Research Analysis - What Was Tesco's Process for Changing their Scope of Retail Business Operations?
EssayChat / Dec 26, 2016
Table of Contents
Section 1: Aim, Objectives and Feasibility of the Research 2
Overview of the Research2
Research Aim 2
Research Objective2
Research Questions2
Feasibility of the Research3
Justification for the Research Topic3
Section 2: Literature Review 3
Changing the Scope of Business Processes3
The Significance of Change Management for the Process4
Operations of Retail Business 5
The Current Business Process of Tesco and Recommended Changes6
Section 3: Research Methods and Methodology6
Research Approach6
Key Participants 7
Data Collection Techniques8
Data Analysis Techniques9
Reliability of the Methods9
The overall scenario with respect to failure of retail has ended up becoming long since the last few months. A number of well- known brands of retail in UK, such as Tesco, have been facing financial distress and changing the scenario of distress in sales. No matter how bleak the outlook of consumer may be, there is lack of uniformity in the picture when considering landscape of retail. For the purpose of this research, there will be collection of secondary data in reference with a number of research articles in context with the concepts of business processes, operations of retail business, change management, and changing scope of business processes. The company targeted in reference of this research paper is Tesco Inc. And hence, in conducting the research, the business processes of Tesco will be analysed and evaluated to identify the scope requiring change.
Research Aim
The aim of this research is to propose the process of Tesco to change the overall scope of success in the operations of its retail business. The research aims on considering factors of change management that impact the overall implementation of changed scope in the business process. The key aim focuses on ensuring to reengineer the business process with the change and structure initiated throughout the environment of business.
Research Objective
Following are the key objectives of the research:
To ensure the reengineering of business process for Tesco while changing processes and structure across the business environment.
To present recommendation for ensuring that the proposed change in the scope of retail business operations are successful for Tesco Inc.
Research Questions
The research will focus on answering the following research questions:
What factors of change management and business process affect the implementation of change in scope?
What is the overall scope of current business operations of Tesco?
What and how changes can be implemented in the business operations conducted by Tesco?
Feasibility of the Research
The research appears to be quite feasible as there are a number of resources to support the claims and facts of the research. This will involve the consideration of scope change, change control, configuration management, change management and change programme. The process is involved with the management to request controlling, carrying out, approving and reviewing changes to the deliverables of project. There can be usually an application of different concepts under the support of different references. Administrative and technical controls must be supported under the claim of multiple editions or versions related to a particular deliverable, specifically when there has been change of component after the initial completion.
Some of the retailers have weathered the storm and prosper with the general downturn across the market platform. Due to this particular reason, major retailers such as Tesco have been putting in major investments in the software of labour planning for ensuring that there must be deployment of appropriate hours of labour for supporting the sales being planned. There is huge significance for the change of scope in this context. This involves the placement of request for changing the agreed objectives and scope related to the project for the accommodation of need for no original definition being involved in the project.
Section 2: Literature Review
Businesses hold the tendency of changing the processes of business. The changes have resulted in adjustments within the system of business process support. The effect of any change within the process of business is well extended ahead of the particular point being involved in change. This further affects the requirement of pre- conditions for each and every activity of the business, the creation of outputs required, or the requirement of new inputs. Alignment of system of business process support and the processes of business once developed, there is maintenance of need with the passage of time, by the undergoing of change across the organization. The business deal with consistent changes in the processes of business. The key outcome is regarding continuous improvement attempts, changes in the environment of business, and the advancement of technology. When there are changes in the processes of business, the system of business process support while ensuring adjustments accordingly. As changes take place across a number of magnitudes with frequency across the business era, there is significance of maintaining the alignment between the system of business process support and processes of business, maintaining an evolutionary approach. Management of change requires the consideration of parallel terms of two systems, the system of business process support and the system of business. There is manifestation of changes in the process of business. When there is modification in the business process, the impact as a result will be extending ahead of the certain point that requires any modification. Modifying the scope leads towards insufficiently adjusted system of business process support or unnecessary efforts of redesigning, with the extension of influenced scope.
The process of change management is the activities or steps that a project leader or change management team will be following the application of change management with the initiation of change for driving up individual transitions and ensuring the project for meeting the outcomes intended. There has been identification of key element from the research as major elements are involved in the successful process of change management. There is incorporation of these elements as 3- Phase Process by Prosci, these are as follows:
Phase 1: Preparation of Change that involves defining the strategy of change management, preparing the team of change management, and developing the model of sponsorship.
Phase 2: Management of Change that involves developing the plans of change management, and taking action and implementing the plans.
Phase 3: Reinforcement of Change that involves collecting and analysing feedback, diagnosing gaps and managing resistance, and implementing to ensure corrective actions, while celebrating successes.
For the purpose of assessing readiness, there are different tools used by the project leader or change management team for the purpose of assessing the readiness of organization for the initiation of change. Assessments of readiness can be inclusive of historical assessments, culture, organizational assessments, change assessments, sponsor assessments, and employee assessment. All of the tools are useful in providing insights to the team of project within the opportunities and challenges being faced in the process of change. For the purpose of assessing the overall scope for initiation of change, the following factors need to be considered:
What is the level of this change?
What is the impact of a number of people?
Can this be considered as a radical or gradual change?
This further involves the need for assessing each and every strength related to the sponsors of change and team of change management, initial steps must be taken up for enabling the effective leadership of change process.
The overall retail business should be offering a positive ambience to the consumers for the enjoyment of shopping and leaving away the smile. There must be provision of a cluttered appearance with the store. There must be appropriate arrangement of the products across the shelves with respect to their patterns and sizes while ensuring the product do not end up falling from the shelves. In addition, there must be appropriate handling of cash that is among the most significant aspects under retail. The retailer appears to be essential for tracking the daily flow of cash for the calculation of loss and profit across the store. There must not be display of merchandise in exiting or entering the store. The customers are not to be allowed for carrying certain number of products, while ensuring there is a security tag for all of the merchandizes. The sales representative should be handling each and every product with care. There must be installation of generator for the backup of power and for the avoidance of unnecessary black outs, while ensuring that there are closed cabinets for expensive products. The overall scenario with respect to failure of retail has ended up becoming long since the last few months. A number of well- known brands of retail in UK, such as Tesco, have been facing financial distress and changing the scenario of distress in sales. No matter how bleak the outlook of consumer may be, there is lack of uniformity in the picture when considering landscape of retail. Some of the retailers have weathered the storm and prosper with the general downturn across the market platform.
There is a huge significance of certain areas of busines with it implementation, with international expansion, there is stil an existence of ability of transfering the capability. The rol out can be considered useful for alowing the retailer for cuting costs while simplifying the systems of it with the dispensing of national departments of it favouring the central department of it. Tesco wil be beneficial out of data with beter quality, useful for the management of efective operation acros al national markets, while having an understanding about the key customers bordonabajuste et al.
In conducting the secondary research, there wil be consideration of key outcomes presented by a number of researchers refering to research articles, per reviewed esays, and any other wel credited source. Qualitative research is categorised by its goals, which are related to understanding few facet of societal life, and its methodologies generate words in general, rather than numerical, as data for research. For scholars who are more familiar with methods using quantitative analysis, which targets to measure in numerics or percentage for example the percentage of population having diabetes in a comunity, or how many of families having a bed net in numbers, the goal and methodologies of research which is qualitative can lok imprecise.
General criticisms include: smal samples canot as a mater of fact be representative of the larger population, therefore its not easy to know to what level we can make the results generalise in nature lack rigour is there in the findings it is not posible to say for sure how much the findings are partisan in the analyst own views. However, for diferent types of research projects, there are various sorts of questions that require answers, few require quantitative methodology, and few ned qualitative methodology. For the colection of data, a deductive research aproach wil be used in which a general idea is used for the generalization of a specific idea.
For the presentation and analysis of this busines plan, qualitative tols such as desk research and interviews wil be used perceiving the key objective of the research. This wil further require the interpretation of data obtained out of the two tols, and hence, there wil be consideration of qualitative research method. This wil ensure that the data colected is both, secondary and primary, further enhancing the overal scope of clarity and acuracy in the key findings. The key managers to be interviewed for the purpose of this research are from the department of human resource, it, and general management.
This has ben considered for ensuring that there is an alignment betwen al of these departments for ensuring that suces is achieved in aplying the concepts of busines proceses, operations of retail busines, change management, and changing scope of busines proceses. Child labour essay in hindi: act i scene i. A desert place. Thunder and lightning. Enter three witches first witch when shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain? As a manager is required to make choices at the key level, so busines might request them to contribute their mastery in metings where key concerns can be discused. Managers may also be requested to remark on insights, presentations, pilot plans or reports that can influence future methodology.
Decision making skils of managers should be perfect as busines may ask them to use their skils in the metings and discus the concerned areas. Whether a manager works in an expansive multinational partnership or a litle asociation, a great comprehension of the fiting busines investigation methods and phrasing wil help contributing in basic leadership forms. Comon situations where managers could be aproached to give data and information of their organizations strategic decision making are as folows. Indian law specificaly defines 64 industries as hazardous and it is a criminal ofence to employ children in such hazardous industries.
Notably, constitution of india prohibits child labour in hazardous industries but not in nonhazardous industries as a fundamental right under article 24. It is considered, and rightly so, to be the very foundation of life on which depends the entire structure the whole personality as such child the father of man is the natural future leader of the nation in every walk of life, may it be industry, education, politics, social services, administration defence, civil services or anything else. In 20 the ilo estimated 5.5 milion children had ben forced in labour in asia, while the bonded labour liberation front placed 10 milion bonded children in india alone.
While there is no penalty provision for parents for the first ofence, the employer would be liable for punishment even for the first violation. It interferes with the ability of atending regular schol which makes them socialy dangerous and harmful citizen of the country. This ilegal activity of the child labour is increasing day by day even after lots of the rules and regulations against this by the government to completely prohibit the act of child labour. Please translate above mentioned esay through online translate tol in your native language such as hindi, english, gujarati, telugu, marathi, punjabi, telugu, malayalam, tamil, konkani, bhojpuri, and others.
Section 1: Aim, Objectives and Feasibility of the Research 2
Overview of the Research2
Research Aim 2
Research Objective2
Research Questions2
Feasibility of the Research3
Justification for the Research Topic3
Section 2: Literature Review 3
Changing the Scope of Business Processes3
The Significance of Change Management for the Process4
Operations of Retail Business 5
The Current Business Process of Tesco and Recommended Changes6
Section 3: Research Methods and Methodology6
Research Approach6
Key Participants 7
Data Collection Techniques8
Data Analysis Techniques9
Reliability of the Methods9
Section 1: Aim, Objectives and Feasibility of the Research
The overall scenario with respect to failure of retail has ended up becoming long since the last few months. A number of well- known brands of retail in UK, such as Tesco, have been facing financial distress and changing the scenario of distress in sales. No matter how bleak the outlook of consumer may be, there is lack of uniformity in the picture when considering landscape of retail. For the purpose of this research, there will be collection of secondary data in reference with a number of research articles in context with the concepts of business processes, operations of retail business, change management, and changing scope of business processes. The company targeted in reference of this research paper is Tesco Inc. And hence, in conducting the research, the business processes of Tesco will be analysed and evaluated to identify the scope requiring change.
Research Aim
The aim of this research is to propose the process of Tesco to change the overall scope of success in the operations of its retail business. The research aims on considering factors of change management that impact the overall implementation of changed scope in the business process. The key aim focuses on ensuring to reengineer the business process with the change and structure initiated throughout the environment of business.
Research Objective
Following are the key objectives of the research:
To ensure the reengineering of business process for Tesco while changing processes and structure across the business environment.
To present recommendation for ensuring that the proposed change in the scope of retail business operations are successful for Tesco Inc.
Research Questions
The research will focus on answering the following research questions:
What factors of change management and business process affect the implementation of change in scope?
What is the overall scope of current business operations of Tesco?
What and how changes can be implemented in the business operations conducted by Tesco?
Feasibility of the Research
The research appears to be quite feasible as there are a number of resources to support the claims and facts of the research. This will involve the consideration of scope change, change control, configuration management, change management and change programme. The process is involved with the management to request controlling, carrying out, approving and reviewing changes to the deliverables of project. There can be usually an application of different concepts under the support of different references. Administrative and technical controls must be supported under the claim of multiple editions or versions related to a particular deliverable, specifically when there has been change of component after the initial completion.
Some of the retailers have weathered the storm and prosper with the general downturn across the market platform. Due to this particular reason, major retailers such as Tesco have been putting in major investments in the software of labour planning for ensuring that there must be deployment of appropriate hours of labour for supporting the sales being planned. There is huge significance for the change of scope in this context. This involves the placement of request for changing the agreed objectives and scope related to the project for the accommodation of need for no original definition being involved in the project.
Section 2: Literature Review
Businesses hold the tendency of changing the processes of business. The changes have resulted in adjustments within the system of business process support. The effect of any change within the process of business is well extended ahead of the particular point being involved in change. This further affects the requirement of pre- conditions for each and every activity of the business, the creation of outputs required, or the requirement of new inputs. Alignment of system of business process support and the processes of business once developed, there is maintenance of need with the passage of time, by the undergoing of change across the organization. The business deal with consistent changes in the processes of business. The key outcome is regarding continuous improvement attempts, changes in the environment of business, and the advancement of technology. When there are changes in the processes of business, the system of business process support while ensuring adjustments accordingly. As changes take place across a number of magnitudes with frequency across the business era, there is significance of maintaining the alignment between the system of business process support and processes of business, maintaining an evolutionary approach. Management of change requires the consideration of parallel terms of two systems, the system of business process support and the system of business. There is manifestation of changes in the process of business. When there is modification in the business process, the impact as a result will be extending ahead of the certain point that requires any modification. Modifying the scope leads towards insufficiently adjusted system of business process support or unnecessary efforts of redesigning, with the extension of influenced scope.
The process of change management is the activities or steps that a project leader or change management team will be following the application of change management with the initiation of change for driving up individual transitions and ensuring the project for meeting the outcomes intended. There has been identification of key element from the research as major elements are involved in the successful process of change management. There is incorporation of these elements as 3- Phase Process by Prosci, these are as follows:
Phase 1: Preparation of Change that involves defining the strategy of change management, preparing the team of change management, and developing the model of sponsorship.
Phase 2: Management of Change that involves developing the plans of change management, and taking action and implementing the plans.
Phase 3: Reinforcement of Change that involves collecting and analysing feedback, diagnosing gaps and managing resistance, and implementing to ensure corrective actions, while celebrating successes.
For the purpose of assessing readiness, there are different tools used by the project leader or change management team for the purpose of assessing the readiness of organization for the initiation of change. Assessments of readiness can be inclusive of historical assessments, culture, organizational assessments, change assessments, sponsor assessments, and employee assessment. All of the tools are useful in providing insights to the team of project within the opportunities and challenges being faced in the process of change. For the purpose of assessing the overall scope for initiation of change, the following factors need to be considered:
What is the level of this change?
What is the impact of a number of people?
Can this be considered as a radical or gradual change?
This further involves the need for assessing each and every strength related to the sponsors of change and team of change management, initial steps must be taken up for enabling the effective leadership of change process.
The overall retail business should be offering a positive ambience to the consumers for the enjoyment of shopping and leaving away the smile. There must be provision of a cluttered appearance with the store. There must be appropriate arrangement of the products across the shelves with respect to their patterns and sizes while ensuring the product do not end up falling from the shelves. In addition, there must be appropriate handling of cash that is among the most significant aspects under retail. The retailer appears to be essential for tracking the daily flow of cash for the calculation of loss and profit across the store. There must not be display of merchandise in exiting or entering the store. The customers are not to be allowed for carrying certain number of products, while ensuring there is a security tag for all of the merchandizes. The sales representative should be handling each and every product with care. There must be installation of generator for the backup of power and for the avoidance of unnecessary black outs, while ensuring that there are closed cabinets for expensive products. The overall scenario with respect to failure of retail has ended up becoming long since the last few months. A number of well- known brands of retail in UK, such as Tesco, have been facing financial distress and changing the scenario of distress in sales. No matter how bleak the outlook of consumer may be, there is lack of uniformity in the picture when considering landscape of retail. Some of the retailers have weathered the storm and prosper with the general downturn across the market platform.
There is a huge significance of certain areas of busines with it implementation, with international expansion, there is stil an existence of ability of transfering the capability. The rol out can be considered useful for alowing the retailer for cuting costs while simplifying the systems of it with the dispensing of national departments of it favouring the central department of it. Tesco wil be beneficial out of data with beter quality, useful for the management of efective operation acros al national markets, while having an understanding about the key customers bordonabajuste et al.
In conducting the secondary research, there wil be consideration of key outcomes presented by a number of researchers refering to research articles, per reviewed esays, and any other wel credited source. Qualitative research is categorised by its goals, which are related to understanding few facet of societal life, and its methodologies generate words in general, rather than numerical, as data for research. For scholars who are more familiar with methods using quantitative analysis, which targets to measure in numerics or percentage for example the percentage of population having diabetes in a comunity, or how many of families having a bed net in numbers, the goal and methodologies of research which is qualitative can lok imprecise.
General criticisms include: smal samples canot as a mater of fact be representative of the larger population, therefore its not easy to know to what level we can make the results generalise in nature lack rigour is there in the findings it is not posible to say for sure how much the findings are partisan in the analyst own views. However, for diferent types of research projects, there are various sorts of questions that require answers, few require quantitative methodology, and few ned qualitative methodology. For the colection of data, a deductive research aproach wil be used in which a general idea is used for the generalization of a specific idea.
For the presentation and analysis of this busines plan, qualitative tols such as desk research and interviews wil be used perceiving the key objective of the research. This wil further require the interpretation of data obtained out of the two tols, and hence, there wil be consideration of qualitative research method. This wil ensure that the data colected is both, secondary and primary, further enhancing the overal scope of clarity and acuracy in the key findings. The key managers to be interviewed for the purpose of this research are from the department of human resource, it, and general management.
This has ben considered for ensuring that there is an alignment betwen al of these departments for ensuring that suces is achieved in aplying the concepts of busines proceses, operations of retail busines, change management, and changing scope of busines proceses. Child labour essay in hindi: act i scene i. A desert place. Thunder and lightning. Enter three witches first witch when shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain? As a manager is required to make choices at the key level, so busines might request them to contribute their mastery in metings where key concerns can be discused. Managers may also be requested to remark on insights, presentations, pilot plans or reports that can influence future methodology.
Decision making skils of managers should be perfect as busines may ask them to use their skils in the metings and discus the concerned areas. Whether a manager works in an expansive multinational partnership or a litle asociation, a great comprehension of the fiting busines investigation methods and phrasing wil help contributing in basic leadership forms. Comon situations where managers could be aproached to give data and information of their organizations strategic decision making are as folows. Indian law specificaly defines 64 industries as hazardous and it is a criminal ofence to employ children in such hazardous industries.
Notably, constitution of india prohibits child labour in hazardous industries but not in nonhazardous industries as a fundamental right under article 24. It is considered, and rightly so, to be the very foundation of life on which depends the entire structure the whole personality as such child the father of man is the natural future leader of the nation in every walk of life, may it be industry, education, politics, social services, administration defence, civil services or anything else. In 20 the ilo estimated 5.5 milion children had ben forced in labour in asia, while the bonded labour liberation front placed 10 milion bonded children in india alone.
While there is no penalty provision for parents for the first ofence, the employer would be liable for punishment even for the first violation. It interferes with the ability of atending regular schol which makes them socialy dangerous and harmful citizen of the country. This ilegal activity of the child labour is increasing day by day even after lots of the rules and regulations against this by the government to completely prohibit the act of child labour. Please translate above mentioned esay through online translate tol in your native language such as hindi, english, gujarati, telugu, marathi, punjabi, telugu, malayalam, tamil, konkani, bhojpuri, and others.