new topic to research on and gather data related to the subject. I love the idea of gathering information from scratch and then sift through the aggregated information to yield only the most useful and relevant information on the given subject. It gives me immense satisfaction to create an original paper based on my understanding, information gathered and what is expected by the client. I get a sense of fulfillment that I have helped a student complete his assignment and write a completely unique paper that is free of any plagiarism.

Academic research writing is indeed a specialized field that requires special skills, experience and knowledge. I believe that there are no shortcuts in academic writing. Unless and until you understand the subject and what is expected of you, it is indeed difficult to complete the paper. Academic research writing is not easy and takes lots of time and effort. Certain steps and guidelines need to be followed to write a good paper and get is accepted. It is not just gathering information and re-represent the ideas. It is more about gathering the right data and information and then make a critical evaluation of the subject. The reader should be able to grasp the concepts easily and understand the effective arguments. The academic research writers are expected to show a good reading comprehension and effective writing skills. At the same time, they are expected to be disciplined and preserve the integrity of the research paper. Certain format styles are expected to be followed based on the instructions given.

I feel confident about my academic writing skills and I love the task of researching on a certain topic and gather relevant data. I like to collect information from varied resources and follow the proper citation and reference formats. While there are good sources available on the internet, I prefer to use academic library to make an impressive investigation. I am confident of my research output and am able to pen down a unique content based on my writing abilities. I have used different kinds of citation styles such as MLA. APA, Chicago and Harvard. I like to finish my work well before the deadlines so that there are no pressures on me or the student. I ensure that there is ample time to make any revisions or changes to the paper based on what the student desires.

Today, I carry more than seven years of experience in academic writing and have completed more than 4k papers in various subjects. I have put in endless number of hours in research and writing. Still, I believe that there is no end to perfection. The more you research and write, the better you become. With each paper, I feel more confident about my skills as an academic writer. I get paid for my writing but the highest satisfaction for me is when I get a five-star rating from my clients or when a student demands that he wants only me to complete his or her paper. Those remarks point out that I am indeed on the right track as an academic writer.

My experience in academic writing and science background along with diploma in computer science make me fully qualified to research and write on different topics. My skills and experience give me a unique edge as it has honed my writing and research skills. You can count on me to deliver a completely original paper that is comprehensive and as per the instructions given. This is why I look at myself as a competent research writer.

re: hiring academic writing tutors?

Feb 17, 2022
You should not be looking for an academic writer to teach your kid how to write a paper. You are focusing on the wrong aspect of essay and research paper development. The first thing that has to be learned is how to formulate and opinion. After that, how to do research. These are things that cannot be taught by a writing tutor, who is focused on writing format and instruction adherence. A regular tutor should be hired instead to help the student learn how to formulate an opinion based on researched information. The tutor can teach the child how to research. Something that an academic writer will find it difficult to teach. If the problem of the student is more in relation to page formatting, citations, and other presentation related concerns, then I suggest that you refer your daughter to The OWL at Purdue. This is an excellent starting point for students to learn how to write in various academic writing formats. It is not going to teach the student how to research though. That is something the teachers should be teaching. If you want the student to really learn how to research and write a paper, hire a regular tutor instead to assist in the development of research and writing skills.

hiring academic writing tutors?

Feb 16, 2022
My daughter has problems with writing her research homework and opinion essays. She has never been much of a reader and does not really have a talent for writing. Or, she has not tried hard enough to develop her writing skills. Her teacher has already approached me about the problem with her written homework and has suggested that I work with her on developing her writing skills. I am not exactly sure about how to go about that since I was never an exemplary writer myself throughout my schooling. The best grade I could muster was a B- in written projects and assignments. I know that there are academic writing companies for hire but I do not want someone else to write the paper for my daughter. Instead, I want the writer to teach her how to write the paper. Would it be possible to find a company that would allow me to hire their writer as a writing tutor for my daughter instead? I do not want her to become reliant on other people to complete her homework, not to mention the expense of such a move. I want her to learn how to write these papers properly in preparation for college next year. Is what I am thinking of possible?

re: dorm living or apartment living?

Feb 15, 2022
Have you given any thought to pledging to a house instead of living in a dorm or apartment? Freshmen usually enjoy the house / frat pledging process since it helps them build a support network that is bar none on campus. The brotherhood or sisterhood beats any dorm experience that you can have. Not only that, the legacy house members tend to help its members build an impressive future job network through the familiarity with the parents of one another. It is also one of the safest ways to live on campus since the house has strict regulations that are not usually observed in dorms. Do not believe the Hollywood movies, these frats and sorority houses are not party houses.Nor should their older members be feared by freshmen. Forget the urban tales. In fact, the students that live there value education, grades, and camaraderie above anything else. They are good influences and support one another when it comes to academics, sports, and life experiences. Not to mention, the benefits that membership to a house gives once you have graduated and are on the lookout for professional opportunities.

re: dorm living or apartment living?a

Feb 13, 2022
Reading this post reminds me of the benefits I had when I was living in my college dorm prior to the pandemic and this confused college life that I now lead. I felt safe knowing that my roommate was not some stranger off the street, or somebody who just answered my ad for a roommate. I had an automatic study buddy, a designated driver when needed, and someone who was just my friend because we only had each other to rely on most of the time. Homework and class projects were never forgotten, remembering it was left in the room simply meant firing off a SOS to my roommate to bring the forgotten item to me between classes and vice versa. Instant noodle mealtime became an adventure as we experimented with various mixins, usually with comedic results. Joining in on weekend dorm parties were also memorable for both of us. Clothes swapping and conversation rescues were our norm. It was a time in my life when I developed a real sense of sisterhood with my roommate, which continues to this very day. I would not exchange dorm living for apartment living for any reason.

re: us government advocates tutoring in addition to online classes

Feb 11, 2022
My son was a notable student when formal classes were taking place. He was always finishing the academic year with honors and had always been noted for his academic excellence by his teachers. He accomplished these without the help of his parents, nor the need for tutors. He had the natural talent for learning and it showed. Then, online classes happened and his studies went haywire.

Hybrid classes did not help as he could not truly adjust to having classroom lessons one day, virtual classes the next. When the first virtual PTA meeting happened, we expressed concerns about the problems reflected by the confusing classroom set up and how it was adversely affecting the learning process. The response of the teachers? Hire tutors, we cannot be expected to do everything. Actually, we should not have to hire tutors and yes, we expect the teachers to do everything. After all, that is what their job description implies.

The problem is not the students cannot learn, the problem is that the teachers cannot teach. Not in a confusing hybrid teaching set up. Look, nobody was prepared for the way education was going to be changed by the pandemic, but we at least expected the teachers and the Department of Education to have been better prepared for the reopening of classes.

If our kids slacked off during the lockdown, the teachers slacked off and decided it was not worth their time to teach anymore since they could pass off everything to learning modules already. The US educational system and the government has failed our children.

re: us government advocates tutoring in addition to online classes

Feb 10, 2022
I was amazed to read this report when it first came out. It is bad enough that my child is developing learning problems with this hybrid learning method, adding tutoring to the mix will not help him learn better. It may confuse him more, but definitely not allow him to learn better with differering teaching methods going into his head. I have also found that the teachers are not really teaching as they would when in a class setting. On the days when my kid uses the computer from home, the teachers tend to rely more on having them do more offline reading, research, and essay writing projects. To me, this signifies the teacher is lazy and is not really focused on the job the government is paying him/her for. If we, as parents, have to pay for additional tutoring, then where does my tax money go in relation to public school funding?

I send my kid to public school because I cannot afford private schooling ! Needless to say, I cannot afford to pay a tutor to teach my kid things that he should have been learning in class in the first place. Rather than telling us to hire tutors, the government should work on developing their teachers skills instead. It is obvious that if the child is not learning, then the problem is in the way he is being taught, not that the child is incapable of learning.

computer lab and library fees in home school settings???

Feb 9, 2022
Parents who enroll their high schoolers in private schools need to be sure to read the fine print when enrolling their kids and paying the fees. I had to pay library fees and computer laboratory fees for my kids, who have been attending online classes for 2 years ! Their library is called the internet, and their computer laboratory is their bedroom where I have them set up with a personal computer system! Why the H-E- DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS am I paying for fees that do not apply to their current academic set up? When I confronted the school about this before paying, I was told that the fees were charged because "in-person classes are imminent". That was 2 years ago. I am still paying for these fees that should be made enollment deductible or, at least rolled-over, once actual in-person classes take place. When I asked if the fees would be retroactively applied, the response I got was "It will be considered once the students are back in class." I take that as a NO! Home schooling is starting to look better and better to me and my kids. Maybe I will try that if these in-person problems still exist during the next schoolyear.

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