Amon - anyone who says 'get a life' is a saddo! You have pretty much confirmed yourself as Melissa and thus pretty much discredited yourself.
The noun form is CORPORATE - as in A CORPORATE (Noun). You speak retard English, otherwise known as Americanese. Nice Caps Lock. Again: What makes you think that this is a good way of doing things in public? What makes you think that insulting 300 million people plus anyone who happens to like those people makes any business sense? If you can't control your impulses to respond to jabs on the Internet, why should anyone trust you to make a reasonable argument?
Oh, and nice able-bodied language there. Real class act. People with physical and mental disabilities will also love you.
Because of differences in standards and language, British students whould ALWAYS use British companies - and also try and avoid companies that have links to the US and Australia (like WRT's companies at Oxbridge Researchers Ltd). Now, see, that's not a bad suggestion in general. The UK and the US DO have different standards. Better or worse doesn't play into it, but different standards and expectations? Sure.
Tell me, Melissa: WHY? Why should they avoid WRT? Because they're "tied" to the US? How? The only "ties" I can see is that they use some US writers and don't disparage US citizens as a matter of course. Your legal history with WRT makes this claim seem like an empty attempt to continue to savage her companies' public reputation.
If British students order a 2.1 or B grade standard essay from a US site, then what they get back MAY WELL be that level in the US - but in the UK it would barely make pass standard. Again, not only do you have any EVIDENCE for this assertion that insults 300 million people and flies in the face of common sense, but you continue to assume 2.1 = B because you assume that the percentages equal out. They don't, necessarily. In the UK, it might be HARDER to earn that 80%... but that 80% is TREATED with more respect. A B is "eh" for must students in the US. From what I understand, many UK students are perfectly fine with 2.1: First Class is elite. All 4.0 isn't as much. That's not a sign of different QUALITY, but a different distribution.
I know you won't understand this argument because for whatever reason you reflexively hate Americans. A few things occur to me psychologically, but I won't mention them in a public forum.
Here's a question, Melissa. Are UK writers qualified to write in the US? Should US students tend to choose US writers? If you think not, well, you're a prejudiced fool.
STANDARDS AT US UNIVERSITIES ARE LOWER THAN AT UK UNIVERSITIES - and yes, there is PLENTY of evidence for that, you ninny! ALL acadmics accept it! Why? Because US universities do broad degrees with several subject in the liberal arts tradition; British universities traditionally did ONE subject in great depth! ERGO the level and standard was higher in the UK and still is! Don't get all hurt and insecure when someone points out that fact. Three problems, putting aside your unprofessional and misspelled response. (Don't tell "acadmics" is UK English).
First of all: Appeal to authority fallacy. "All academics" might be wrong.
Second: You have no EVIDENCE for this claim. In your world, another anti-American Anglocentrist Professor making this assessment would be evidence. In the real world, someone might actually make statistics, or a study, or something in that vein.
Third: Oxford focuses on one thing? Really? Your assessment might be correct, but you don't have any, again, EVIDENCE for it, and, more importantly, that doesn't mean necessarily that STANDARDS are different. They're different institutional norms, but that doesn't mean one or the other is better or worse, they're just different designs.
Amon - you are a young green student who has been on this site for one month; I have been a professor for 15 years. Defer to your elders and betters, child. Or don't - and wallow in hyour delusion and ignorance (like WRT and others). All the same to me.
I do not care what US students do. A student with retard level IQ could pass a degree at a US university, and many of course do! MONEY is what gets a degree in the USA - and a lump of rock could get into Harvard if daddy made a 6 figure donation or if the lump if good at sport! Appeal to authority fallacy and an appeal to age fallacy. You haven't been posting here for a month and aren't established here: You just started on your obscene and offensive rants. You can't make a logical argument to save your life and you can't present yourself professionally. Cut your losses.
No one buys a degree in the UK? How weird that all these UK students seem to be using all of these sites and getting angry when their fraudulent papers don't make the grade. I've personally written for plenty of UK students whose basic English skills would never fly in a US university.
Just remember: Anyone in the UK who has a friend studying at a US university or family in the US has just seen you call their friend a retard and impugn their education.
Hey, WRT, is Melissa actually a Professor? I seem to remember her being in her twenties. Nice work lying and misrepresenting your credentials... |