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tko  EssayChatMay 21, 2011
oxbridge is a scam, they fraud, they are thief, they are up to no good

please leave an email address..

oxbridge is a scam, they fraud, they are thief, they are up to no good

May 21, 2011
I ordered an essay of £240, the essay came late, full of mistake, the alteration was rubish, am thinking that the writer is an undergraduate like me. as a result of their incompetency I miss the deadline now I request for my money back they dont want to refund my money. I am thinking of taking legal action against them. if you have had similar experience with this fraudster. pls let me hear from you I want to build case with them

ivory research

May 19, 2011
Do not use. They deliver on time, but the writer will not be english first language. About 60% of the sentences will not make sense and you will find narrative repetition.


May 19, 2011
plagiarism free and quality work waiting for you at reasonable prices. plz leave your email id in response.

nutrition courses supporters

May 17, 2011
Are there any good writers for nutrition topics. Only UK and they must know how to write appropriate assignments with introduction and conclusion.

minefield business

May 17, 2011
It's clear to everyone that this whole business is a little bit of a minefield. The more I read on this site (and other sites like this) the more anxious I became about using one of these services. Luckily for me I read around a little and made a judgement based on what I had read. I contacted Pheelyks with a certain piece of work I needed doing, he contacted me back promptly, was extremely professional and did I great job at a reasonable price.

I have no affiliation with him and you can choose to accept of disregard my testimony, but I know people on here are looking for someone who can point them in the right direction, I have absolutely no qualms in pointing you in his direction.

didn't receive the paper

May 16, 2011
can somebody help me? i paid for a paper that was due yesterday and i didn't receive it yet, and nobody is replying me, what am i supposed to do?

matthew and melissa, please take your anti-depressants now

May 15, 2011
That is all.
Spike  EssayChatMay 15, 2011
Any sad loser toting for trade here should be ashamed of themselves.

Good writers do not need to do this. Good writers will have clients coming to them.

Losers like Phleeyks, with a sorry line of disappointed and upset former customers, have no other source of income.

And he actually thinks any same person would ENVY his life?! Working for peanuts like a monkey to help students cheat in their exams.

Oh please. It really IS that sad. Poor you, Phleeksie. I pity you.

I pity you, cheater-writer-boy. When I was 13 I charged my classmates to do their homework. WHEN I WAS 13! Never - ever - did I think such a thing would be a career or my main source of income.

But still, for the unemployable it's the only option - right?

the real pheelyks

May 15, 2011
Phleeyks - you are a liar and a cheat - so much so that you can't get good customers in the real world, so you are desperastely haggling for clients here.

I think you need to look up the word "haggling." It has nothing to do with what goes on here. Also, when I call people liars and cheats, I have evidence of it--where's yours?

Are you so deluded to think anyone here will even think of trusting you?

Considering the email I get on a regular basis, I'm going to have to deny any delusions while affirming the second half of your query.

Any writer weho advertises here is to be avoided at all costs

Uh huh......
Spike  EssayChatMay 15, 2011
both of us accuse liars of lying and cheaters of cheating

Yes, so do I.

Phleeyks - you are a liar and a cheat - so much so that you can't get good customers in the real world, so you are desperastely haggling for clients here.


Mike too.


Are you so deluded to think anyone here will even think of trusting you?

Any writer weho advertises here is to be avoided at all costs - they advertise here because they are simply not good enough to hack it in the real world!
Spike  EssayChatMay 14, 2011
ike AKA WritersBeware, and Phleeks from ET

1) your opinion is just that: the opinion of those who ADMIT they come here to promote there own writing services and companies (and are therefore NOT unbiased - you of course will disparage your rivals and those who expose your little game).

By my own logic I am 100% unbiased - but when I see those who own or work for certain essay companies deliberately disparaging their competition, or individuals who challenge then, then I shall expose it: that is my admission Phloooksie - nothing more. You speak for NO-ONE but your own sad self.

2) It is my right and duty to expose losers like you in order to protect students.

3) My name is not Matthew, Mike. But then your name isn't Mike, is it, WritersBeware the Psycho ET witch. You are not even male! Mike? HA HA! Very imaginative fake name that, loser.

If this forum and EssayScam were rid of Phleeyks, Mike, WB, WRT and other rat droppings, then students and writers could start getting some good advice. As it is, the whole forum resembles a monkey poo-throwing contest and is of no real help whatsoever to anyone.

And what sort of insane loser posts thousands and thousands of posts obsessively ranting and raving for years anyway? PSYCHO MIKE!

Please leave this forum Phleeks and Mike - get a room maybe? Ask ET - I am sure they'll claim they's had one booked for you 'since 1995'. LMAO!
pheelyks  EssayChatMay 13, 2011
you have yourself admitted you come here to promote the site you work for by disparaging others?

I never actually said this. I acknowledged that I do "disparage" companies that deserve disparaging--those that cheat and lie to both their customers and their writers--and, seeing as how this forum was specifically designed for advertising/seeking assistance, I am also happy to provide people with information about how to contact me as a writer.

The only posts you have made here are "disparaging" comments towards me, the poster you refer to as "Mike," and ET. By your own logic, you're untrustworthy due to this obvious bias. Please go be psycho on Essay Scam, and leave this board clean of your rat-dropping-like annoyances.
Spike  EssayChatMay 13, 2011
I'm sure most customers are able to tell from the tone if not from the grammar of this joker's posts that they aren't the most sane or trustworthy person here....

You have no idea who I am, idiot, though you will of course make unfounded fantasy allegation and your ET gang WB/Mike will agree with you. How sweet. LMAO!.

But I know you: you are a nobody who spends much of his sad life disparaging essay companies that are in direct competition to the crappy one you work for: ET.

So who could ever trust an idiot like you? Your opinion is tainted by the corruption of personal greed. Your opinion is worthless, as all intelligent visitors here can tell. How can you be trustworthy when you have yourself admitted you come here to promote the site you work for by disparaging others?

And your English language is sub-EFL standard too. I have explained what I wrote at a low level that I thought even a retard like you could grasp - but NO! You simply cannot see how your argument is SO WRONG! You simply do not understand elementary basics opf English grammar. Your problem, ET jackass.

Of course it makes no sense to you: you're an illiterate idiot! Again, your problem. Those who see your posts on this site and the other one can see plainly how insane and untrustworthy you are Phleeks.

the real pheelyks

May 12, 2011

Well when you say it in all caps it's like, automatically true.
And you get confused?

No, I understood what you meant, but I also understand what you said. You can try and explain it until you're blue in the face, but your explanations make no sense.

I'm sure most customers are able to tell from the tone if not from the grammar of this joker's posts that they aren't the most sane or trustworthy person here....

cry baby mike...

May 12, 2011
You big cry baby Mike/WB! You great big girl!

Whaa whaa whaa...boohoohoo...
Spike  EssayChatMay 12, 2011
Again, "Spike," you are a complete idiot.

quoth Mike/WB - to which Spike replied.

Mike - you are the only idiot here. Please tel us what connection you have to ET.

Phleeyks - you too.

Be honest about your connection to ET and why you always defend it.

Phleeksie - my 10 year old nephew can understand dialogue of this level. And you get confused? Wow. The essays you write must be just awesome - in their confused nature, that is.

But thank you for displaying your ignorance for all to see.
Spike  EssayChatMay 12, 2011
Pheelksies he say:

It was more than one sentence, and it was illogical. I understand what you think you said, but the fact is it doesn't read that way. Even with the full quote, it appears as though you call Mike the only idiot and then call me one, too. That's illogical.


What a sentence is or is not) is a moot point. But what is 100% sure is that - unless you are particularly illterate - my sentence in NO WAY can be read by any intelligent person to mean what you infer. But if you want to think you're correct in your utter ignorance, Pheelie, then go ahead. STILL WRONG THOUGH.

"Mike - you are the only idiot here. Please tel us what connection you have to ET.

Phleeyks - you too."

NOTE the full stop after 'here'. This means a new sentence begins after it.
THAT means both YOU and your Mike[WritersBeware] should tell us what connection you have to ET.

That has still not happened in full.
pheelyks  EssayChatMay 11, 2011
You left out the middle sentence in order to try and claim that my sentence was illogical

It was more than one sentence, and it was illogical. I understand what you think you said, but the fact is it doesn't read that way. Even with the full quote, it appears as though you call Mike the only idiot and then call me one, too. That's illogical. it is also only one of many errors in your posts, all of which (along with your general idiocy and craziness) should give people pause before they listen to your advice.

Enough of this sh*t goes on at essayscam; don't you think we can avoid it here, Melissa?
no-one will give you a job so you have to write essays to scratch your sad living

I started doing this while I was still in school and working a retail job on the side. Because I found that I was able to make a very good living doing this, I haven't attempted to find another job in three years--I really don't know how easy or hard it would be for me to get hired, and I don't much care. I own a home, can afford everything I need and more, and am able to save plenty of money every month, so I'm pretty content.
No wonder you love them

I wouldn't say I love them, but I am grateful for the opportunities they provide in connecting me with clients.

enough is enough

May 11, 2011
You shouldn't be helping to organize and arrange for others' academic work; you should be an object of study.

LMAO! Yeah, let's see how Melissa/Matthew negotiate some round holes and square blocks.

Seriously, though, moderator, we've all suffered through the nutcases' mindless tirades numerous times. Please spare us and the board by banning Melissa/Matthew and removing all oh its posts. Thanks.

connection of pheelyks to et

May 11, 2011
Phleeks (or whatever your dumb name is).

You left out the middle sentence in order to try and claim that my sentence was illogical. I wasn 't. You are.

My version has a COMPLETELY different meaning to your edited version: you have misquoted in order to try and attack me (PATHETIC!). Its the same twisting that the desperate have done through the ages to others' words. Though perhaps with your pathetic standard of English you can't see that.

I SAID: "Mike - you are the only idiot here. Please tel us what connection you have to ET. Phleeyks - you too"

That makes PERFECT sense. It says: "YOU tell us what connection you have to ET"; not "YOU TOO are the only one here".

You edited that to CLAIM I said: "Mike - you are the only idiot here. Phleeyks - you too"

Which is a contradiction and illogical - I would never write such a sentence. Many dodgy essay writers would though - like you.

You see how EASY it is Pheeelks to expose you as dishonest?

Why don't you just accept you're a nobody - no-one will give you a job so you have to write essays to scratch your sad living. I don't care what you think ET boy, and nore does anybody else.

the real pheelyks

May 11, 2011
BUT the liar Ph leaves out the middle sentence of that quote thereby accusing me of stating something I did not! Desperate ET stooge!!! How desperate can a sad loser like you get? Pathetic.

I left out the middle because it wasn't a direct part of the idiocy. The same error exists even with the middle left in.

Do yourself a favor and read the whole post in which I "accused you of stating something you did not." I very clearly and openly (and proudly) acknowledge that I am a writer that completes orders placed on ET, among other websites. You might want to try adopting a less threatening tone, as you have absolutely no power in this situation and it just makes you appear foolish and desperate, Melissa.
and then deliberately attempt to disparage your competition on EssayScam and here.

Just the "competition" that deserves disparaging--liars, scammers, and people that can't write for sh*t. Like you, Melissa--one step away from the nut house and with some severe intelligence deficiencies to boot. You shouldn't be helping to organize and arrange for others' academic work; you should be an object of study.

connection of pheelyks to et

May 10, 2011
Fort the benefit of Phleeks (or whatever WritersBeware sidekicks dumbass name is) here is the ACTUAL quote and not the one MADE UP by the liar Phleeks:

"Mike - you are the only idiot here. Please tel us what connection you have to ET.

Phleeyks - you too."

BUT the liar Ph leaves out the middle sentence of that quote thereby accusing me of stating something I did not! Desperate ET stooge!!! How desperate can a sad loser like you get? Pathetic.


Me - I know that you and Mike/WritersBeware have connections to various companies - and then deliberately attempt to disparage your competition on EssayScam and here. Students and writers should know not to trust a word that comes out of your lie holes!

Those who misquote others like you just did phleeks are desperate and have no valid arguments to use so resort to deception and dogdy misinformation. JUST like ET then!!! HA HA HA!

mike aka writersbeware is defending et as ever

May 10, 2011
As always when challenged ths usual liars and cheats (WritersBeware/Mike, Phleeks) attack and lie and make dumb false accusations. That just shows how desperate they are. What sad lives you idiots lead.


ET CLAIMS it has been running since 1995. It HAS NOT. It has been running since 2001.

What part of that don't you pair of BUFFOONS understand?


Well, Mike (WritersBeware)? Phleeks? TELL US ALL - if you don't you obviously have something to hide. What are your REAL names?

And finally, losers, just because a company has been going a long time does NOT mean it's any good or better than new companies? If that's American business logic, no wonder the US economy is in such trouble.

"spike" (aka, psycho melissa) seems to have a reading / comprehension problem

May 10, 2011
ET has NOT been operating since 1995 - that is what its site implies. That is wrong and deceptive - though no doubt it's legal. It's just VERY dodgy.

"We launched this site, ET in February of 2001. However, ET is not our company's oldest site. That honor belongs to, which began accepting online orders in 1995!"

Since when is direct clarification "dodgy"? Desperate idiot . . . .

the real pheelyks

May 10, 2011
Mike - you are the only idiot here....Phleeyks - you too.


By the way, I hope everyone knows they can request me as their writer when placing orders through, one of the most respected and long-standing websites in the industry. Just be sure to spell my name right so I get a notification of the request.

If I'm guessing right, Spike's real name is Melissa and she's a really nasty thief and former competitor of et's that got shut down for breaking too many laws too many times. Definitely not a trustworthy source of advice.

et's claims

May 10, 2011
Mike - you are the IDIOT! I explained why you were wrong - but the Mods removed my post (no doubt because the coward idiots like you and phleekie complained). Can't take being outargued and shown to be wrong huh?

ET has NOT been operating since 1995 - that is what its site implies. That is wrong and deceptive - though no doubt it's legal. It's just VERY dodgy.

And it's just like Nokia claiming its cellphones are the best because Nokia has existed for nearly 100 years (it started as a paper maunfacturer).

Mike - you are the only idiot here. Please tel us what connection you have to ET.

Phleeyks - you too.

Be honest about your connection to ET and why you always defend it.

re: et's claims

May 9, 2011
BUT THEN WHY is ET not honest and stating that CLEARLY, instead of saying 'Since 1995'. NO THEY ARE NOT! They are since 2001!

Again, "Spike," you are a complete idiot. Nowhere on the ET domain does it state that the specific site, ET, has been online since 1995. ET clearly states that IT has been online since 2001 and the COMPANY has been in business since 1995. Also, the bottom of every page of ET states "2001" in the copyright line. Learn how to read, you ignorant moron. The site is 100% honest and truthful in its claims.


May 9, 2011
Mod, why did you decline my valid, truthful post in response to the idiot's lies that you DID approve?

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