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Jan 4, 2011
The lawyer comment was not directed at you.

I cannot comment on your merits as a researcher/writer and certainly do not know where you are located. What I do know is that you regularly spam both essayscam and essaychat. Such behaviour reflects negatively upon you. I would advise that you build credibility through constructive, informative posts. Believe me, it would serve you better.


Jan 3, 2011
As is one of the lawyers who obliterated you :)

You can call me on my land-line number...


Jan 3, 2011
Lots of these companies (and EssayScam and WritersBeware) are based in Chicago for F sake!

As is one of the lawyers who obliterated you :)
Yes i am located in HornChurch (London)...

If you were located in Hornchurch, whether Essex or Havering, you'd have known that the 'C' is not capitalised :)


Jan 3, 2011
tnx for the reply. are you uk based?

Yes i am located in HornChurch (London)...
Lotto  EssayChatJan 3, 2011
Amons Essays

This guy may be just for a quick buck, and if you're not satisfied he won't do much to satisfy you. Same like semi-writers on craigslist.


Jan 3, 2011
Anyone who orders a paper through one of the random, anonymous, completely lawless charlatans who SPAM tis forum is an absolute idiot who deserves to get defrauded.

amons essays

Jan 3, 2011
Anyone have any experience having Amon write for them? I understand recommendations aren't allowed - but I would like some feedback from others PLEASE.
AmonsEssays  EssayChatJan 3, 2011
Who has now added apparent Ph. D fraud to her repertoire.

"good advice" is a psychopath

Jan 3, 2011
"Good Advice" is a well-known psychopath who has used over 20 usernames at Her name is Melissa Madgwick, and she has an equally insane, male partner. Melissa is bitter because WRT's lawyers CRUSHED her and her sites. All of her ripoff essay sites have been taken offline. LMAO! Now the batty lunatic has nothing more to do than post insane diatribes containing barely comprehensible gibberish.

you could...

Jan 3, 2011
You can look for the person who used no ableist slurs or attacks on entire nations.

great job all of you !

Jan 3, 2011
After you have defiled each other on this forum I wonder what credibility you have in front of those seeking help. Good Advice & RTT are you the same person? I agree with you that UK Universities have high standards compared to other countries but where the hell we should go for help as long as you denigrated each other? That's a fuc....... good job!
Good Advice  

academic fraud? err....

Jan 3, 2011
Where have I admitted to 'potential academic fraud'?

When do I say that I have ever supported the scammers in this industry or those who cheat?

In fact, I get scum like you expelled every year.

Nothing I do or say is unprofessional.

By the way, American, we in the UK do NOT call lecturers 'professors' - which proves you know NOTHING about UK/US differences! I do. That's why I know how dumbed down US universities are and how much lower standards are - which is why I say UK students should use UK writers - and not US trash like you who will write fail essays.

A dumb online forum means anyone can say anything - why they matter not! Why no-one should ever believe a word posted here! Only SHITTY writers do!

You know NOTHING about academic life or regulations, moron - so I completely ignore all yor silly rants. It';s like listening to an African talk about polar bears., YOU KNOW NOTHING.

Amon you know nothing. Shut your, eh? Youuu're making a fool of yourself.
Good Advice  

amon do shut up! mods - please look at this

Jan 3, 2011

You are clearly deranged and so insecure you just come here to desperately find a friend to make you feel good. Yor problem.

You state this:

"You are being clearly and openly fraudulent."

NO I AM NOT! Post evidence of ANY frad in ANY of my posts or shut your ugly lie-spewing mouth, Melissa-maniac!

Errr ask your teacher for a dictionary and look up 'fraud' - it can be your word of the day. You could also look up 'libel' and 'slander' - ask a grown up to help, eh? Then you may realise that accusing people of being people they are not and doing things they have not done IS LIBEL and/or SLANDER - dishonest and criminal. IDIOTA!

I am stating that YOU know F. ALL and I know a great deal. That is a fact proven by your posts.

I post what I post to HELP students - to let them know just who WRT and WB are, and to let UK students to know NOT to use scummy US sites.

You are like one of the dumb American students I used to fail. Probably going to burst into tears and accuse me of sexism/racism/sexual harrassment or play some other NUTTER card eh?

Go back to sleep, Amon. Get help if you really believe what you are posting! Time for that ritalin perhaps?
AmonsEssays  EssayChatJan 3, 2011
Amon - listen, child.LMAO!

NONE of this is the behavior of a Professor. No educational institution would tolerate someone this unprofessional, and no Professor would expose themselves to the risk of losing tenure and their job by admitting to potential academic fraud. Why would anyone believe that an experienced professional would behave like a raving nutter online? You are being clearly and openly fraudulent.
Good Advice  

melissa please contact hala and her new puppy amon

Jan 3, 2011
Message for Melissa

If you are reading this Melissa, please contact the woman you sacked (Hala Khalek WRT) and her slaves, and tell them you are not posting here. I know that's silly - but then Hala and Amon are a deluded pair of nutters, and simply believe that anyone who posts here and diagrees with Hala Khalek is called Melissa.

I see Hala is doing it again on EssayScam - accsing a poster of being someone they are not. I think she has issues. She's a bunny boiler alright! And of course she hates you Melissa becase yo are young and blonde and pretty, whereas Hala is... well... I shan't be cruel (perhaps Hala can just post her pic again so we can all judge objectively).

But please Melissa - post here and say hi to Hala and her new puppy Amon. It's the only way to stop the delusions of the insane and desperate and obsessed!

Better still, go visit Hala in Manchester where she runs her fake oxford essay company. Maybe you cold meet up? Have a wrestling match? Naked! (no not you Hala)

I have asked Hala to take you to court as she promised - but you know as well as I do that she has no case against anyone (Hala has issues....). The only case she has got is the one she takes on holiday!

Now Amon - post proof that I am not male and not in England and/or that I am called Melissa and am in Australia. If you can't. then you must accept your allegations are based on nothing more than your own madness and desperation to have a friend to follow round! Child!

Also libel, actually. To accuse innocent people of being people they are not and of being criminal.

But you wouldn't know that, being badly educated in the USA.
Good Advice  

grow up amon child

Jan 3, 2011
Amon - listen, child.

I am NOT Melissa and have ALWAYS denied the dumb accusations made by the obsessed WRT (Melissa sacked her years ago you see - it's NOTHING to do with me).

Yo are clearly SO insecure that you have attached yourself to WRT like a bird on a Rhino's back. Pathetic!

Or please, post some EVIDENCE that I am called Melissa and live in Australia! Actually I am male and like on England!

Now shut up Amon and come back when you've learnt how to use the English langae properly. Your views are infantile and silly - so I shall let you play alone, nitwit.

I am not even bothering to read your nonsense-spewing post.


But please, lick out WRT if yo want. She is obsessed with someone called Meliss who sacked her once! YOu are her new pet! Wanna doggy biscuit?

I have been involved in the education since the 1980s and can tell yo now I know infinitely more than some EFL American 'socialist' twit called Amon - and more too than some Egyptian deluded and deranged hustler called Hala too!

But you know, I would NEVER trust a UK company that was based in Manchester but tried to give the impression it was based in Oxford - like Oxbridge Researchers, WRT's company. Why not call it Manchester researchers eh? Mmmm.

Amon - you know nothing. And you never will it seems. Because like your mummy WRT yo(or is it Osama? - I have no evidence to call you that, as you have no evidence or good reason to call me Melissa you DUNCE!) - u seem to state opinions with no evidence and assme that is fact! You believe what some stranger tells you on some unimportant message board! WOW - your essays must be like, radical dude.

You've got a LOT to learn, comrade Amon!

nice work

Jan 3, 2011
Amon - anyone who says 'get a life' is a saddo!

You have pretty much confirmed yourself as Melissa and thus pretty much discredited yourself.


The noun form is CORPORATE - as in A CORPORATE (Noun). You speak retard English, otherwise known as Americanese.

Nice Caps Lock. Again: What makes you think that this is a good way of doing things in public? What makes you think that insulting 300 million people plus anyone who happens to like those people makes any business sense? If you can't control your impulses to respond to jabs on the Internet, why should anyone trust you to make a reasonable argument?

Oh, and nice able-bodied language there. Real class act. People with physical and mental disabilities will also love you.


Because of differences in standards and language, British students whould ALWAYS use British companies - and also try and avoid companies that have links to the US and Australia (like WRT's companies at Oxbridge Researchers Ltd).

Now, see, that's not a bad suggestion in general. The UK and the US DO have different standards. Better or worse doesn't play into it, but different standards and expectations? Sure.

Tell me, Melissa: WHY? Why should they avoid WRT? Because they're "tied" to the US? How? The only "ties" I can see is that they use some US writers and don't disparage US citizens as a matter of course. Your legal history with WRT makes this claim seem like an empty attempt to continue to savage her companies' public reputation.

If British students order a 2.1 or B grade standard essay from a US site, then what they get back MAY WELL be that level in the US - but in the UK it would barely make pass standard.

Again, not only do you have any EVIDENCE for this assertion that insults 300 million people and flies in the face of common sense, but you continue to assume 2.1 = B because you assume that the percentages equal out. They don't, necessarily. In the UK, it might be HARDER to earn that 80%... but that 80% is TREATED with more respect. A B is "eh" for must students in the US. From what I understand, many UK students are perfectly fine with 2.1: First Class is elite. All 4.0 isn't as much. That's not a sign of different QUALITY, but a different distribution.

I know you won't understand this argument because for whatever reason you reflexively hate Americans. A few things occur to me psychologically, but I won't mention them in a public forum.

Here's a question, Melissa. Are UK writers qualified to write in the US? Should US students tend to choose US writers? If you think not, well, you're a prejudiced fool.


and yes, there is PLENTY of evidence for that, you ninny! ALL acadmics accept it! Why? Because US universities do broad degrees with several subject in the liberal arts tradition; British universities traditionally did ONE subject in great depth! ERGO the level and standard was higher in the UK and still is! Don't get all hurt and insecure when someone points out that fact.

Three problems, putting aside your unprofessional and misspelled response. (Don't tell "acadmics" is UK English).

First of all: Appeal to authority fallacy. "All academics" might be wrong.

Second: You have no EVIDENCE for this claim. In your world, another anti-American Anglocentrist Professor making this assessment would be evidence. In the real world, someone might actually make statistics, or a study, or something in that vein.

Third: Oxford focuses on one thing? Really? Your assessment might be correct, but you don't have any, again, EVIDENCE for it, and, more importantly, that doesn't mean necessarily that STANDARDS are different. They're different institutional norms, but that doesn't mean one or the other is better or worse, they're just different designs.

Amon - you are a young green student who has been on this site for one month; I have been a professor for 15 years. Defer to your elders and betters, child. Or don't - and wallow in hyour delusion and ignorance (like WRT and others). All the same to me.

I do not care what US students do. A student with retard level IQ could pass a degree at a US university, and many of course do! MONEY is what gets a degree in the USA - and a lump of rock could get into Harvard if daddy made a 6 figure donation or if the lump if good at sport!

Appeal to authority fallacy and an appeal to age fallacy. You haven't been posting here for a month and aren't established here: You just started on your obscene and offensive rants. You can't make a logical argument to save your life and you can't present yourself professionally. Cut your losses.

No one buys a degree in the UK? How weird that all these UK students seem to be using all of these sites and getting angry when their fraudulent papers don't make the grade. I've personally written for plenty of UK students whose basic English skills would never fly in a US university.

Just remember: Anyone in the UK who has a friend studying at a US university or family in the US has just seen you call their friend a retard and impugn their education.

Hey, WRT, is Melissa actually a Professor? I seem to remember her being in her twenties. Nice work lying and misrepresenting your credentials...
Good Advice  

british students should use british companies

Jan 3, 2011
Amon - anyone who says 'get a life' is a saddo!

"The noun form is "corporation", by the way. But I guess your superior Australian English informed you of that."


The noun form is CORPORATE - as in A CORPORATE (Noun). You speak retard English, otherwise known as Americanese.

I have never been to Australia and do not speak Australian English, dumbo!

As usual, yo have no evidence and are just parroting your new best friend and mummy figure WRT (whose mummy is psycho Et mother WB).


Because of differences in standards and language, British students whould ALWAYS use British companies - and also try and avoid companies that have links to the US and Australia (like WRT's companies at Oxbridge Researchers Ltd).

If British students order a 2.1 or B grade standard essay from a US site, then what they get back MAY WELL be that level in the US - but in the UK it would barely make pass standard.

Amon - you are a young green student who has been on this site for one month; I have been a professor for 15 years. Defer to your elders and betters, child. Or don't - and wallow in hyour delusion and ignorance (like WRT and others). All the same to me.

I do not care what US students do. A student with retard level IQ could pass a degree at a US university, and many of course do! MONEY is what gets a degree in the USA - and a lump of rock could get into Harvard if daddy made a 6 figure donation or if the lump if good at sport!
Good Advice  

to amon the parrot-sheep

Jan 3, 2011
Amon - yo really are a parrot-sheep - so WRT says I am Melissa WITH NO EVIDENCE AT ALL (in fact it rather proves her fragile mental state) and YOU PARRROT THAT. Pathetic!

I am NOT Melissa, have never been Melissa, and will never be Melissa. Accusing someone of being someone else is NOT evidence (in fact it's DERANGED and evidence of Hala Khalek's obsession with someone called Melissa who once sacked her apparentaly - such a big B1TCHFEST! Nothing to do with me - it just shows WRT is one onion short of a salad!)

I could say: WRT is Hilary Clinton! Would that make it true?

Some people here need lessons about using the internet: NEVER believe what you read on ANY internet forum! If you don't know that, how can you even start to write a decent essay? You have no idea what empirical research and evidence is!

You are new to this business and the academic world Amon. Yo admit that. So how can you even think about arguing with someone like me who has worked for years in universitiesand who knows this essay cheat business inside out.

Here is a fact:


and yes, there is PLENTY of evidence for that, you ninny! ALL acadmics accept it! Why? Because US universities do broad degrees with several subject in the liberal arts tradition; British universities traditionally did ONE subject in great depth! ERGO the level and standard was higher in the UK and still is! Don't get all hurt and insecure when someone points out that fact.

Usually, US students think they are wonderful - A grade students. They get marked with As and Bs in the US. Then they come to the UK on exchange and get Cs and Ds and Es for the same standard! I HAVE SEEN THIS MYSELF. I have marked and handed back the papers to girlies just like you Amon - whose faces fall when they see how weak they are academically compared to British students.

(I am talking about the GOOD British unis here - not the modern ones that copy the US pick and mix dumb down system).

And I do not need to justify myself to some blagger idiot on some message board either. OK?

Stay a parrot-dog idiot squawking WRT's lies if yo want Amon - I do not care. Your choice to be a slave and believe of lies and gossip. Hala like slaves - must be here african culture eh?

(By the way, Hala learn some English: CORRESPONDENCE is SINGULAR, there is NO such word as correspondences, or advices, or informations - EFL foreigners like you often make that mistake! Look up 'mass nouns' or 'plural nouns' in yor learners' dictionary please.)

Amon I saw on EssayScam you say that Craigslist is wonderful - even though you have not been paid for work! Really - you must have different standards in the US slum you live in! If I do work (which would be of EXCELLENT quality of course, not US graduate level) then I expect payment and high payment at that - and if I do n ot get it, I sue). You must realise your essays are shabby and low quality, so do not dare to get in touch with the students who were unhappy with them.

For yor information, WRT Hala Khalek is NOT British - she is Egyptian and thus her English is EFL and is full of errors and American usage. She also has a track record of lying and libel on EssayScam, and accsing anyone who challenges her of being one of the people in the world she obsessively hates! (Psycho nutter obsessive Bunny Boiler!) And you'd use a company she owns?


There IS such a thing as 2.1 EQUIVALENT you complete nitwit! The word EQUIVALENT means it is COMPARABLE - you really need an education, dimwit Amon!
AmonsEssays  EssayChatJan 2, 2011
Also, you are newer than me here, Melissa. Nice one, though.
Amon Giralda  

you have been called many things, but "professional" shouldn't be one of them

Jan 2, 2011
There's NO SUCH THING AS A 2.1 EQUIVALENT MARK. You're assuming an equivalence then saying that the equivalence proves your point. Maybe what you think is 2.1 equivalent isn't.

Got any statistics? Studies? Comparative examples of US students studying in the UK?

Oh, wait, no, you have no idea. You're just offering kneejerk Anglocentric assessments based on your own stupid prejudice.

We have Harvard, Yale, Rutgers and the UC system. We have immensely prestigious universities. Yet more proof that you are in fact the reflexively America-hating Melissa. (And, by the way: I'm a socialist and a leftist that views my country as the biggest threat to global peace. You're still being unprofessional, prejudiced and ignorant).

And Amon, a British student has FAR more protection if they use a UK company. Who wold ever trust some faceless essay company in Chicago FF sake! (A moron probably). And trust a US corporate? With their record of corruption? No way! And what are you as a writer going to do if they don;t pay you? Fly to Chicago to see them?

Your three assumptions are:

1) Only UK students and writers matter. After all, if I'm in Chicago, then it makes no sense for me to fly to London either to get my paycheck. You're prejudiced. QED.

2) British companies have never committed malfeasance. You are uneducated and underinformed. QED.
3) Essay companies are akin to Enron or AIG. (By the by: The insurance division of AIG that virtually singlehandedly caused the global credit crunch was British. Nice work). You cannot make analogies to save your life. QED.

The noun form is "corporation", by the way. But I guess your superior Australian English informed you of that.

WRT is British and she doesn't engage in your ignorant America-bashing. You are revealing yourself to be someone who has the business sense to insult 300 million of her potential clients. How unprofessional. Why should anyone trust someone who would rave openly on a forum devoted to business? Please evaluate your life.
Good Advice  EssayChatJan 2, 2011
Amon and Richie

I can assure you that standards at US universities are lower than at UK universities.

a 2.1 EQUIVALENT mark (happy now, green new poster?) at a US university would score MUCH less if marked at a UK university - I have seen this happen: exchange students to UK universities from the US who think they will get such high marks end up getting the lowest marks in the class! They think they're wonderful of course, as all Americans do!

In general, at US universities courses offer a far less demanding but broader curriculum. In the UK (at decent unis anyway) the standards are WAY higher - with one subject studied in real depth. In the US, most students do several subjects to a level that is first year university or even A level standard in the UK.

That is why all UK students shold be wary about using US writers or US companies.

And Amon, a British student has FAR more protection if they use a UK company. Who wold ever trust some faceless essay company in Chicago FF sake! (A moron probably). And trust a US corporate? With their record of corruption? No way! And what are you as a writer going to do if they don;t pay you? Fly to Chicago to see them?

Oh yes, ALL marking is in many ways subjective - as are ALL opinions. That does not make them invalid.

If you (very inexperienced and young students) want to disbelieve me, then that's your choice.

But I know what I am talking about here - I am fully qualified, highly educated, and know both this business and the academic world inside out! You don't, as your posts show clearly. THAT is what supports my opinion. OK? What EXACTLY supports all your opinion, Amon? You are new to this business and know nothing - so how can you even think of criticises those who know it inside out? Pride comes before a fall, my little EFL friend...

(By the way EFL Amon - it's BEHOVES - not BEHOOVES - hooves are what horses have!!!)
Amon Giralda  EssayChatJan 2, 2011
All opinions are subjective. Especially in the essay industry :)

I agree, which is why it behooves people not to make really wild claims.
Richie  EssayChatJan 1, 2011
a totally subjective

All opinions are subjective. Especially in the essay industry :)
AmonsEssays  EssayChatJan 1, 2011
My advice: AVOID ALL US SITES - their standards and quality of essays is way lower than UK sites; also a customer in the US is way less protected than in European countries.

What a totally subjective, completely unsupportable opinion.

Even if you get a non-plagiarized pass essay from a US site and they tell you it's 2.1 standard - it won't be in the UK! US 2.1 standard is low 2.2 or 3rd or just pass in the UK.

The US doesn't have a 2.1 standard. And there is no objective ranking of quality. It's what the Professor likes.

advice for all and paul

Jan 1, 2011

ET does NOT display its phone nmber on its site. ALL legitimate companies do. Yes, really - on the homepage.

Do NOT go with ANY site that does NOT display a LANDLINE phone nmber on its homsepage.

Follow my advice there Paul and you won't get ripped off.

Of course ANYONE can do a search and find any company's phone nmber if they are registered! And individuals' numbers too. You are not Sherlock, sonny. That is not my point.

Also, ET claims to have been online 'SINCE 1995'.


It has been online since 2001 when the name ET was registered. It should NOT claim that it has been online since 1995 therefore - just because its non-online company started then. By that token the British Royal Family cold claim that they have been online for over 1000 years!

Please do try to see through the Enron-style US scam marketing! NEVER trust these US sites!

My advice: AVOID ALL US SITES - their standards and quality of essays is way lower than UK sites; also a customer in the US is way less protected than in European countries.

I'd also avoid ALL sites that have branches in the US AND THE UK and which make a big play of how old and corporate American they are! Lots of these companies (and EssayScam and WritersBeware) are based in Chicago for F sake! The most CORRUPT city in the USA - against some pretty serious competition of course!

Even if you get a non-plagiarized pass essay from a US site and they tell you it's 2.1 standard - it won't be in the UK! US 2.1 standard is low 2.2 or 3rd or just pass in the UK.

UK companies' standards are higher; US degrees are EASY compared to those in the UK at the good universities - so narrow and shallow in what they ask. Anyone experienced in both educational systems would agree.


Dec 30, 2010
exwriter is my id... same ex-writer

Do not presume stupidity on the part of others, liar.

et's phone number

Dec 30, 2010
I found et's phone number in about 30 seconds. This "RTT" character has some serious brain damage.

warning: avoid ex-writer!

Dec 30, 2010

"Ex-Writer" is a lying chunk of human excrement. He is absolutely not the original "ExWriter." In fact, he is a worthless piece of sh*t from India.
Amon Giralda  

my two cents

Dec 30, 2010
what is the best site to apply as a freelance writer. where i can choose my own time and work at home without any scam involvement?

Yanna: From what I've heard, stay away from One of my freelancers is okay with AR: Their standards aren't too high but not silly low either (they require a writing sample and test, for example). SNR is supposedly good. On the prior page, WRT lists some good services.

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