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Will the Internet Provide Higher Education?

EssayChat / Dec 27, 2016

Book Review: E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age (By Mark Rosenberg)

The ability to learn is a skill that can be acquired by anyone. There are specific steps you can take to learn any material if you know how to apply yourself. To obtain additional knowledge, various methods must be utilized. With our digital age and current technology, learning platforms have expanded beyond a typical physical library of books. Classrooms have also developed into a new frontier of learning. Advancements such as computers, touch screen blackboards, and wireless internet, take students on a new adventure of studying. These technological tools have enabled people to learn in multiple interfaces.

Learning OnlineOnline or e-learning is a fresh way to gain knowledge, many times completely free and filled with additional resources to aid the learner. Mark Rosenberg, the author, expresses an enthusiastic example of how learning online can be of great benefit. After reading his publication, E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age, the reader will be inspired to delve into the many opportunities to learn and educate others using the internet as a very proficient tool.

Your Opinion of the Book

The book was an enjoyable and informative read! It presents itself in a manner that inspires the reader to continue learning more. Concrete strategies for success are employed in this book by giving the reader many details about e-learning and how to deliver knowledge via the internet. Although a person may first think this book sounds like another internet how to book, it is actually filled with depth and substance beyond a simple instructional or hyped-up entrepreneur manuscript. The tone of the author is also very positive and encouraging. The book is filled with sensible ideas that promote motivation in the reader.

A Summary of the Book

The first section of the book, E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age, discusses the internets potential for increased educational opportunities. Defining what it means to be a learner, the difference of training versus learning, and the purpose of learning in the new technology age are topics discussed. The upcoming rise of web-based learning is explained and the benefits of e-learning are investigated.

The second section of the book delves deeper into the actual approaches taken to market, develop, and understand the management of knowledge online. It expresses the importance of the delivery of the educational systems and also touches on the pitfalls of computer-based training. He also discusses the integration of classroom learning styles and e-learning.

The final section of the book focuses primarily on Organizational Requirements for E-Learning. Infrastructures for e-learning are discussed; factors that contribute to an organizations e-learning initiative. If a person was having issues with learning online, the chapters included in this section will provide decent resources.

The Author's Main Points

The Four Cs of Success: Culture, Champions, Communication, and Change. The Internet is a profound revolution in learning when utilized as a tool with defined strategies in place. The availability of information should be accessible by all and in a way that promotes efficiency, productivity, and further education.

The importance of classroom training is mentioned as a foundational learning forum, and the author does not see e-learning replacing this traditional platform of learning, but supplementing it. He is not suggesting an overhaul change of every antiquated educational system, but rather a rapid growth in the delivery of learning to include e-learning to access the exponential information growth.

Learning is not just being trained to do a certain skill or task. It is an integral part of our lives. Learning is not about just knowing the facts, but also about the ability to learn by implementing strategies to enhance your success.

A Description of What You Learned and How you Might Be Able to Use It

Learning is not a task to be completed. It is a continuous process that evolves as we mature, have new experiences, and learn how to learn. A teacher once explained that part of learning involves knowing what you know, what you dont know, and what questions to ask. An answer will never be a sufficient one if you are not asking the correct question. After reading this book, there are several points learned. The author delivers the information easily by having the reader understand specific points along the way. For example, Rosenberg discusses that training takes intent, design, means/media, and assessment. The intent to improve a system or performance; the design describes what strategic measures are needed to accomplish the intent what learning method is best received; means and media to deliver the training; and assessment ensures quality and accountability.

Whether you would recommend the book to others and why?

This book is recommendable to others, although it is dated, because it suggests real solutions to creating a way to provide meaningful education and research tools online. Rosenberg presents the subject matter in a concise, informative manner. Some of the proposed ideas for better computer-based training techniques have been accomplished in the digital world since publication, but remain sound today. Currently, many students have turned to learning in the online classroom environment. Whether you are a student, a manager/executive, an educator, or someone who is just interested in learning or teaching on the Web, this book will provide additional information that is definitely helpful. This book proves that online classes will provide the educational edge that will propel future students into a world that creates new availability of information, more opportunity for growth, and limitless exposure to educational tools.

Works Cited

Rosenberg, M. E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age. McGraw-Hill.
Use of Electronic Books (E-Books). Online: https://essaynews.com/other/research-electronic-books-printed-124/

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