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Research Study on Data

EssayChat / Dec 26, 2016


Data in this study will be measured based on the degree of comparison applied in the key elements in corporate social responsibility. The application model will be based on a scale between 0 and 5. The analysis will try to prove that there is a correlation between engaging in corporate social responsibility and organizational performance.

Data Analysis

Data StudyData will be analysed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. This study will respond to the research questions and hypothesis by taking into consideration the qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis will involve the transcription of texts from interviews. While transcribing the data, the researcher will counter-check the data for errors and consistency. In relation to data coding and editing, a codebook will be developed during the study. The codebook will comprise of codes from related studies in the field of CSR as well as any other codes that will emerge during the study. The codebook will be expected to help organize the data as well as facilitate the contents of the transcripts. This facilitation occurs despite the fact that new codes will be added while others will be removed during the coding process.

The data from this study will be explored in order to determine the distribution of the data. The data will either be normally or non-normally distributed. The purpose of determining data distribution is mainly to ensure that the appropriate statistics are chosen for this study.

While most studies use the dominant methodology in literature that uses correlation or regression analysis, this study will take into consideration the internal contextual factors and their impact on an organization. These factors will be examined using interviews from major U.S companies. The study will primarily focus on manufacturing companies that have been found to engage more in CSR. The findings from the survey are expected to reinforce the assumption that internal contextual variables often affect the level of CSR engagements by major companies.

The background research on this study has suggested that the level of enforcement in relation to corporate social responsibility depends on the corporate culture, the size of an organization and the country of origin. There are countries that require companies to engage in CSR least they risk being deregistered. In other countries however, CSR activities are seen as voluntary activities that companies should undertake as a way of giving back to the society.

Using the same methodology, this study will interview at least ten other companies in different countries to try and relate CSR to external factors influencing an organization's operations. The results from the interviews will be divided into two major categories; internal factors and external factors and external factors. Internal factors include; management support, corporate culture and competitive advantage. External factors on the other hand will include; public opinion, stakeholder's interest and consumer demands.

Determinants at the National Level.

According to Ott & Ott, most of the studies conducted in the past have focused on data from single nations while ignoring the overall impact of CSR from a global perspective. At the country level, there are certain determinants that predetermine the level of CSAR engagement that will be discussed in this study. Some of the main determinants of CSR at the country level include; political system. Legal system and equity variables. The empirical tests continue to indicate that the political and legal variables are the two major determinants of CSR.


Ott, L., Longnecker, M., & Ott, R. L. An introduction to statistical methods and data analysis (Vol. 511). Pacific Grove, CA: Duxbury.

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