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i'm sure you can...

Apr 8, 2013
I'm a veteran of the Irish army. Why can't I have a discount?

... just not from me.


Apr 8, 2013
20% discount for active duty military and veterans from the U.S., U.K. Australia and New Zealand.

I'm a veteran of the Irish army. Why can't I have a discount?


Apr 7, 2013
do you think that I should be taking payment in advance?

Annoyed writer  

response to pure essay expert and professor verb.

Apr 7, 2013
Chalk this one up to experience.

you pleased the customer that you will complete the paper without advance payment, so agree to donate your work for a lesson

So, do you think that I should be taking payment in advance? I've always avoided that because it helps to gain trust and assure 'non-scammer' status.
Pure Essay Expert  

its all your fault

Apr 7, 2013
you pleased the customer that you will complete the paper without advance payment, so agree to donate your work for a lesson

take the high road...

Apr 7, 2013
any advice would be appreciated.

Chalk this one up to experience.
Annoyed writers  

shafted by a student

Apr 7, 2013
So, I've been freelancing for 3 years now and I just had my first disappearing client. I've done the work and she's vanished into thin air. She asked for the work to be completed within 5 hours, with 7pm GMT last night as the deadline. I know what university she goes to because it says so at the top of her assignment brief. Obviously I just want to be paid, but as leverage should I threaten her with alerting her university what she's up to? I don't know how to go about this, so any advice would be appreciated.

if ...

Apr 3, 2013
I would like to interview the writer before they start work on the essay for my piece of mind. I would also like to pay in three instalments for every 500 words. I would need access to their mobile phone number and email address. Also, unlimited amendments per 500 words, OSCOLA referencing and a bibliography is essential.

If a writer is as qualified and capable as the one you're describing, I sincerely doubt that she or he is going to have time, at the peak of the essay season, to do a personal interview with you and provide unlimited amendments. Well, there's always time, of course, when the price is right. Sounds like you've got an expensive project on your hands.

just a quick note...

Mar 31, 2013
Also, in reference to the post below, the area of study is a mix of Business, Management and Information Technology

scammer, get lost!

Mar 29, 2013
genuine & reliable business & tourism writer needed asap

Do not believe this one, he is a kenyan scammer who preys on writers. He takes orders he cannot complete and then scams writers to write for him for free. Stay away, this is NOT a student.

looking for good individual writer for mostly philosophy papers

Mar 20, 2013
i am looking for a really good individual writer for mostly philosophy papers. must have a degree of philosophy.
i am tired of ordering paper from website and having to worry about the quality every time.
MarkB  EssayChatMar 19, 2013
Please contact me on essaywritersdirect /at/ gmail /dot/ com so that I can provide you with a comprehensive proposal detailing why I am the best writer for this assignment, as well as a price quote.

CollegeReportSo urce  


Mar 19, 2013
pathetic, a student should be mentally equal to 3 fall for a site like this.

I'm sorry that you feel the need to attack us. We have never had a single complaint about our work, we are indeed based in the U.S., our writers are all native English speakers, and the last thing that we wish to do is get involved in a name calling match with anyone on here. If you don't like our website that's ok however it meets our needs just fine and instead of paying for a flashy website, we prefer to concentrate on the needs of our clients.
Thank you and good luck in your future endeavors.
Lulz King  

thanks 4 good laugh

Mar 19, 2013
Thank you for your consideration,
College Report Source

pathetic, a student should be mentally equal to 3 fall for a site like this.

steven allison of

Mar 19, 2013
Dont use Steven Allison of as he is scammer. He cheats his writers by awarding them projects and running away with their money. Don't use this service.


Mar 19, 2013
Does anyone knows EW_writers email adress?

either way...

Mar 18, 2013
stopbeingsilly: It is called a typo, idiot.

A typo is a misspelled word; by contrast, "disserve" instead of "deserve" suggests a basic lack of knowledge concerning these homophones or a Freudian slip. Either way...

no problem

Mar 18, 2013
Steven said:
Sorry, I didn't realise you had a similar title. I can't see it actually?

No problem, Steven. I just meant that your post title could be confused with my S/N, that's all. Just wanted to make sure that anybody meaning to contact you contacts you and that anybody meaning to contact me contacts me. No worries.

Steven  EssayChatMar 18, 2013
Good luck to you, Steven. Just want to make sure that nobody accidentally confuses us from the way you titled your post.


Sorry, I didn't realise you had a similar title. I can't see it actually?
stopbeingsilly  EssayChatMar 18, 2013
Dont use this scammer he goes by numerous namess

Care to name them, scammer. Just dont fool around if you cannot get clients.
ProfessorVerb  EssayChatMar 17, 2013
worried about your dissertation? is our ultimate dissertation package. . . . You disserve (sic) the services

How Freudian.
Brit Boy  

dont use

Mar 17, 2013
Dont use this scammer he goes by numerous namess
Jmark  EssayChatMar 17, 2013
Totally disregard any posting by anybody who does not use a specific S/N to identify all of his or her posts.

I couldn't have put it any better. All your other points are very valid but in the context of this forum, this one stands out.

a few purely objective suggestions

Mar 16, 2013
JMark Said:
And keep in mind that it is hard to get objective reviews on this forum because most of us are competitors, who barely know each other. Okay, we have a few who might pretend to know but in most cases, they don't.

That is true. However, there are definitely some of us who compete against one another here without resorting to negative attacks and (especially) without hiding behind the anonymity of this medium to do it like cowards and frauds.

I'd make the following strictly objective suggestions:

1. Totally disregard any posting by anybody who does not use a specific S/N to identify all of his or her posts.
2. Consider that the way writers treat one another here is probably a pretty good indication of exactly how they treat their clients and exactly how they do business in general.
3. Writers who "compete" by attacking or disparaging other writers here probably resort to that because they can't possibly "compete" on the basis of the quality of their work.
4. If you believe that any particular writer comes across as likely to be legitimate and honest in his contributions to this forum, it's probably a good bet that you can also trust all the other writers for whom that person openly vouches and recognizes as a legitimate competitor.
5. If a person cannot compose a single forum post in the kind of English that you'd hope to find in your project, that person is just not a viable candidate for your project because that's exactly the quality of "writing" that you will receive for your hard-earned money.

For the record, there are 3 other writers here against whom I have competed fairly as a freelancer and also on the boards of various essay companies for many years. We are all definitely direct competitors against one another for the same projects on the company boards and for the same prospective clients here (and elsewhere). We also routinely refer clients and projects to one another reciprocally whenever we get offered work that is outside of our respective areas or when we are too booked up to take on additional projects. If you decide that you can trust any one of us, you can trust all of us equally.

The other writers here (besides me) for whom I can personally vouch and recommend as legitimate, highly-experienced, highly-skilled, honest, native-English-speaking Americans (and one Brit) whose work and business practices I know first-hand are: ResearchPro, ProfessorVerb, and JohnsMom. You will never read a single post from any of us attacking or disparaging one another, or any other writer, for that matter. All of us always identify ourselves in all of our posts, too.

As for me, I am located in (and originally from) NYC and reachable via email to FreelanceWriter "at" or to the email address in my website linked here. My educational background includes an American law degree (JD) and I have written more than 5,000 essays since 2003 on hundreds of different topics in dozens of very different academic areas, most of which are listed in the Academic Essays section of my website. The vast majority of my clients are long-term repeat customers and my goal in taking on any project is always to do it well enough to earn your repeat business for as long as you need these kinds of writing services. If I don't think I can do that with your project, I will decline it and refer you to one of the other writers who might be able to do it, and the same holds true for all of them.


an independent and a fair may be hard to come by here

Mar 16, 2013
i was looking for reviews

And keep in mind that it is hard to get objective reviews on this forum because most of us are competitors, who barely know each other. Okay, we have a few who might pretend to know but in most cases, they don't.

nothing like a good writer.

Mar 16, 2013
is this a good writer

'good' is a very subjective term; even the best writers can produce trash and, conversely, some not so good writers can produce a decent piece once in a while.
The quality of every order that a writer completes is dependent on a number of factors such as his competence in the topic, access to relevant research materials and so on.
However, i am convinced you are not an actual client but simply 'johnsmom' trying to promote yourself here.

you might want to check out

Mar 15, 2013
a separate chat for students who have some assignment

margaret Sabatos  

essaychat management

Mar 15, 2013
A kind request.
why can't we have a separate chat for students who have some assignment. the present situation is that, the chat is too crowned with writer's adverts looking for clients

NEW - Only individual freelance writers / editors may advertise here (writing agencies may take advantage of the paid advertising opportunities). Short / re-written / poorly-written ads may not be accepted.

NEW 2 - Writer's email is now linked to{your-email} page.

NEW 3 - Only writers who have an EssayScam Writer Profile activated and have at least 2.000 Rating can post their ads here under their associated email. Writing service ads not posted in this category will be removed.

IMPORTANT: Ads of Regular writers whose EssayScam Rating falls below a certain level (currently < 10.000) or who haven't posted a relevant and meaningful message in a public forum on EssayScam every 24hrs or less will also be automatically removed.

If you already have an ad published here, please make sure to delete the old one before posting a new (and never published) one. Ads posted through proxy servers will be removed. Ad re-posting / bumping will keep the reposted ad unreviewed or deleted.



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